Sing Ho! For the Mead


Sing Ho! for the Mead is the first song Alane Crowomyn wrote for the pagan community. It was 1998, and Alane was diving headfirst into the delightful hobby of making mead (honey wine). We sure like mead and you can learn how to make it yourself in several of our recipe blog posts. The whole band sang this song: Alane, Carole, Deb, Judith, Marilyn, Melanie, Molly, Shannon and Tara. It’s track 8 on Crow Magic, available here.


Sing Ho! for the mead passed ‘round the fire
Ho! for the brewer with sticky hands
Sing Ho! For the drinker who won’t tire
Ho! for the gods of our green land!

The goddess sends the bees to fly
They distill the flowers’ love
Into the honey we’ll put by
For baking and cooking and brewing mead!

The transformation will arrive
When water, yeast and honey sweet
The touch of magic bring to life
Becoming our mystical, marvelous mead!

We pass a bottle in the night
Taste and test each other’s wares
Our faces lit by bonfire light
Our laughter powered by marvelous mead

The evening slips along toward dawn
And lovers slip into the trees
To celebrate quite privately
The honey delights of marvelous mead
     music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 1998

YouTube video:

Blog posts that mention this song:

Harvesting Honey for Mead and Magic

For the last several years I have been attempting to become a beekeeper, which to me means encouraging bees to stick around and live healthy productive lives within the little house I have provided for them, so that I might share in their bounty. As a witch from a Dianic...