Have you or someone you love ever been wronged, or threatened? And in that moment did you experience the feeling that you were expanding in size and transforming into a giant warrior woman?
I have. Too many times to count.
There is a warrior living inside me. She is always there, just under the surface, and I can call on her at any time. She is strong, fierce, and confident, and she gets the job done. She handles the situation.
I have been working with the warrior for decades. In fact, I have written songs for her, Freya and the Warrior Queen, and a fantasy fiction book series The Warrior Queen Chronicles. I run an annual (pre-covid) Women’s Warrior Retreat and hold Sing Your Warrior Song Workshops.
I learned long ago to embrace my warrior side, and to help other women to reclaim their warriors as well. I do everything that I can to honor the warrior.

The Warrior in Action
I was on a trip to Glastonbury and had brought my best friend along. There was a public phone booth about ¾ of a mile away from the inn, and my friend would walk there to call her kids. One night she left to make her call. After several minutes, I put the book down that I was reading. I had an overwhelming urge to follow her to the phone booth.
I couldn’t see her until I turned the corner onto the well-lit main road. It was dark and there were no cars. A box truck drove past me, and approached her, slowing to a crawl, and stopping on the opposite side of the road, half-way between us.
I started jogging to close the distance. The door opened, and a man stepped out, looking right at her. He was looking around and froze when he saw me. I stopped and stared at him from a hundred feet away. My senses alert, I could see his face clearly. I put my hands on my hips, shaking my head back and forth, never taking my eyes off him. I felt myself growing twenty feel tall, like a massive statue of Athena that you might see guarding an ancient temple. I felt like I could span the hundred- foot gap in one step and crush him like a bug. He felt it too. He jumped in his truck and drove off like the hounds of hell were on his heels. But they weren’t. It was just me and my warrior. Protecting someone that I love. Handling the situation.
Embrace the Warrior Goddess within
Women are multi-faceted. We can be nurturing, loving, and caring, providing comfort to those around us. We can also be strong, fierce, and protective as well. To be whole, we need to embrace every aspect of who we are. Until we integrate each aspect of ourselves, we can never achieve balance. Celebrate ALL that you are!
The war goddesses of old represented the whole. One part presiding over war and death, and another over creation, life, and beauty.

from Greek mythology, was the Goddess of wisdom and war, also arts and crafts, especially spinning and weaving. Destruction and creation. Her symbols include armor, helmet, and spear.

from the Irish, is one of the Morrigan and a Goddess of war and of the Earth. Destruction, creation, and protection. She symbolizes respect for life. She was known for protecting those who were not strong enough to protect themselves. Her symbol is the horse.

Egyptian Goddess of War and Healing. Destruction, healing, and protection. A solar deity with the head of a lion, she was the daughter of the sun god Ra, protecting the pharaohs in the afterlife. She was believed to cause plagues but could also heal any ill. Her aspects are the lioness, and the solar disc.

Norse Goddess of war, fertility, beauty, and love. Destruction and creation. She presided over the Valkyries, who would collect the fallen from the battlefield, delivering half to Odin to live in Valhalla, and the other half to reside with Freya in Folkvangr. Her symbols are the falcon, chariot, and boar.
Ritual: Honor the Warrior
Begin by casting your circle and calling the quarters:
call the east
Guardians of the East, powers of air, I invoke you and call you!
Great Goddess Freya of Love and Beauty, leader of the Valkyrie, protector of the fallen. Come!
By the Air that lifts my arrow high, I invite you to come forth in your cloak of falcon feathers and bless this circle. Hail and Welcome, Freya!
call the south
Guardians of the South, powers of fire, I invoke you and call you!
Great Goddess Sekhmet of Protection and Healing, powerful lioness, guardian of the beloved dead, Come!
By the Sun that reflects off my battle shield, I invite you to come forth in all your leonine splendor and bless this circle. Hail and Welcome Sekhmet!
call the west
Guardians of the West, powers of water, I invoke you and call you!
Great Goddess Athena of Wisdom and Weaving, powerful sea-eagle, teacher of shipbuilding, Come!
By the water that blesses my battle-spear, I invite you to come forth in your shining armor and helmet and bless this circle. Hail and Welcome Athena!
call the north
Guardians of the North, powers of Earth, I invoke you and call you!
Great Goddess Macha, Earth Mother and Protector of the weak, powerful Morrigan, Come!
By the Earth that cleanses my dagger and sword, I invite you to come forth on your galloping steed, red hair flowing free, and bless this circle. Hail and Welcome Macha!
I humbly enter this circle to honor you, the Great War Goddesses, and every woman who fights and cares for those that she loves. Women who show courage every day, sometimes in the face of great adversity, and never give up.
It takes great courage to be all that we are. Courage is not the absence of fear. It is knowing that challenges lie ahead and taking action in SPITE of those fears.
I dedicate myself to walk the warrior path in perfect love and balance, embracing all that I am. I join with my sisters who have done so before me. I revel in my strengths, I speak my truth, and I protect those who cannot protect themselves.
With the inspiration of these Great Goddesses, I become all that I am.
So Shall It Be!
Release the quarters
Guardians of the North, powers of Earth, I thank you for joining my circle! Great Goddess Macha who respects all life, my love and respect go with you. Hail and Farewell!
Guardians of the West, powers of Water, I thank you for joining my circle! Great Goddess Athena, spinner who creates beauty from chaos, my love and respect go with you. Hail and Farewell!
Guardians of the South, powers of Fire, I thank you for joining my circle! Great Goddess Sekhmet, daughter of the Sun, my love and respect go with you. Hail and Farewell!
Guardians of the East, powers of Air, I thank you for joining my circle! Great Goddess Freya, chariot steerer, my love and respect go with you, Hail and Farewell!
Close your circle.

For information on my Patreon Campaign, and to join my mailing list to find out about the upcoming Women’s Warrior Guild workshop series, please visit my Website.
I will see you on November 25th with my next blog, about ritual entirely in song. Have a blessed Harvest!
Hail and Farewell!
Cover photo of Kellianna with sword by Peter Paradise of Ravenwolfe Photography
That was wonderful and informative. Everyday I feel like a warrior, standing up for my patients against Arrogant doctors who do not listen. Or maybe rescuing animals being mistreated, being threatened by their owners and even risking my life to help them bc no one else will. Love your song, Warrior Queen and sing it often. Hope you make one of Mach’s.
The Forest Swan
Thank you, Kellianna! I am inspired by your call to embrace our whole selves, and I am going to use your ideas for calling warrior goddesses into my next circle of protection and strength.
I feel empowered just reading this article!
I too have felt a warrior’s presence within me especially when I had felt lost and defeated. I had gradually grown stronger with her. Now I write fantasy romance novels based on her .
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