A native Texan, I finally found my forever home thirteen years ago in the foothills of Arkansas. With that move, a huge shift started within me that there was no escaping. I am thankful for those changes every day.
As a long time solitary practitioner of a nature-based eclectic path, I found the healing spaces and places that fit the pieces of my soul back together, like a puzzle. My two greatest loves, writing and music, began to flow together in the perpetual beauty of this place that is now home to my heart.
I often picture the history of my life like a shattered mirror, and my songs are the stories of every broken shard. Every memory is one glinting piece of the whole, and like a kaleidoscope, all those broken pieces have been rearranged, creating beauty as the light shines through. My life and the lives of so many others that have touched me along the way are hidden here in the words and melodies of my songs. Stories of hope, despair, joy and love, with Those I follow and Those I am still learning so much about.
Thank you for joining me on my journey, may you find comfort and laughter, strength and even tears in my songs, stories from a wandering heart.
“And now, all I see are uncounted eyes,
Looking back at me, and they show no surprise”
Along with nineteen other bands and artists, Krista Chapman Green has added her own voice to the upcoming release of The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. When discussing her song Pull the Parachutes she said; “How easily we have forgotten the strength of the Goddess and all those under her eyes. We have slowly allowed the world to become a more and more hostile environment to women in general. Eventually something will have to give.”
- Visit Krista on Bandcamp: https://kristachapmangreen.bandcamp.com/
- Follow Krista on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krista.chapman.16