the album cover of Seasons: A Pagan Journey Around the Wheel


Seasons: A Pagan Journey Around the Wheel is the Crow Women’s latest release, and our best album yet. You can buy it here. After the previous album (Crow Magic) was released in 2012, all of our songwriters just kept on writing more and more (and MORE) songs. In 2018, when we assessed the backlog of songs to record, we found we had 43 new pieces! After sorting through them, we realized that many of them were related to the eight Sabbats of the pagan wheel of the year. That became the theme of the album, which was released on Beltane of 2019. The album has 23 tracks, arranged by Sabbat, starting at Imbolc, then moving through Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Fall Equinox, Samhain and Winter Solstice. We started our website around the time we released Seasons. The website is a vehicle for sharing the music more widely. It’s also away to raise funds so we can record the next album!

This album takes our growing professionalism up another step. There is more instrumentation, complex arrangements and a more unified sound. Read about our feelings about the album in this blog post. We’re excited to share these songs with the earth spirituality, neopagan, Wiccan, and goddess spirit communities of which the members of the Crow Women are a part. Sing your way around the wheel with us!

Click on a song name to jump to that song’s lyrics & information page