Deb Kroehwimwin‘s lovely voice has been featured on all of the Crow Women’s albums. On the album Crow Magic, her song Goddess Moon shares Deb’s intimate relationship with the moon.
Our album Seasons includes two of Deb’s songs. We Turn the Wheel conveys the main idea of the album and Join Together is a piece she wrote for the wedding of one of our crowsisters, Rebekah. On our most recent album, Pantheon, there is a lovely song by Deb called Ishtar.
Deb lives in Durango, Colorado.
Deb’s blog posts:
Spiritual New Zealand Journey
Aotearoa When I was able to spend a month in the Land of the Long White Cloud, I was meant to come back with some wisdom about the spirituality of the country. What I found was that I connected with the land and the ocean in ways that are informed...
The Witch’s Path
Are you wondering whether you are a witch? Have you felt or experienced something that led you to look at this path? Even if you do not call yourself a witch, do you connect with the magick in the world, seen and unseen? Finding a path Now that I look...
Those Who Sang Before
First Connection Last summer I was preparing to lead a Litha ritual, and I found a poem called “Wild Woman” in my files. I didn’t remember seeing or hearing it in the past, but it seemed perfect for the summer solstice celebration we would be holding in an oak grove...
Spiral Crone Journey
It’s finally spring! Not the time of year you’d expect to be thinking about the Crone, right? Well, I have some perspective on the Crone Journey that seems to fit with spring energy. A few weeks ago I drew a card from my gems and minerals deck, The Illustrated Crystallary...
Coming of Age as The Crone
I heard recently that we experience not one but many comings of age. I can’t find the author interview where I heard this, but I was inspired to think about my life at this stage as a coming of age. I have just retired from a career that has been...
Breaths of the Ancestors
Honoring our ancestors brings us into deeper connection with ourselves. The song Breaths is an illustration of this connection. As I move into the Crone goddess phase of my lifetime, this song is teaching me how to navigate this journey. Come with me and explore the history of this song...
Honoring Earth Mother
Although there have already been two Earth-awakening sabbats, right now is when you can really feel Her moving and springing up here in our neck of the woods. Grass is appearing, trees are budding and the ants have come out. Last night we had our first bear visit, so we...
Imbolc and her Cousins
February holidays like Imbolc celebrate moving towards the light...
Wondrous Water
As Indigenous people in the United States have recently had to remind us, water is life. As pagan Wiccans, we refer to water as the blood of the Goddess. Water is sacred, beautiful, necessary and precious. Water, wondrous waterI kneel before you, giver of lifeI cannot live without you within...
We Are Warrior Women
Warrior women for today The world may not be much different now from 6 months ago, but we in the US are experiencing it much differently. Global pandemics have been affecting many of our fellow beings on this planet for years; Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) have been...
Awakening to Spring!
In what ways does spring bring about awakening in you? Do you clean your house? Can you see into some dark corners you have been avoiding? Do you sift through dead leaves to find new shoots of plant beings in your yard? In this blog, I’ll explore my recent musings...
Celebrating the Wheel of the Year
Writing a wheel song: Samhain On our newest album, Seasons, we recorded a song I wrote called “We Turn the Wheel.” The song was to be a journey through the pagan calendar, including the festivals, sabbats and celebrations of the seasons. When I wrote the song, the first part that...
Create a Handfasting Wedding
Handfasting Wedding Ceremonies Handfasting wedding ceremonies are sacred rites of passage, and if you have a chance to be a part of one, it may change your life forever. There are many types of wedding rituals from cultures across the globe, and today many people wish to combine aspects of...
Planning a Lughnasadh Celebration
Any way you spell it, the first harvest sabbat of Lunasa is a time to celebrate what is coming to fruition in your life! As I plan the Crow Women’s ritual gathering for this pagan festival, I contemplate the joy of accomplishment that I want to share and incorporate into...
Goddess Moon
I was born under the Cancer sun sign, and have always felt a strong connection with the moon. I wrote the song “Goddess Moon” for a lovely outdoor ritual in a Crow sister’s back yard. We planned to use it to sing up the full moon! Goddess Moon, when are...
In the Fire – Giving “It” up to Kali!
In the Fire is a movement song. It generates physical movement with its rhythm and spiritual movement with its message. Hindu Goddess Kali dances in the fire, and is a fearsome, dark and very popular manifestation of the Goddess in India. She destroys what is ready to be reborn, and...