Imbolc is a celtic word meaning “in the belly”. The Sabbat of Imbolc also known as Brigit’s Day or Candlemas. It’s a transition time in the year. The themes in the stars this Imbolc include healing and attention to home life. Many signs are experiencing forces of creativity and new beginnings. Let that light shine out!
Let us keep the flame alive, share the light with one another.
from Candle Flame, music & lyrics © Marilyn Stacey Leftwich, 2016, on the Crow Women album Seasons
Let us help the flame survive, it will bring us all together.
We banish indecision, as we light the flame within.
Illuminate our vision, bring us to ourselves again
Let us light a candle flame–the flame we share shines everywhere.

The sun moves into Aquarius
A time of quiet and cold (in the north) yet things are beginning to stir. “In the Belly” is so fitting. Not necessarily seen but life in its fullness is growing. What may have been a wild ride begun at Yule, now seems to be, not so much quieting down as taking better shape, focusing, finding footing. All Planets are direct right now, adding more growth energy to the holiday.

Astrology for Imbolc 2020: readings
Reading are for the Sabbat and a month or more out. This year, astrologically, Imbolc happens on February 4, 2:03:12 AM Mountain time. Personal celebration days may vary.

Healing appears important. Not that you are sick, it’s that your healing energy is prominent now. There may be some unease in aligning focus to the direction of the flow right now. Nothing you can’t deal with. I am also seeing your circle growing more now. You are very attractive to many now. Remember your dignity.
Uranus was the last planet to go direct and that means that you will be moving faster mentally now. Your planet Venus is still hiding a bit in the shadows but it seems to need some healing and quiet time, getting solace from partners. Keep working at keeping your patience with your partner. Things are working out.
Your planet Mercury is leading the way in direction but it’s using the heart. The holiday starts with the Moon leading you, so there’s this thing; Moon in an air sign and Mercury in a water sign cross talking. Values are big right now so keep yours up. And those values have a lot to do with emotions.
You have a hidden agenda it seems. Emotions put away a bit. There is still a lot going in in your relationships and it’s kind of heavy looking from here. You still are leading with your heart which is not bad. I think the future will smooth itself out and the important stuff will be fine. Altered forever but fine.
Work is staying dramatic with all the juice brewing there still. Expect that for a while more I would say. Big things are brewing there. Your personal creativity is having a lovely boost lately and will continue. Your bright partner is there to lighten your day. Let them! Originality on your part is key now in growing.
The gentle earth sign seems to be talking deeply with another earth sign? Or Gemini? Both are mentally orientated so it’s not a big mystery. However, I know you secretly like someone who can bring out the emotions in you. But not too overt of a display, please. Your creative life is full tilt and charging on!
You have a partner who needs your healing touch right now. Love and deep warmth are the medicines now. You happen to have all that going on in spades. Home is practically a triage center of deep healing and soul medicine. Your creative persona is in high gear and your psychic powers are running high.
This time of year is your stay at home time. With all the drama continuing with family, that sounds good. You have enough of your own with children and creative outlets buzzing. Now there is something starting (for a time now) with relationships. What’s that about? Looks exciting! At least different.

Your values are in full view of all and the energy going into evolving them are out there too. Family is important. Keep the communication open. Home is looking like a lovely place to be now. If you have a new home, you will be exploring more than you think. Unexpected ideas will be popping up.
The volcano that exploded recently is still oozing lava. You can still build forms that can direct that lava and let it solidify into useful shapes. Get with it! Your powers of communication are beautiful, strong and evocative. Use them. The Originality you create at home will stimulate everywhere else.
That seething energy in the invisible realms is so important. Now is the time letting things grow, so let that grow and become the beautiful tree it needs to be. It’s your birthday time so celebrate! Show your creativity and love and powers of healing in what you value. Lead with feelings, follow with joy!
Your wild friends are still partying. Let them. They will have stories to tell of their own. Your quieter side is showing and you have so much to offer in your own wise tales and love and healing power. That’s OK. You have a couple of things going for you here. Your strong heart and the energy to let that conquer.
May the Goddess Brigit bless you this Candlemas!