Beltana Spellsinger came into awareness of her magickal “self” during a poignant experience at one of her first major Earth-Centered Spirituality festivals in Wisconsin, in 1996. After leaping over a bonfire and injuring her foot, she connected with a brilliant young Shaman named Skye who helped her in the healing process of body and soul. It was a journey she will never forget. Full of mystery and Otherworldly guides, who surrounded her in that place and that time to help save and redirect her… it set her upon a new path.
In that moment, she discovered that her magickal and musical name was “Beltana,” representing her day of birth on Beltane, the Celtic day of celebration of spring and renewal. Honoring her Scottish family heritage, she accepted the name as her own. Three years later, while recording her first musical album with a trio of bards called SONA, in Texas, her producer gifted her with her last name, “Spellsinger.” Bel (nickname) uses this name in Her circles, when performing music, or doing Her work for the Earth. She worked with SONA for a decade, traveling all over the country sharing original songs that she had written with her talented band mates; “Papa Joe” and “Little Joe” Credit. Her next experience with music in this realm was with an all-female group called BellaWyck, sharing the stage with her sister, Kittin, and her soul-sisters Jennie Starr and Boom Boom Valhalla, who only stayed together for a short, but significant time.
Spellsinger is now the sole name of her artistic persona. She still writes, and travels to this day, among the artists by whom she is ever inspired. She performs solo at times, or with a makeshift group of fellow bohemian bards, depending on time, space and circumstance, whenever possible. She feels that she is more of a singer/songwriter than a full-time musician, who has been influenced by the spirits that surround and guide her. Along with the Otherworldly creatures that interact with her, and the passions and people that she has known in her life, she creates music as she goes, and only when inspired. To her, music is a “way of life,” a necessity for her soul, and a gift from her muse, rather than a “job” or a profession.
To Beltana, music is a therapeutic and much-needed balm to her spirit.
Bel moved to her forever home, Wolvenwold, in the southern Missouri Ozarks in 1998. This is the sacred land that she calls her place of tranquility, where she resides with her daughter, Béla Czaba, and her sister, Kittin. She writes when the Muse speaks to her, and shares her voice when asked. She feels that her Path in life is to help others. Bel also has a podcast coming soon, focusing on sharing music and stories from her beloved musical community, and her activism and advocacy for LGBTQ, Reproductive, and Humanitarian Rights. She deems this new journey the “Blue Spark,” and her journey along the Dirt Road Bardic Path… is to be announced further as the project manifests via her official website throughout 2023.
“Ah… Viridity was yesterday.
Carefreee… guileless… sowing her rubies to ground.
Scarlett, open your eyes…
There’s another day… wake up…”
Spellsinger is one of the artists to contribute a song to The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. About Scarlett, she says; “We’re a family who have come together to make an offering to a cause that is dear to us: the Right to Our Bodily Autonomy. The rights and freedoms of our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, and the strong men who stand with us through this historic time will be regained. Together, we are manifesting that which is needed to lift up our voices in solidarity for future generations. We. Will. Not. Stand. Down. Scarlett represents us all.”
You can find out more about Spellsinger, sample her music, learn more of her history and all of her upcoming musical and activism-related projects, by connecting with her in these special places:
- Website: www.beltanaspellsinger.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bspellsinger
- SoundClick – www.soundclick.com/beltanaspellsinger
- Reverbnation – https://www.reverbnation.com/spellsinger