As we enter a new season, I welcome the bold green of the grass underfoot at the park; the sense of possibility and change inherent in a fresh start. I want to embody the Divine, and treat my body as a temple of Aphrodite; to integrate the sacred arts of pleasure into daily life and make space for magick in all that I do. This post is the first in a new series that will focus on different aspects of self-care magic–honoring and loving every aspect of yourself–mind, body, and soul.
Sacred Spaces
It all starts with making physical and psychic space for new energy. Spring cleaning, de-cluttering, and re-organizing are perfect projects to tackle as we shake off the cobwebs of winter and enter a new season. Imbuing these mundane acts with a sense of the sacred might include a simple blessing with salt and water, followed by a sage or sweet-grass smudge. Lighting a few candles, burning some incense, and listening to your favorite music is a way to create ritual space anytime.

Kiva’s song, Aphrodite, is the perfect track to help create sacred space- meditative and inspiring, with a simple, steady rhythm that makes it an easy call-and-response chant to use in group rituals as well as your solitary practice. Move to the sensuous rhythms, embodying the grace, gentleness, and strength of Aphrodite. Feel the healing energy of the ocean, the river; the inward tide of your tears; and know we are all connected.
Holding on to energy from the past can prevent us from moving forward. Similarly, hanging on to physical objects you no longer need does not serve your higher purpose. Clothes you’re not wearing and bedding you don’t use anymore can still keep someone warm at night–gift them to a local shelter for the homeless and share you abundance with those in need. Clean out your pantry and make a donation to the nearest food bank. Books you’ll never read again can be gifted to friends or dropped off at a Little Free Library. Check out their website to find one in your neighborhood, or learn how to create your own! It feels good to give back–and getting rid of the clutter makes a difference in the way your home feels, raising the vibration and creating space for new energy and inspiration.

Marie Kondo, tidying expert and founder of KonMari Media, really inspired me when I started this project. The whole “Spark Joy” phenomenon showed me a whole new way to look at tasks like this–check out for more details! I found her book and her show on Netflix to be really helpful in approaching organizing my home in a whole new way. I’ve also been a fan of “Queer Eye” for ages, and love the Fab 5’s amazing approach to a whole-life makeover. That was part of my inspiration in creating this series for Pagansong.

Tending the Flame
A lot of my work happens in front of a computer screen, or on the phone–so part of my daily practice involves getting out of my head–taking dance breaks, meeting up with a friend for girl talk at the park, and long walks keep me grounded and centered. It’s even more fun with a friend, and helps you stay accountable. If I know someone is waiting for me, I’m more likely to show up for that workout. Here’s a great playlist to help you get moving! My crowsister Alane set it up especially for this post. An envigorating new exercise playlist will accompany each post in this series. Perfect for everything from house-cleaning to powerwalking, and all the tracks are by pagan recording artists. Including the Crow Women, of course!
Even tiny things, like remembering to stay hydrated, making myself a cup of tea, or singing in the shower–they all feed the soul. My nightly shower is a ritual in and of itself. I talk to the Goddess, sing, ask for guidance, take pleasure in my own loveliness, and scrub off the stresses of the day. Crying in the shower can be incredibly cathartic after a rough day. Adding in a sacred chant, like Kiva’s Aphrodite, is a wonderful way to raise energy while you’re getting all lathered up! Let the water fall all around you like rain as you chant, “Strong like the ocean… Gentle like rain… River wash my tears away… Aphrodite…”

I love to spoil myself, and facials, manicures, music, wine, and bubble-baths are often a part of my self-love rituals as a priestess of Aphrodite. This didn’t come naturally to me. I had to learn to take time for these acts of pleasure and self-love. Dressing up, playing with makeup and accessories, and doing inventive things with my hair all help me connect to the Divine feminine in some mysterious way that leaves me feeling confident, powerful, and sexy. It’s self-care magic, for sure.
Buying new sandals in spring and new boots in autumn are a little ritual just for me. Sometimes, on a Friday night, I splurge on takeout, make a cocktail, put on lipstick, and have a date with myself. All dressed up but nowhere to go? Might as well look fabulous while you’re in exile for the good of the realm. Check out Madcap Accessories. I bought this cute bottlecap necklace from this intriguing Etsy store.

Spirit and Shadow
Springtime is the perfect season to reconnect with spirit. Take the time to refresh your altars- clean your ritual items, and change the altar-cloths and candles. Adding fresh-cut flowers and bringing plants into your sacred space is a wonderful way to ground your practice in nature, especially important for city-dwelling witches like myself. As a reward for clearing out some space on my bookshelves, I went book shopping with a friend, and ordered a new deck of Tarot cards. This past year, I’ve been working with Kim Kranz’s The Wild Unknown: Archetypes deck and have fallen in love with the evocative images and in-depth free-form readings that are possible with a non-traditional deck. Do a new reading for yourself for the season with your favorite deck, after refreshing your altars. I recently decided to treat myself to another of her decks.(Both are available at her website, and buying directly from the author is something that my Crowe-sisters and I urge you to support.)

In that spirit, I decided to embark upon a year of dedicating myself to Aphrodite, to reconnect with the Divine: body, mind, and spirit, heart and hearth and home. This humble apartment in the midst of a bustling city shall become my stronghold, my refuge and retreat from the world; my own little Temple of the Goddess of Love. I have fallen away from that wisdom, and vow to forge a new path to the sacred, embodying Her in all that I do. When I work, play, dance, and dream, I will endeavor to ask myself, what would Aphrodite do? That means working the self-care magic of honoring and nourishing the body, mind and spirit. I’ve been making time for my writing again, after a long season of hibernation, and it feels wonderful to set my feet back on my path. I hope you’ll join me on this journey…
Hope Springs Eternal
hibernation ends
shake off winter’s cold cobwebs
dance yourself awake
Wonderful post. It fits with all the cosmic messages I’ve been getting heading into spring. Of course, de-cluttering is always an issue in my humble castle.
Thank you so much, Carole! One thing that I found really useful from the “Spark Joy” series on tidying is, Marie always says to do things by category rather than by room. Initially, I started with my books and moved on to sort thru my clothes, as the first two groups to focus on, and have really seen some good progress. That way I’m really getting rid of anything I don’t use, rather than just moving piles of “maybes” from place to place! Good luck, sister. Let me know how it goes!
Thanks for the the shout-out, Molly! I’ve been meaning to do some sort of write-up on talisman jewelry/clothing; those accessories that make you feel stronger, more powerful, able to face whatever the day holds in store. Much <3 for this post – I think I remember looking at the Kim Kranz decks at my favorite magical mercantile in Salem. I also really enjoyed getting to peek at your bookshelf 😛
Definitely happy to help out! I always love to see your creations! My post for summer is going to be fierce and fiery- if you have anything special that could accessorize that mood, let me know and I’ll see if I can drop a mention into my next post!!
This was a fiery inspiration! Great resources, too. I love the gentle and loving way you approach the spring cleaning with spirit!
Thank you for the words of encouragement! I’m glad my piece struck a chord with you! Spring cleaning is a year-round project for me, admittedly- I’m always trying to keep the energy flowing! Hope these tips were helpful in de-cluttering your nest.
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