crow goddess

Crow Goddess (the song)


The song Crow Goddess is the title track of our album Crow Goddess. You can purchase it here. The lead singer is Anna Moondancer. Additional singers are: Alane, Carole, Deb, Donamarie, Donna, Melanie & Rebekah. This song honors the celtic goddess Badb, she who carried the souls of the dead from the battlefield to the underworld. As such, she is a goddess of courage and transformation.


Badb, Crow Goddess
Badb, Battle hardened warrior
Badb, Cauldron keeper
One of the Morrigan Three
Three times three we ask of thee
Enter here and lead us

Dark Lady, warrior crone
Lead us on our journey
We travel deep within ourselves
To learn the secrets there

1. We seek your strength to face the truths we may discover here this night
2. We seek to learn discernment to determine truth from lies
3. We seek to learn the limits that should stand and those to fall
4. We seek unwavering wisdom, not to turn away
5. Some of us will learn and wait, some of us will want to change,
some of us will seek to be transformed within this life
music & lyrics © Anna Hopkins Arnold, 2006

YouTube video