I’m here with your Beltane horoscopes, good pagan folk. It’s the merriest time of the year! Life is springing forth in leaf and blossom, birds are gloriously singing, knowing what is coming. The days get longer and warmer. It feels as if the world is born anew!
Astrologically, the planets agree! The sun, at moment of the season (May 5, 6:25:56 AM MDT) falls right at Daybreak. What is more, it is very closely conjunct Uranus, about being original and innovative, fresh starts. And to put another point on it, sextile Mars, saying assertion and opportunity for adventure. How Beltane is that?!

This is all on the heels of the lovely Jupiter Neptune conjunction I mentioned last time in the Ostara 2022 intro. Again, a joyful coming together of energies in Pisces; peace and inspiration. They are still here.
April 30 was a New Moon in Taurus, putting another emphasis on peaceful starts. After Beltane, we have an amazing Full Moon and eclipse May 15, right at sunset. Visible in the South Pacific only. Too bad. But it still works here. That event will have additional energy with it; Saturn creates a T square with Sun and Moon, the Lunar nodes as well, of course. Pushing the need for balancing the power, the karma, the play of Sun and Moon.

It is so fitting to tie this reading with this great song, Blessings of Beltane, written by George Nicholas, recorded by Cernunnos Rising. Beautifully performed. George will be joining us this summer as a writer here on the Pagan Song blog. The closing verse is just right for what we are seeing astrologically:
“Winter will teach the beauty of change,
I smile now that summer is here,
She’s back again, with a fragrant embrace,
Brought on the wheel of the year.
So light up the fires of Beltane,
The promise of May-time once more,
And witness the dance of the maiden,
Just as the year before.”
As always, take these readings as suggestions and thoughts to ponder. If someone wants an individual reading, let me know! At this level, I feel the best that can be provided is inspiration, or a kick in the butt. Whichever works best.
And, as of the Litha reading, I will change to doing the Solstices and Equinoxes only. Other things to pursue. But thank you for the opportunity to give you this. I may be changing my format a bit as well but hopefully it will be meaningful astrology for all.
Peace and Love, Blessed Be, Jon Deer

Astrology for Beltane, 2022: readings
It’s not that you are hiding your light. Hardly! Hah! Not an Aries thing to do. But your planet, Mars, is sliding through your 12th house of “that which is hidden.” Of course, it all changes and by Litha Mars, Venus, Jupiter will all be in Aries. Now that’s a show! Leaves only mysterious Neptune tucked away in her own house and sign. So, yes, this season will be such a “coming out party” for you. Looks exciting!
Happy Birthday, glorious bull of the Zodiac! You have been a symbol of new beginnings and strength for eons. As I mentioned previously, the North Node of the Moon points towards the future and it is in Taurus now. You are a “destination point” as it were. Your basic energy of calm and looking with love but level eyed realism at the world is needed and the world looks to you for that energy. Be strong.
You may be feeling a strong draw towards using your natural gifts now to teach and share just beyond those closest to you. You are usually a pretty talkative sort, and this just pushes it farther. I could see that from about April 11th or 12th through to into the middle of May or so you have probably felt a strong connection to broadcasting your thoughts. More than the usual. This looks like the future calling you. Listen.
Beltane dawns with the Moon (your “planet”) in your sign. A time of feeling super sensitive regarding a relationship which feels a bit rocky? That would be normal, really. I see a couple of aspects which make me say this. The best way to manage this is to try to keep your heart open to love and healing, regardless of the outcome. I also see growth in a real sense, major shift in your life stuff.

Yes, about that electricity constantly buzzing for the past days (Month?), especially now at Beltane! You lil’ Satyr/Satyress, you! I am so sure you will be the Queen/ King of the May; you may end up being the Balefire itself! And, with a little focus, I see an inner awakening. It is all developing now, and this is a good time to be around. This may be the most spiritual festival you will ever attend. Just a feeling.
Have you felt that for the last while many things are electric? Almost like static from everything. Not simply a physical thing? You may be on fire right now, in a good sense! Making intellectual connections like crazy! That is exciting and always has the feel of being big and have some sort of “thrill” to it. Makes it “extra” bigger than life. This will calm down a bit in June. Calmness is incredibly good also. You do lean that way a lot.
I’m looking at some aspects your planet, Venus, is making at Beltane. Some seem to be saying you long for love. Others suggest you are very much in love, and you want something more than a fling. You do know what love is, perhaps deeper than some, I believe. I do see that you easily make yourself attractive. So, dance at festival this year. I see you giving those long glances across the fire, looking for the “One.”
The mystery sign. Deep, can suggest more with a small look than most can with a speech. Hidden depths. The South Node of the Moon is moving through Scorpio now. Will for some time to come. Suggests a past karma of secrets and things that you might not want to talk about. Your ruler, Pluto is squaring your sign from Capricorn, pushing you to ground yourself. Does that put you on edge? It’s ok. You know how to do that.

Now it may seem odd that Jupiter ruled Pisces. Well, there is still the connection. Now Jupiter and Neptune are together in Pisces which is a rare occurrence. What do the two have in common? Vast expanses, the feeling of being at sea (or sky for that matter), a drop in an ocean, a feather in the air. You also do know that Jupiter is about soaring! Not just floating along. That can be your direction. Soar on!
OK, Goat! You have been brewing like a fine ale, for a few years now. The push that let the demons out of your psyche has forced you to get closer to terms than ever. Now that Saturn is nearing the end of Aquarius, you know it is time to really make the move. You have about a year to do this, whatever it is that is your secret inner devil/angel demands of you. Do you need a final push? That is coming soon. Very soon.
Your ruler, Uranus, is squaring with your traditional ruler, Saturn while Saturn IS in your sign. I sense an inner conflict with this; traditional fighting with “tomorrow.” Well, it would be more like the need for organization vs. wanting to free form. They can both work for you. It is finding a way to organize to leaves you the room you need for your heart’s desire. That does not sound so tough, now. Have to think about it. You are good at that.
I wonder if you feel the turmoil in you or the joy? I can see there could be both going on. Mars is coming along to push your Neptune, then Jupiter, your two rulers, through Pisces, then out the other end. That Mars can be the invigoration you need to get moving. Mars can feel pushy at times, but it is really just your own need to make something happen. That’s OK.
photos by Jon Deer