About Ginger Ackley

Ginger Ackley

Ginger started out in Texas but is now happily living in Cleveland, Ohio since 2009.

From her earliest days, music was such an integral part of life. The family’s  baby grand piano was one of her best friends as she grew up! Her parents’ collection of records educated her in every genre, from opera and folk, to gypsy, flamenco and polka! Coming of age during the Great Folk Revival, artists and groups like Peter, Paul and Mary, Simon and Garfunkel, Burl Ives, Pete Seeger and all the rest, became her teachers. Her piano playing graduated to guitar strumming.  Wanting to be part of the folk music wave, she started writing little bits of song here and there and found that music was a great way to get along with just about everyone!

Fast forward some years, and Ginger acquired her first autoharp somewhere in the mid 1990’s. That was love at first sound and she’s never looked back! It was the same with the pennywhistle, too. She had a band called “Rowan Moon”  before her journeys out of Texas and she gained some great experience with writing and producing music with them!

Now that she lives in Ohio, she has seven albums for a wide range of audience. Three albums are written with our younger pagan listeners in mind.  Her latest release, EnCHANTica, is a collection of chants and songs that come from Spirit and all the Elements.  The album grew out of the weekly video broadcast that started when the Covid lockdown hit back in March of 2020 – and has continued every Wednesday since!

She also performs in different guises, such as Posie the Flower Pixie and Snowdrop the Winter Fairy.  In her fairy garb, she often says that her music is for K.O.A.A. – Kids Of All Ages!

In 2020, Ginger was voted Best Female Artist by the International Pagan Music Association. She endeavors to bring quality pagan music to every venue she can, real time and online. Her music is available on several online stations and all the streaming services.

“I take all my power back from you!”

Ginger Ackley is one of the 19 artists who have raised their voices in support of reproductive freedom on The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights, which will be released in 2023. Her track is called Reclaim. She says about her track; “The traumas of life have captured small pieces of our souls. Those pieces remain trapped in the past, tethering both the person and those that have caused the pain. Neither can go forward until that tie is released. As I say in Reclaim; “It is time to reclaim our power and become whole!”

Learn more about Ginger Ackley

Ginger’s blog posts here on Pagan Song

photo of person looking at a starry sky

The Leader of the Elemental Band!

This is the final installment of Ginger Ackley’s series on the Elements. She has guided us through pagan music and magic for air, fire, water and earth, and now completes the cycle with this post about spirit. “Now that all the Elements have been gathered and are dancing in our...
the earth rising as seen from the moon

All Earth’s Children Gotta Sing!

When you are in need of a Mother’s love, just look down at your feet.  When you call Her, She comes! Every day, our feet are stuck to Her as She spins in the cosmos.  From this connection to Her, we have everything we need to live.  All the other...

Water… Calling Water! Water… We are Water!

I am such a water baby!  It’s the Element I feel closest to.  From my earliest days, my poor mother always had quite a challenge getting me out of or away from water!  Since we had a lovely creek in the back of our home – and being a Pisces...

In The Dark, There Is A Spark

It was a dark and stormy night  Visualize a writer a composer an artist They sat, staring at the blank space in front of them.  They needed the right words to help people understand how deeply they connected with the natural world.  They wanted their readers to know how vital...
air elemental spirit, white figure in the sky

Breathing Out

Allow me to introduce you to a good friend of mine.  She is a Sylph, an Elemental of the Air.  (She usually seems feminine to me but I know that can change in the space of a breath!)  I believe the Sylphs were the first Elementals I actually met –...

Dancing With the Child Goddess

Frequently, musicians are confronted with the question, “What’s your process?”  For a Pagan musician, that process is often tied to our spirituality.  Instead of sitting down to write a song, and then work out the melody and chording, Spirit taps us on the shoulder and starts whisper-singing a new piece...
Older couple in love

The Promise

Do you believe that lovers and partners are meant to find each other?   Once upon a time, back in 2006, I was on my way to the airport with a friend.  We were running a little late but we were both excited about the adventure that lay before us.   That...
Ginger Ackley, pagan songwriter, playing autoharp at Imbolc

Candle In The Dark

You’d think that we humans would be used to it, this dark time of Winter.  It happens every year,  with greater intensity the farther north you live.  It is almost a ritual in my own home to remark on how dark it is and how early the darkness comes, how...