Welcome to Mabon! Also known as Second Harvest, this time is grounded in the Fall Equinox occurring now. This is the time of the harvest; grains and fruits–so much from the Earth–and we give thanks! This is the time of Libra, of balance and seeking “relation” with our relations.
Mabon begins as the Sun goes into Libra; Sep. 23, 2023, 0:49:58 AM MDT. Here in Albuquerque the weather is finally cooling after a scorching summer, now blessed with at least some rain. Earth and Sky have not been gentle on many this year. Fire, flood, and wind have devastated so much. We ask for a gentle peace now. Calm the air and the heat and the flames. Let us, our children, and our land heal.
In the chart for the Equinox, we see the south Node, the place where we are coming out of, in Libra, but close by is Mars, signifying anger and distress. At the top of the chart is the North Node, where we are headed, in Aries and conjunct Chiron. The sign of beginning (ruled by Mars!) and the healer is there as well. From out of our ashes, we build anew.

Another important note: On Oct. 14, 2023, there will be a very visible (clouds willing) eclipse, in the late morning and visible through a lot of the Northwest down through Texas and Eastern Mexico. It will be going directly over Albuquerque, NM! Score! Front row seat!
The bigger reason I mention this is that being on the Nodes, there is extra juice to this eclipse; Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars are clustered around the South Node in Libra, Chiron near the North Node in Aries. Those who have placements in the Cardinal signs around 21 degrees (not just your Sun!) will be especially affected; big energy here. Also, Pluto is at 27 degrees Capricorn; close enough to be in the mix. Plus, Neptune (25 Pisces) and Uranus (22 Taurus) are close but at different angles; still potent. Prepare to have your world rocked! This will be a call to learn from the past so to step into the future better.
On that note, I need to mention something exciting in the pagan music scene. “The Red Album; Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights”; a compilation of music put together to be a marker, a protest, a statement for reproductive rights, so recently trampled on in the U.S. It’s an amazing collection of music from 19 artists coming together to spread the word. This has been a yearlong project to coordinate, record, and produce. Alane, the Pagan Song editor (who also is one the the Red Album’s producers) told me, “We hope the seeds we sowed with this album will reap a harvest of activism as well as of generous donations to the pro-choice organizations we’re supporting.” You can learn more on The Red Album’s webpage.
I have heard the album (and I’m listening again, right now as I write this!). Well worth it! Some great music by great musicians. I heartily recommend “The Red Album.”

Now, to the readings. As usual, blah, blah, blah, entertainment purposes, all for fun, but, seriously folks, read ‘em. You never know…… Any questions, write to me here. These horscopes are good from Mabon through until early December, when I’ll be back with your pagan astrology for winter.
Astrology for Mabon, 2023: readings
You may be the big recipient of the eclipse energy in October. At least I hope so! It looks as if a LOT of energy from your past is being shot gunned at you in a very big blast. Not just the Sun and Moon together, but with Mercury and Mars (hello?!). Pushing through to finish that novel? The next song (or album?) Healing something from the past that has had a hold on you. With Chiron on the North Node, this may be full of tears, but I think it will be a positive breakthrough.
Taurus is thought of as being pretty placid. However, you have a lot going on in your sign with Jupiter and Uranus there. They aren’t conjunct and won’t be until April 2024. Then there will be a lot! Even now, you should or will be soon feeling the energy rising as the eclipse will be aspecting that Uranus in your sign. Expect a lot of excitement and some probably unexpected turns of events coming together. If it is hitting a point in your chart, all the more affect!
I see your 5th house getting a serious boost with the eclipse in October. Mercury, your guy, the Sun, South Node all in a bunch in Libra. As that is your house of creativity and children and love affairs, it looks very juicy. Someone or something from your past back for some clearing up of old karma perhaps? Or meeting someone with whom you may be creating some future karma. Either way, this will be memorable.
The Eclipse on Oct 15 will deeply affect you, especially if you have placement around 21 degrees in any of the Cardinal signs. This will be squaring your Solar sign and that alone will be big medicine! This will be running across your solar 4th and 10th houses, creating a Grand Square in your chart. Also, Pluto is at 27 degrees Capricorn, close enough to be a part of this event. There is so much energy here, it will be very noticeable.

Looks like communication is a big thing right now and it’s something to do with past anger. Am I reading that right? Perhaps is more just an urgency to get a message out. Fair enough. The end goal is worth it. Greater understanding and on a higher level than before! An element of healing is involved here too. Your creative juices are really cooking right now! I see inspiration and beauty in your chart.
Your season has just passed but Mercury is in your sign now. After having been retrograde for a good while, it’s full steam ahead now, slipping through Libra, Scorpio and to the end of Sag. by the Solstice. I would guess that is also a statement about your mental travels right now. Having spent time reviewing and rethinking, reconsidering, but now ready to charge into the next challenge, eh? Good, clean, clear thinking. Precise.
Happy Birthday, Libra! Want to be on the vanguard of the next revolution? You are in the “Sweet Spot” regarding the coming eclipse (see the intro). It may also feel like you are in the middle of Hell too. So much energy! This will probably feel like your past is coming for you. This could be a defining moment for you. Just take the energy of the time, center down and focus, then send it through you and out into the universe. You have this!
Your traditional ruler Mars will have just slipped into Scorpio in time to be connected to the South Node for the Eclipse. A wide conjunction but still there. Pluto (your new ruler) is in Capricorn and will be squaring the Nodes. Sounds like Scorpio is in the thick of it, again, as usual! This will be intense for you. Though your sign is not affected directly, your rulers are. Great time for meditating in the storm in October. Or at least enjoy the storm.

This eclipse may or may not affect you much. Of course, if you have planets other than the Sun being in line with the energies that will be a consideration. For now, Jupiter is retrograding in Taurus, a peaceable place to hang out. Re-thinking those big plans. Gives you time to think and strategize. Of coursed at the end of this cycle, the Sun marches through your sign and shakes it up, getting ready for the new year, a new start.
The eclipse will hit you as well. The Nodes are squaring your sign, possibly your Sun and whatever else you may have in Cap. This will be a wake-up call, forcing a struggle between what you hold dear at home vs. career. It may feel like something from your past is calling you to focus on your needs of the future. “The Ghost of Christmas Past” perhaps? With Pluto still in Capricorn and squaring the Nodes at the eclipse, I would bet on it! This is big!
“Mr. or Ms. Modern Hipster.” That’s what some call you. May be some truth to that. Or you may just be caught up in the dilemma of being between the past and the future. Aquarians can go either way. Your traditional ruler Saturn is new in Pisces and learning to swim in deeper emotional waters; your newer ruler Uranus is in Taurus and trying to shake up the reality molecules there. This may feel confused. It will all clear up, just not too soon.
With Saturn now officially in Pisces and Neptune still in Pisces, you are getting a double hit of big players in your sign. Neptune is cruising through the end of Pisces; Saturn is at the beginning. This could be good or not; Saturn could depress the dreamy imagination of Pisces or, Goddess willing, help give that fertile imagination some grounding and support for the beautiful, creative energy Pisces loves to show. Never forget to kiss the sky and the ocean.

photos by Jon Deer
For more information about astrologer Jon Deer, including his bio and his collected articles here on Pagan Song, check out Jon’s page on Pagan Song.
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