witches fly

Away Ye Merry Lasses


Away Ye Merry Lasses is track 17 on Crow Goddess, the Crow Women’s first album, released in 2006. You can purchase it here. We learned this song from the album Flying Time by Linda Waterfall. We sure have a great time singing this playful song. We’re a women’s circle. We enjoy our relationships with men very much, but our circle meetings are our “girl’s night out”.


I told me Mum I was going out, she asked what I was all about
I asked if I could take the broom, I’m going to meet the girls
Oh, the moon is wax tonight and don’t you like the fellas?
I prefer the girls tonight, I’m going to ride the wind

‘Cause it’s the girls’ night out, away ye merry lasses
Get your brooms, get ‘em out, we’ll ride the wind tonight
Oh, it’s the girls’ night out, away ye merry lasses
Get your brooms, get ‘em out, we’ll ride the wind tonight

My sister is so bold and free, she asked if she could come with me
I saw her up above the trees, a-goin’ To ride the wind
Oh, the moon is wax tonight and don’t you like the fellas?
I prefer the girls tonight, I’m going to ride the wind

As we were goin’ out the gate we met our dear old mother
Ridin’ a broom and hummin’ a tune, and goin’ to ride the wind
Oh, the moon is wax tonight and don’t you like the fellas?
I prefer the girls tonight, I’m going to ride the wind
©Georje Holper, 1989

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Away Ye Merry Lasses

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