Phil Kessler is the current host of Murphy’s Magic Mess on KZUM-Lincoln/KZUM-HD 89.3FM in Lincoln, NE. Murphy’s Magic Mess is the oldest and longest-running Pagan content radio program. He has been a part of the show since January 2009 and also hosts Lavender Hill on KZUM. Both shows can be heard live through the website, on the radio locally, and on your favorite mobile listening apps Sunday mornings from 9-noon Central Time.
Phil has been a part of the Lincoln area Pagan community since the mid-1990s and is also active in the local LGBTQIA+ community. He served as co-grand marshal of the first-ever Star City Pride Parade in Lincoln in the summer of 2021. He is a published author and is on hiatus from podcasting while settling into a new career. You can catch archives of his podcast through the Pagan-Musings Podcast Channel on YouTube and Blog Talk Radio and find his books on Amazon – be sure and look for Philipp J. Kessler.
- KZUM website: www.kzum.org
- show archives: www.kzum.org/archives
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/themess89.3
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/philippkessler
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeU-NNZG0-pch6AYIbBBDQ
- Blog Talk Radio: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/pagan-musings
- Co-host of Murphy’s Magic Mess on KZUM-HD 89.3FM, Lincoln, NE
- Co-host and producer of Lavender Hill on KZUM