About Krista Chapman Green

Krista Chapman Green

A native Texan, I finally found my forever home thirteen years ago in the foothills of Arkansas. With that move, a huge shift started within me that there was no escaping. I am thankful for those changes every day.

As a long time solitary practitioner of a nature-based eclectic path, I found the healing spaces and places that fit the pieces of my soul back together, like a puzzle. My two greatest loves, writing and music, began to flow together in the perpetual beauty of this place that is now home to my heart.

I often picture the history of my life like a shattered mirror, and my songs are the stories of every broken shard. Every memory is one glinting piece of the whole, and like a kaleidoscope, all those broken pieces have been rearranged, creating beauty as the light shines through. My life and the lives of so many others that have touched me along the way are hidden here in the words and melodies of my songs. Stories of hope, despair, joy and love, with Those I follow and Those I am still learning so much about.

Thank you for joining me on my journey, may you find comfort and laughter, strength and even tears in my songs, stories from a wandering heart.

“And now, all I see are uncounted eyes,
Looking back at me, and they show no surprise”

Along with nineteen other bands and artists, Krista Chapman Green has added her own voice to the upcoming release of The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. When discussing her song Pull the Parachutes she said; “How easily we have forgotten the strength of the Goddess and all those under her eyes. We have slowly allowed the world to become a more and more hostile environment to women in general. Eventually something will have to give.”

Krista’s blog posts

Krista's birthday card and knitting

Healing through Faith, Belief and Magic

It’s my Birthday, and Goddess do I feel blessed for this one! As I sit here, feeling excited and looking forward to what this next trip around the sun has in store for me, the first 51 days of this new year also leave me feeling a little fearful. I...
Krista Chapman Green sitting on the grass with her daughter's head in her lap

The Raven and the Wren

Sitting in the waiting room of a surgical hospital is how I spent election morning. Wondering if the surgeon would be able to concentrate as he repaired the tiny holes in my sister’s ear, and would she still maintain any hearing in her right ear? I sat there with my...
Plaque that says "I am still learning" with leaves in background


As I sat trying to make a final decision on what to write about for this blog, I came back again and again to changes. It feels like the world is spinning at an incredibly fast pace. Changes come at us from a million different directions. About the best we...
moon magic candle

Altars of the Moon

Now comes the days of the Summer Swelter, that expanse of time in the South when everything lives beneath a blistering sun, and ever increasing temperatures. I follow  a different calendar than some, and so for me, summer is here and she is here to stay. I love watching the...
garden tools leaning against building

February Freedom

February is always a very intense month for me. We’ve celebrated Imbolc and the Blessings of Brigid, and now we stare the long last remnants of winter in the face. The February sun shines with an intensity that always appears this time of year and I watch each morning as...

Thankfulness Without “Thanksgiving”

I do not celebrate Thanksgiving, I haven’t in over a decade. It simply is a fact. I don’t mind if everyone else does. I won’t hurl your turkey through the air, or dump your gravy boat. I just don’t celebrate it. What I do celebrate is Friendsgiving. I imagine a...

The First Harvest

As we sit at the table of our first bountiful harvest of the year, what do you see laid before you? This is a question I have asked myself too many times to count over the last week. The same answer rang back in my face over and over, “keep...
Altar for Imbolc

New Starts and Old Lessons

When I started my journey thirty years ago, it was the Spring that was standing at that gateway. It was the spring that first showed me the beauty of the Divine and the Feminine rolled into one beautiful flower basket. Through no fault of their own, the first magic works...
witches' broom on doorstep

Words are my Weapons

Power I want to relay first, how thrilled I was Alane asked me to be a part of this and to write a few of my thoughts down. Of course, then reality came crashing down,  with a strong whiff of imposter syndrome following behind it.  Part of me assumes that...