Samhain Ritual for Samhain Night

Samhain Night, the song, begets your Samhain Ritual

The Crow Women song Samhain Night from our album Seasons (available from us) was written to parallel the flow of your Samhain ritual. Follow along to create your own Samhain Night.

Midnight calls, the witching hour
The veil grows thin, we raise our power

As both hands of the clock come to stand erect, it is the most powerful time on the most powerful night of the year. The gap between the worlds has closed. It is the perfect time for magic.

The clock strikes twelve, we circle ‘round
Our spirits rise, our voices sound.

Gather your coven to begin at the stroke of midnight, casting the circle and raising energy as fits your tradition. Sing or chant to raise energy and tune your energy with each other.

Our circle cast, the dead arrive
From birth to death, from death to life

An example of an ancestor altar, or altar to the mighty dead, for your Samhain ritual.
A wonderful ancestor altar from Bart Everson, a talented New Orleans photographer.

Invite your mighty dead. Put their pictures or mementoes on a special ancestors’ altar. Speak their names. Tell their stories.

Our greatest fears, we face as one
Power and strength, darkness undone

Now is the time of year when we enter the time of shadow. With the support of our beloved ancestors, we have the power to face that which fears us most. Is it literal death you fear? Or the end of something? Is the shadow within you? Is the shadow cast over you by someone else? In the dark hush of Samhain Night, can you name it?

Come celebrate the Mystery
Shadow and mist, through which we see

A Samhain ritual altar with a variety of divination tools (tarot, Oracle decks, pendulum, scrying mirror, Hekate rune disks).
Samhain is an auspicious time for divination. Choose your favorite tools to use this night.

Our eyes are not the only senses that see. Use your favorite tools of divination to help you see past your conscious mind for the answers you seek and the path through shadow.

Queen Hekate, Dark Goddess, Crone,
You light the path, into the tomb

Even on the darkest path, you are not alone. Invite your mighty dead and any deities, guide or spirits of your choosing to help you move forward on the path set before you by your divination experience.

A dark goddess for your Samhain ritual.
Invite your own dark goddess or other guide to light your path.

A New Year comes, the old year gone
With dreams revealed, we carry on

You are headed into new beginnings. Leave behind your fears, any disappointments or old energy from the past. With your allies (divine, dead or living) at your side and a notion of where your new road might lead, close your ritual and return to the mundane world. Because…

It’s Samhain Night
It’s Samhain Night.

Divination Tools

Interested in some of the divination tools above? The Halloween Oracle, Halloween Tarot and Dark Goddess decks are perfect for Samhain use. How about a pendulum in smoky quartz for the dark time of the year? Or maybe you want to go uber occult with your own scrying mirror.

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