Greetings, friends! Mabon, the season of the Equinox is upon us. On September 22, 7:03:31 PM, MDT the Sun slips into Libra. Day and night are equal. The Sun has dropped below the horizon already, marking the change quickly.
Also, all but the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars are retrograde right now! It looks and feels like the Universe is holding its breath for the next moment. On Oct 2nd Mercury goes direct. Pluto follows next on Oct 8th, then Saturn on Oct 23rd. By January all will be direct and I would expect to see events moving much more quickly then. Whether personal or on the world stage, things will make it feel like a new era.
For now, the season is winding down, the harvest is happening. My garden is giving up its summer fruits and the eating is delicious! Tomatoes, Tomatillas, Squash, various beans, Lettuce (through the season), and of course my wife’s lovely medicinal Marijuana!
Autumn time is coming, dear! Here’s a lovely song by the Crow Women that takes us on a magical journey through the autumn Sabbats. Why not make it your soundtrack as you read your sign’s horoscope, below?
Autumn time is coming, dear
music & lyrics © Tara D. Kiene (ASCAP) 2018, recorded by the Crow Women on “Seasons“
Cold and dark are drawing near
Apples fall from highest branch
And freezes nip the garden
September leads the march to death
Harvest all that ye have left
Giving thanks for crop and yield
Celebrate the Mabon
October chills and bonfires brings
Color through the forest reigns
Samhain comes, the veils will lift
‘Tis the witches season
November leaves the branches bare
Smoke and baking fill the air
Come ye all to feast and fete
Countless are our blessings
Autumn time is coming, dear
Cold and dark are drawing near
The Goddess wraps you in her arms
And keeps you warm through winter.
Enjoy your harvest, whatever it is you planted and nourished, watered and weeded, loved, and brought forth to fruition. Give thanks and share!
The usual; this is all for enjoyment, reflection. Take this seriously at your own risk. These readings apply to the quarter of the year from a few weeks before fall equinox, and onward until we get close to winter solstice.

Astrology for Mabon, 2022: readings
Firey Mars is pushing ahead. However, he goes retrograde just before Samhain and stays that way in Gemini until the middle of January. I see this as an omen to go over those thoughts and writings of yours for now. Tweaking may be needed. It’s always a good idea to present your best face at the right time.
Venus is having a grand time moving on ahead. Now in Virgo, she pushes on direct well into next spring when she finally does a “retro” in Taurus. For now, I think the cleareyed vision of beauty and grace marches on for this season, running behind the Sun until October, then moving ahead, passing the South Node.
Mercury begins this period in retrograde and close to the Sun. At the beginning of October, he goes direct and slowly catches back up with the Sun in November, then shoots on through to Capricorn at Yule. Many messages to pass on this season. Should be a grand time for anyone writing and communicating.
The Moon starts off at the end of Leo, then slides into Virgo today. She can feel a bit held down in earth signs, but it is not particularly bad, being somewhat in sync with water signs. There is only Neptune in a water sign. That, of course, is a lot. A familiar connection to her own element. Sweet dreams and night visions. She is key to the chart.

The Sun leads it all. Starting the season in Libra, the very symbol is about the balance between light and dark, day and night. There is no “good or evil.” This is about the Eastern concept of the balance of energy, always shifting and moving to changes in the wind. But the Sun is a key part of the sky.
So, your guy will be retro in Virgo until October 2. This feels personal but really you are thinking it is no big thing. Just more time to put the finishing touches on what you have going on now. Dot those “T”s and cross those “I”s. After October 2, it’s full steam ahead and you will be better prepared for the next step. I am sure you have a thing or ten planned in your own quiet way.
Your Venus (and Mercury and the Moon!) are rising in the east. That puts them in the 12th house which is considered “hidden” and a place ruled by Neptune. Not a bad place to be. It’s quiet, except for the hum in your ear of “other voices” you can’t get away from. Venus is the one planet that stays direct this season. Those voices give you advice.
The one thing in Scorpio now is the South Node of the Moon. Later in late October, The Sun, Venus, Mercury show up and cross over the S. Node. Moon of course is always coming through. These are all connections to past Karma; in Scorpio those may tend to be intense. That and transformation. Getting to the heart of the matter. Not bad, just real.

Jupiter starts in September retrograde in Aries. It had spent a long time this year in Pisces, the sign it traditionally ruled. Pulled into Aries, retro’d and now back in Pisces, until it goes direct again and back into Aries in time for Yule! That will be a glorious time! Jupiter goes from spiritual connection to making things happen in the world.
Pluto is still in Cap; right now, the only planet (except the Moon) there until the beginning of December with Mercury and Venus and of course the Sun at Solstice! Looks to me like a period of continuing deep meditation. He goes direct in October, finally! May be hard to express that depth in the outer world but inside you may be exploding with insights. Write them down.
Still just Saturn hanging out here. Retro now but goes direct in October. No other planet, other than the Moon, of course. Which is not so bad. Saturn does “rule” Aquarius (old school) so is at home here. Saturn comes close to squaring Uranus (modern ruler) for a while. That does create some friction but more about how to “do” Aquarius. About form than substance.
Jupiter backs into Pisces at the end of October through almost the Solstice, joining Neptune. Sort of a last hurrah for this configuration. Both rule Pisces but have not been there together since 1856! It’s kind of a big thing. I do believe that was a time of great renewal in spirituality in various forms. I think I have felt it this time around. Other things are happening too. Makes a difference.

photos by Jon Deer