About Wendy Rule

Wendy Rule

Blurring the line between music, theatre and ritual, Visionary Songstress Wendy Rule weaves her dark ambient mystical songs along magical paths of storytelling and mythology to create a uniquely beautiful and transformative live experience.

Wild, wise and empowering, Wendy’s extraordinary voice and heartfelt lyrics honour her deep spiritual connection to Nature.

Over the past 25 years, Wendy has released 11 studio albums and numerous side projects, and has toured the world extensively. Originally from Melbourne Australia, Wendy is now living in the beautiful High Desert town of Las Vegas, New Mexico, USA, with daily access to the wilderness that inspires her transformational work.

Wendy’s blog posts:

Wendy’s posts

pagan musician Wendy Rule with incense

The Sacred Sabbats of Samhain and Beltaine

As the Wheel of the Year turns away from the planetary balance of light and dark at the recent Equinox in September, and toward the upcoming seasonal extremes of the December Solstice (Midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere and Midwinter in the Northern), we find ourselves approaching a deeply magical point...
Demeter in the pagan myth

Mabon & the Myth of Persephone

As we turn toward the darkening year, and the long Summer days give way to the generous ripeness of Autumn’s reach, I feel myself begin to focus my gaze inward, like the trees drawing back their chlorophyl, allowing the rich, hidden colours of the Inner Self to emerge. In witnessing...