About Meren King

Meren King

Meren Edna Marie King is a singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist presently making Music in Ocala, Florida, USA.

Meren has been a part of the Pagan communities in most of the places she has lived, and says that her faith contains a little bit of everything that she has seen and heard and read and experienced. Following no particular pathway or religion, her church is the wild places of the world, and her deities are all around her. Believing that we are all Energy, and everything is a part of everything else, she brings this sensibility to her music and stories, sharing her perspectives and beliefs with the world.

From Folk to Blues to World Beat and more, the songs she sings and the stories she tells will take you on a journey of the mind and heart. Come on along and join her on her adventures across this twirling Earth.

“Oh, ancient one we call to thee, in this our time of need.”

A passionate album about reproductive freedom will be released in 2023: The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. Meren King’s track is Goddess Calling. When asked about it, Meren said; “In this country we have been subjected to the will of Jehovah and his followers for hundreds of years.  It is time we call the ancient Goddesses to come to our aid, and with their strength, to stand up for what is right for the women of this world.  No one should ever be forced to create and bear children against their will, for any reason.”

Meren’s blog post


A Time of Rest, Renewal, and Letting Go

The Song Meadow Awakens Begins In the very early spring of 2020 I was asked to write a poem for Circle Sanctuary to celebrate Imbolc, using a picture of one of the springtime meadows in the sanctuary as a reference.  Gazing at the photo of a green meadow nestled at...
cover art for "Transitions" by Meren King


Here we are, walking the wheel again.  Familiar pathways lead through time, all the same yet not the same.  Ever onward through the ways, on these spirals of change. Our journey brings us to Samhain, the time of the final harvest of the year when the fields are burned and...
Two people with setting sun

The Wonder of Midsummer

Ah, MidSummer.  That time of the year when the days are long, fruits and vegetables are reaching ripeness beneath the warmth of the sun, and the natural world is buzzing and singing with life.   It is also the time of Festivals and Gatherings across the world, with people coming together...