Imbolc (also know as Candlemas) this year astrologically is on February 3, 2022, 1:50:36 PM, MST. As usual, the observance does not directly connect to the placement of anything in the sky. But then, our ancestors, I suppose, did not bother with such things. Midpoints between solstices and equinoxes may have been a bit “whatever” and the traditions outweighed. They were not Egyptian, after all!

This year what strikes me is the obvious four distinct conjunctions happening and all the planets being within 123 degrees! That points to a focus of energies which is rather rare.
- Venus and Mars together in the 7th house (relationships) seems on point. A marriage and coming together of male and female energy.
- Next is Mercury and Pluto in the 8th house, deepest secrets and other, Plutonian things. Discussions of very deep, heavy matters, dredging up of old material.
- Third up is the Sun and Saturn, very close in Aquarius. Saturn rules Aquarius and with the Sun seems to point to great focus in direction, the power to stay the course and succeed.
- Last is the Moon and Neptune in the 10th house, leading on to imagination and inspiration as a career goal.
There is more here which I will get into in the individual readings.

Overall, this is a fascinating chart, pointing to gathering together, working together, creating together. I suggest the song One Spirit as a soundtrack to listen to as you check out your sign’s reading below.
This song is perfect for using in a Candlemas ritual as you light the candles. Lighting candles on Candlemas (a.k.a. Imbolc) synchs magically with the growing light at this time of year. It also symbolizes the growth of self-empowerment and mutual empowerment that is so beautifully expressed in this song. Here are the lyrics:
One spirit in the dark
from “One Spirit” by P.J. Seale, from Spiral Rhythm‘s album “I Am…“
like a candle wavers
many spirits joined as one
burn with the power of the blazing sun
there is strength in community
the circle empowering you and me
the circle binds yet sets us free
in the Goddess’ name, so mote it be
As usual, these readings are best seen as a point of departure for inner reflection, good for Imbolc through until I come back to give you the readings for the Spring Equinox season. Travel at your own risk but do travel. “Fortune favors the bold.” Enjoy!
Astrology for Imbolc, 2022: readings
The day of Imbolc the energy is building. Your ruler, Mars, trines Jupiter as it chugs along to meet up with Venus and move into aspect with Uranus. It’s like Mars is saying that the party starts when Mars is ready to party, which may be the next day when The Moon goes into Aries, starting the cycle. I would guess you have a few irons in the fire, so to speak, what with work and career, your school or friends, a lot of inner dialogue, and interesting financials.
Your ruler, Venus, is in a trine to Uranus, which is in your sign. Mars will join Venus soon and the stage is set for some lovely energy to unfold. It’s begun already, really. Taurus can be rather quiet and low key but right now I don’t see that happening. May be time for shouting from the roof tops, Taurus-style, at least. The Moon crossing over Uranus just adds to the excitement, creating double conjunctions aspecting each other. That’s kind of cool.
There seems to be a nice connection between you and karmic focus (North Node). Also, an intense connection between you and Pluto and having to look something (human? Not?) in the face and dealing with it. It could be a matter of coming to terms with someone or something that has put you down and kept you there for too long. You can now have the insight to realize you do not need that situation now. “To the curb with ‘em!”
The Moon is waxing now and will (today) slide right over Neptune and on. The Moon, as you know, travels the fastest and crosses everything and aspects everything several times a month. Perhaps that is a big reason Cancer is one of the cardinal signs. We are all touched. I’m seeing not only the Moon but Neptune and Jupiter in the 9th. That is a lot of inspiration and push to do something with it. Let Bride’s Moon call to you this night. She is talking to you!

Your Sun is part of a bond that is super strong right now. Sun and Saturn together in charts shows great depth of character and drive to create something solid and meaningful. Focused and sometimes even driven, they will have a solid base. Whatever your natural inclinations are, the bright, happy, sometimes a bit bombastic Leo can have a side that is planned and organized, thought out and has a plan. Why not? You’re a bright kid, go for it!
You must be going through some very intensive stuff right now. What with Venus and Mars together and, no lightweight itself, Pluto conjuncting your ruler, all in Capricorn making tremendous waves, tossing you about! Of course, this is all in your 5th house of creativity and children and expression. I’m seeing you burning the midnight oil this period, the ideas shooting out of you and onto the page or canvas or whatever your medium is. Enjoy the energy!
A situation is building up now and will culminate the beginning of March. A connection between your ruler, Venus, Mars and Pluto around March 2nd and 3rd may prove a bit explosive and it’s happening at home. There will be a lot of talk about what is coming but then the situation will be beyond just talking. I don’t want this to sound scary. It isn’t, necessarily. Could be more about sex and an amazing encounter. You tell me!
Your two rulers, Pluto, and the traditional Mars, will meet up the beginning of March. Venus is in the mix there as well. It is happening in your 3rd house of mind and communication but I’m having a hard time seeing you “just talking” about it. It certainly will start that way with Mercury and Pluto just before then. I mean, this is Pluto meeting up with Mars AND Venus at the same time! Passion and drive and attraction all in one big puppy pile! Woof!

Jupiter is one of the three planets not in conjunction on Imbolc. However, he is sextile Venus and Mars. So, the energies coming from them is leading to growth, plus Jupiter is also sextile Uranus which is like living in a lottery drawing! Exciting and always something coming up right now! Jupiter is in Pisces now, square your sign which will create tension but with Jupiter that is rarely a bad thing. Too much of a good thing? Perhaps but still looks like fun. Go with the flow.
This is a pretty momentous time for you. Sun is conjuncting Saturn and closing fast; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto all grouping in Capricorn in two pairs and will be a triad in a month. Whew! A lot going on here but what you need to do is keep your wits about you, pay attention to the signals the energy is giving off and you should be OK. Remember, the Sun and Saturn are working together right now. That is calm, cool focus and don’t get misled by flash.
Happy birthday, Aquarius! I would guess this will be a period of learning to compromise. Your two rulers, Uranus, and traditional Saturn are squaring each other but are pulling away from each. Other than that, Uranus is in trine with Venus and Mars and that is all changing very soon. So, expect some remarkably interesting changes in romance and loving, if only for a short while. Ah, the fun of mis-spending your youth. Memories! Make some good ones.
Your rulers, Neptune and the traditional Jupiter and closing in on each other, meeting up in Pisces in April. That will be lovely, I would think. Growth and inspiration together, in Pisces! That sort of thing does not happen often, so relish it! The promise of Spring is here, certainly for you. The Moon will cross over both, just before the actual meeting, joining them in a preview on March 30. Expect some very real, spiritual visions!

photos by Alane Crowomyn, taken on a winter hike in the Ojito Wilderness, New Mexico