We are in an historic moment. This is a time of what has become shocking sadness for so many and what could be “the great alteration of our generation.”
There are clues in astrology that have connections. Pluto cruising through Capricorn has set a very somber tone to life in much of the world, certainly in America. Lord of the underworld and dark doings, moving through the sign of government and structure. Recently connected with Saturn which rules Capricorn (and Aquarius!) to make sure rules are adhered to. Now Jupiter joining up to add growth. These are not new things, though all three being together is a quite unusual happening!
Now, a “new planet” seems to have some connection to the situation also. This is the relatively newly discovered (2006) dwarf planet Eris. Remember her? In mythology she was a troublemaker and creator of mischief. She has not been studied very much, but perhaps now is a great time to start. Some speculate that Eris is not necessarily malefic, but may serve more as a force goading towards change. Also, Eris moves very slowly but the effect may seem to happen very fast; the underlying cause that no one saw until it became huge!

Now Eris is squaring Pluto. Hmm, not so good. Pluto rules, among other things, disease, underworld dealings, things unseen, the dark underbelly. Squares are tough aspects, forcing dealing with things that one might not want to deal with. Can also be the hard catalyst for needed change. The combination could very well be an indication of COVID-19 happening now.
Now, something here to remember. A major tenant of astrology is “the stars impel, they do not compel.” We always have free will and can at least change how we deal with what has been put before us.
It could be more a matter of evolution being needed now, a need to grow beyond the current situation in the world towards something more sustainable. Self-quarantining may be creating a bit of chaos now, but it is also clearing the air, reducing pollution, showing us–forcing us–to see a better way life can be. It is a painful lesson, but our civilization may need this.
Perhaps this will end up being the massive wakeup call that is needed. A vaccine will be developed We will keep ourselves safe as best we can until we can come back out. The world will gear up to fight this plague and intelligent and thoughtful leadership will take over and take us to a better place than where we are now.
So, now, at Beltane, a time of renewal and joy we have this situation of a lot fear of death. How shall we handle this? How do we individually, and as a culture–as a society–deal with this? We will feel our way through this to the other side. And, yes, I believe there will be another side. After all, this is Beltane. Life renews itself. It always does. And we carry on.
I am the calm, I am the quickening
from Song of Beltane, recorded by the Crow Women on the album Crow Goddess
I’m the intoxication and the force
I am the silence, I am the singer
I’m the stallion galloping to its source

The sun is now in Taurus
The point of Beltane this year is on May 4, 6:51:15 pm MDT. As an event chart we see the Sun and Mercury in “combust”, so close that thought, and receptivity to thought, can be hampered by ego. Mars and Venus are in a trine pointing to that positive balance of male/female polarity in our relationships and within ourselves. The Moon, being the only body outside of an otherwise less than half of the zodiac setup, opposes Chiron. Our pain and/or our partner’s pain is apparent. Now is a time to be gentle with ourselves and others, to be a wise and loving healer. Another note: the transiting Lunar nodes are at the beginning of Cancer and Capricorn; in square aspect to the “Aries point” and HIGHLY sensitive. Anything that happens right now that would hit 0 degrees Aries, 0 degrees Cancer, 0 degrees Capricorn, 0 degrees Libra is significant. How that may hit your personal chart will be felt as BIG! How that hits the world is huge.
Astrology for Beltane 2020: readings

The power play you are involved in may be bigger than you realize. From tiny acorns grow… If anything, mentally it is very stimulating. You are one of those who can thrive in a degree of chaos. Not too much, but a degree. That’s one of your great strengths.
I have read somewhere that Shakespeare wrote King Lear when he was quarantined at home during an outbreak of plague. He was a Taurus also. What are you keeping yourself busy with these days? I still see a LOT of thought and action around inspiration and career.
Inspiration coming hard and fast which will be supported with a strong infrastructure for now. In a weird way our current “unpleasantness” is helping you. Being forced to stay home and do what you really love? The chaos is still there yet you find a way of using it.
The Lunar Nodes are points of destiny in a way and the North Node is right at the beginning of your sign. I would see that as a green light for you! Perhaps your plans involve creating a new internet platform for people to connect through, concerning health and family issues.

Huge focus on your goals and career, a great push with how you work. This is serious stuff. Now it’s really getting to involve family and loved ones. (Do not push them away!) Chaos is lurking near, but I trust it won’t be that big a problem. Keep your health up (same for everyone else too).
For as cool and detached as you can appear at times, there is excitement in growth and learning and finding your creative passion. That passion has been burning with an intensity for a while now, sparked by the prospect of growth through it. Write that book! Sing that song!
You are one of the Cardinal signs and the Nodes are squaring you. Call to action! From your home base to your greatest aspirations, there is a push. The support system is there (may be odd sources of support) and inspiration at work. All you need to bring to the game is your deep, heartfelt love.
Do you write? For a long time now there has been an amazing story that wants to come out. A passionate tale of someone torn from their stronghold into a raging sea, going through madness and redemption, finally meeting a wonderful albeit odd mate, to realizing their fate was to simply be loved and healed.

You very possibly feel caught between the famous “rock and a hard place.” This has been building up, and it will for a good while longer. Impossible choices between “duty and something deeper.” Only you can make the decision, but you have a good record for making good decisions.
That famous Lunar South Node is right at the beginning of Capricorn. Your core being is exposed and while it may be uncomfortable, the image in the mirror is something we all need to see now and then. With all the energy going through your sign it’s got to feel personal. It is. Relax and flow with it.
Wow! Some heavy energy is coming through you now. Saturn, your ruler (as well as for Capricorn) has just slipped into Aquarius for a quick stint this year. So now you are the serious one. Not that you can’t be. You get to do some serious leadership now. But that’s in the stars. You got this.
Your family and home has a lot of good healing for you. Give in to the love there. The chaos going on around you is real but you don’t need to let it eat you up. It is like riding the whirlwind and it can be crazy making, but even wild horses can be ridden with care.
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