Beltane (at the midpoint between the beginnings of Spring and Summer) comes at 0:47:10 a.m. Mountain Time this year. We find the Sun in the 4th house, nestled between Uranus and Venus; suggesting a rather interesting relationship with those we live with (or would want to). The Sun is pulling out of a square to Saturn referring to some sort of trial having just ended. Venus and Pluto are coming into a trine indicating a very close, very intimate connection, as in “soul connecting to soul” sort of thing; earthy too! The chart, in fact, is mostly earth and water now, some air, no fire. That always changes. So the wheel turns.

All in all, it will still be Beltane! A joyous coming together of the Goddess and God, procreating and bringing the spark of life to fruition! The plants are leafing out and so many flowers are beginning to bloom, bees are more and more evident. Even hummingbirds are showing themselves in some places! Birds are nonstop singing and mating. The cacophony of Spring is here!

Beltane is a favorite theme for songs by pagan composers. One of the most rollicking and frolicing is Beltane Fires by Bone Poets Orchestra, the band formerly known as Gaia Consort. It has a slower first section, but then really moves in this second half, just as the energy is moving in the skies this Beltane.
Eo! The maiden and the horned one
from Beltane Fires by Christopher Bingham, from the album Secret Voices
Eo! The call to spill the seed
Eo! The stirring of the cauldron
Eo Evohe!
Eo! The Green Man ever present
Eo! The raven in the wood
Eo! The kisses ripe for tasting
Eo Evohe!
Eo! The rising of the sleepers
Eo! To hear the pipe at dawn
Eo! The quickening is here
Eo Evohe!
Eo! The sweet rain gently falling
Eo! The seed deep in the Earth
Eo! I hear my lovers calling
Eo Evohe!
Eo! The lusty summer coming
Eo! The green leaf in the bud
Eo! The wild sap is running
Eo Evohe!
Eo! The musky Piper playing
Eo! The One Who Calls the Dance
Eo! The howling earth is saying
Eo Evohe!
Here’s a wonderful bootleg video of a live performance of Beltane Fires. Wow, these people are monster musicians. Love the audience shouting out “Eo Evohe”. Magical!
As usual, the pagan astrology in this post is for the weeks before and after Beltane, unless otherwise noted. So, the following readings are good starting now and through until just before summer solstice.

Astrology for Beltane, 2021: readings
Mars in our 4th solar house is squaring you. There is a real push to get things done in your home sector. This may not feel like much of a change for you though, Aries being Aries and all. But also there is the Moon in trine to Mars right now. That at least offers some softening and nice connection to feelings right now and easier to speak your heart this period.
Happy Birthday, Taurus! What a great time to have a birthday, when the world is coming awake! There is a great deal of symbolism connecting Taurus and Spring; an earthy, romantic, powerful time. Now you also have the Sun, Venus, Uranus in your sign as well. That’s a lot of juice to have at your disposal. I think you will be very busy, doing great things.
Mercury, your ruling planet, is right at the beginning of your sign. The thoughts are pouring out at a rapid pace now and soon Mercury conjuncts the North Node, making your thoughts even more prescient and universal. Later this month Venus catches up and passes Mercury, then Mercury retrogrades. Ah, the dance of the planets.
Your “planet,” the Moon is high in the sky and moving into a trine with Mars which should be giving you a lot of push to get things done now and do more growing. Over the next couple of months Jupiter will be moving into Pisces which will amplify that growth. Of all the signs, yours is possibly the most changeable which can be maddening but also exciting to see!

The Sun is high in your chart where it loves to be. This is usually a great time of year for you and now is no exception. It is pulling out of a square to Saturn and the freedom from that need to find order is refreshing. Not that you hate order; it just needs to be on your terms. Soon the Sun will be in trine with Pluto and that will be a deep dive into “Soul Country.”
Your ruler, Mercury, is high in the chart and this can give you a lovely boost to your ambitions. It is also in Gemini, the other sign that Mercury rules. Communication is always high on your agenda anyway and now is no exception. I see that soon Mercury will meet up with the North Node and that, while it happens every year, will feel like being in tune with the future.
Venus, your ruler as well as Taurus’ ruler, is in Taurus so there is an extra special feeling to the chart this season. Venus will be moving out very soon and into Gemini which can give a great ability for lovely communication in all your discussions, especially with loved ones, or those who you would like to have as such. The trine to Pluto only heightens the intensity!
For a water sign, you probably go the deepest. Pluto is like that; and it’s in an earth sign, the other mode of depth. Your other ruler, Mars, is in a water sign right now and will be, for until almost Litha and the Solstice. Your inner fire may be more emotional than usual and the Plutonian depth go down to the very core of you. You may be a real firecracker for a while.

Your sign is another that has your ruler in a sensitive spot right now. Jupiter is about to conjunct your solar 4th house cusp and you will be feeling like zooming into space, or at least going around the world, conquering all possible worlds now! Or, and this is what makes me smile at astrology, you may just want to settle in at home for a while, and dream.
You are first up this season with Capricorn rising right at the moment of Beltane. The Sun is trine your sign which always feels good. As much as Capricorn gets a reputation for being a workaholic and no fun, you also can very much get into the spirit of Beltane, you randy goat! There is a lot of great energy for you now. Take the lessons of last year and put them to use!
Your two rulers, Saturn and Uranus, are coming out of a square aspect to each other. Kind of like butting head with yourself. The unmovable object meets the irresistible force. The fact that Saturn is in Aquarius is good. The fact that Uranus is in Taurus, an earth sign, made that encounter memorable. Soon they will be far enough apart to not interfere with each other.
The Moon is just into Pisces this holiday, making it precious and sensitive. Pisces have a special connection with the Moon as it brings dreams. Another important influence is Jupiter, Pisces’ old ruler which is at the end of Aquarius and about to come into Pisces. All the growth of Jupiter is coming into play for the next few months. Enjoy!

photos by Jon Deer