In this time of plague, our spirits have taken a beating, but will not stay down for long! Communication among people–family, sacred circles, organizations–has developed a new tone, in which we reach out with love and concern. Whisper blessed be, or shout it out! This is a time for a healing ritual amid the coronavirus crisis. We ask the blessings of the Goddess upon all of us, asking for inspiration to discern the gifts for Spirit embedded in the awful statistics. Are we becoming closer in our hearts, even while creating more physical distance? Do we develop and learn new ways of expressing our love and caring?
Mother Earth, Gaia, the principle of Harmony herself are stepping up efforts to heal and restore the planet. With our excess population, our polluting ways, our uncaring grasping of resources, we have damaged Her deeply. She is shaking off our influence, and behold the freshness of the air, the clarity of the water, and the decrease of noise! Let us support the Goddess as she moves toward a more wholesome equilibrium, and may we learn the lessons she is teaching us.

A Healing Ritual
Although we are sheltering in place in our separate homes, the Crow Women have joined in this ritual for health and protection. We invite you to join us.
Cast your sacred circle with your athame or wand, according to your tradition. Light the candles on your altar, best if they are white or gold. Ask the elements and directions to attend your ritual, bringing their magic: From the East, a breeze that blows away the contamination. From the South, the Fire of Healing, burning away the virus. From the West, the cleansing waters that flow through and around us, washing away any sickness. And, from the North, the very powers of the Earth herself, Goddess who gives life to us all, and brings the newness of Spring, regardless of the virus’ spread.

Now, light some sacred sage, or an incense that you associate with health or protection. As you cleanse and charge your ritual space, visualize White Light descending from above, sparkling and glowing in your circle, and filling you with the energy of healing.

Sing or play those songs that help you activate your healing and protective magic. There are many in the Spotify playlist above. One of our favorites is Healing Circle Song. You can play the track on this website here. With this song, we create a spiral of healing, radiating out to others, cycling back to ourselves. May we be united in our healing magic.
I am a circle, I am healing you
Healing Circle Song, recorded by the Crow Women on Crow Goddess, author unknown
You are a circle, you are healing me
Unite us, be one
Unite us, be as one
Visualize placing all your beloveds–friends, family, co-workers–within your circle, that they are also surrounded by White Light. Request the Goddess to touch us all with her healing hands, and melt the disease into the Earth, which will transform the illness-causing elements into benign and inert substances.

As we, the Crow Women do this circle in our own homes, but connected to one another in spirit, we include you in our blessings. May you be safe, may you be healthy. And, may the Goddess help you hold your grief, soothing you with her gentle hands as you mourn the losses.

Now, the Goddess and the God, and all benevolant and loving Magical Beings can fill that space with love, protection, support and confidence. May this love radiate out to all beings of the earth and to the earth Herself. May it be like a battery of healing and support that all can draw upon to sustain themselves during these times. An it harm none, and for the good of all, so mote it be!
Let’s draw upon the comfort of sacred rituals like this one to support and sustain us. And, of course, wash our hands often, stay home as much as possible, and wear masks if we absolutely must go out. Let the spiritual and the practical join together to keep us as safe as possible.