Samhain / Halloween

Samhain is also known as Halloween. It’s on October 31st. At this time the veils between the worlds are thin and we listen to the voices of our ancestors and bid farewell to those who have died in the past year. The Crow Women feel a deep connection to Samhain. For our first album, Crow Goddess, we recorded several songs appropriate to this Sabbat: Web of Wonder, Dark Goddess Medley, Breaths, and Is, Was and Shall Be. On our second album, Crow Magic, the song She Calls is a song to the Dark Mother. The song In Our Bones, on our recent album Seasons, is about our relationship to our ancestors. Samhain Night is a haunting piece about the midnight celebration of Samhain. We also like to sing We Are the Witches at this time of year to poke a little fun at the witch stereotypes of secular Halloween.

Check out our Samhain playlist on Spotify

These are our blog posts about Samhain / Halloween:

painting of druids gathering for magic, by George Nicholas

The Third Harvest and Beyond

A powerful temporal landmark within the wheel of the year, there is magic and transformation in ‘The Fall’. Of course there is, we all feel it! Samhain/Soween/Calan Gaeaf is the third and final of the three pagan harvest festivals, a time when our ancestors would have harvested and prepared a...

Honoring the Ancestors with Your Voice

The celebration of Samhain (pronounced Sáh-wen) is an ancient Celtic festival that has been practiced for centuries. It marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the dark half of the year and winter. It is celebrated on October 31st and is considered to be one of...
witch on hill at Samhain

A Soul Journey at Samhain

Thank you for the invitation to share the background story of one of my songs. On this occasion, I have chosen Soul Journey written and created within my private stone fire circle on my land. As the lyrics convey “I lie in my nemeton circle serene, in a blanket of...
pagan musician Wendy Rule with incense

The Sacred Sabbats of Samhain and Beltaine

As the Wheel of the Year turns away from the planetary balance of light and dark at the recent Equinox in September, and toward the upcoming seasonal extremes of the December Solstice (Midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere and Midwinter in the Northern), we find ourselves approaching a deeply magical point...
detail of painting of Hecate by Carole McWilliams

Faces of Hekate

I love the lead-up to Samhain. I can dress as witchy as I want and fit right in with the Muggles celebrating Halloween. As Jon mentioned in his astrololgy post last week, even though most people celebrate Samhain and Halloween on October 31, the actual cross-quarter day is November 6...
labyrinth in desert mountains

Samhain Labyrinth Ritual

“We are come to the labyrinth tonight, walking one by one, in the dark of Samhain” These lyrics, from the song “Come to the Labyrinth” by S.J. Tucker inspired me to create a magickal Samhain ritual using a labyrinth as a symbol of walking through the liminal spaces of Samhain...

Samhain Ritual for Samhain Night

Samhain Night, the song, begets your Samhain Ritual The Crow Women song Samhain Night from our album Seasons (available from us) was written to parallel the flow of your Samhain ritual. Follow along to create your own Samhain Night. Midnight calls, the witching hourThe veil grows thin, we raise our...

Samhain Ancestors Chili

In autumn I begin harvesting my dried scarlet runner bean pods to have dry beans throughout the winter. Scarlet runner beans are an heirloom and many heirloom bean varieties are being rediscovered for their flavor and beauty. These beans have many uses throughout the seasons. Their scarlet flowers are a...