Richard is a guitarist, bassist, drummer and singer for Spiral Rhythm. He is also an independent audio engineer. He has been making musical magic since September of 2018.
Playing a variety of instruments in a variety of styles, he’s always looking to branch out and explore all aspects of music.
He is an avid supporter of women’s rights, and of privacy in the bedroom. And as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, he is a supporter of gay and trans rights.
“Stay your lane, change your brain, all the same
Down the road, you are told, change your name
Change the frame, change the game, all the same
Law is old, we are wise, you don’t know”
Richard Anthony Williamson contributed a track to The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. He says; “The Endless Road is a song about displacement. It’s a song about the people who have lost their rights and their place in our society, and those who are threatened with losing their rights. When I heard about the overturning, it wasn’t long after that I heard about the other rights that might be next; such as privacy in the bedroom and gay marriage. And I decided I needed to take a stand, and this is the start of that process for me.”