About Mama Gina

Mama Gina

Mama Gina is a full-time singer/songwriter, fearless storyteller, and wanderer. With down-to-earth, bluesy vocals, a bit of humor, and straight-ahead, rhythmic, acoustic guitar, djembe and frame drum, she tells the true stories that fall into her head and heart. She sings of our responsibility to nurture both the mundane and the Divine.

She really does have voices in her head.  Through her music you will meet Nine Toes the Bard, a 15th century Welsh lass who once dealt with a Dragon. Nine Toes now travels the world, singing tales of love and battle, Pirates and Vikings, damsels and elves, trolls and that wicked Dragon that left her one digit shy. And you will encounter the intra-galactic Bard, Ava/She Walks the Stars, who sings of how very human we still are, no matter how far we step into the void and into the future. 

Come laugh, weep, laugh some more and sing along with Mama Gina and all her alter-egos!  

“I’m done with compassion and you’re out of time
You’ve shackled and bound me and stolen what’s mine
Now I am vengeance – I stand at your door
Your chains made me stronger than ever before”

The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights is an impassioned response to the 6/24/2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade, as well as a call to action to support all affected by the Supreme Court’s decision. When asked about her contribution to this collaboration, Mama Gina said, “I was angry with the decision, but I did not realize how much I had suppressed that fury and helplessness until I began writing Revolution. It is beyond time to give voice to that rage, and resolve to protect our rights and those of future generations.”

Mama Gina’s blog posts:

A Pagan Artist in Residency

How I am preparing for my winter artist residency as a songwriter After years of dreaming of and researching artist residencies around the US, I have found a great fit, and am excited to announce that I have been awarded a five month artist residency with Osage Arts Community in...
hand holding slip of paper saying "to inspire"

Pagan Songwriters and Songs That Write Themselves

Songwriting is such a strange process. I often spend months and much research on a single idea, and it might take a year for the actual song to emerge and mature. I have even said that a song isn’t a song until I have played it 100 times, because it...
Recording equipment

4 Reasons to Collaborate on Pagan Music

I spent my first years in the Pagan musical community hiding from my fellow musicians every time they asked for folks to sing, play or otherwise contribute to something that they were working on. Why? My reasons might be different from others, but what it came down to was imposter...

Pagan Music for Protest and Activism

1971 and I was 9, living an almost idyllic childhood, deeply loved and sheltered from the world and news of the Vietnam War, riots, racism, and rising feminism. But that summer, the protest lyrics and subversive rhythms that began drifting through the car window at stop lights, on the radio...
Mama Gina's guitar case on a camp chair

The Bardic Path – Elevating the Mundane

I am a traveling Bard and a student of Kaballah. It can get confusing, as I am in a constant state of reconciling my mundane and magical perspectives into an “it is all One” state of being. My musical and spiritual paths are not simply intertwined. I honestly cannot pry...

Music Saved My Life

I sat on the couch – five and a half months pregnant. My husband pointed at my belly and said, “I can’t do this. You are the strongest woman I know. You’ll be fine.”  He walked out forever.  And I spiraled swiftly and deeply into a depression that seemed to...

Re-source, Re-Kindle, Re-muse

Ah, my fellow Creative Souls – and we are all Creatives, are we not? Do you feel side-tracked by a global pandemic? Has your quiet, inspirational source been drowned out by the drums of war? Have your bills and fears been piling up so high that you can no longer...
Mama Gina performing at Pagan Spirit Gathering

10 Tips to a Stellar Performance

The last couple of years of COVID-19, social distancing, career pivots, and cancellations has been hard on live performers.  Even career artists are feeling pretty rusty as they step back onto the stage. It’s a good time to remind ourselves of our strategies for showing up at our best as...

How I Found “New Religion”

I am a musician with a mission statement:  To make people feel something, and to focus on hope, even within the saddest songs.  How do you write of joy when you do not feel it yourself?  How do you deal with writer’s block and stagnancy?  How do you cease treading...
Mama Gina drumming

Celebrating Our Elders, Honoring Our Ancestors

A Gift of Song Safely curled up in my tent after a wet Autumn festival weekend, I contemplated this: my last evening in the woods, the pre-Samhain introspection of the rituals and workshops, and my connection to my community and to our elders and ancestors.  A time for thoughts of...