Hello again, good pagan folk.
Summer begins nice and hot with fires in the streets and in many hearts! The Sun progresses into Cancer only hours before an eclipse! These are always eventful and the time all around is full of large events that shape our lives. The nodes are activating the “Aries Point” and the Sun and Moon are at 0 degrees Cancer (squaring the Aries Point.) If you remember from the last post; “the transiting Lunar nodes are at the beginning of Cancer and Capricorn; in square aspect to the “Aries point” and EXTREMELY sensitive. Anything that happens right now that would hit 0 degrees Aries, 0 degrees Cancer, 0 degrees Capricorn, 0 degrees Libra is significant… How that hits the world is huge.” The astrology for Litha is intense!

With the murder of George Floyd, on TOP of tRump’s handling of the pandemic, on TOP of people in the government attempting make our country a police state; “The whole world is watching!” I would say that events at least here in the United States are boiling up and may boil over into something no one really wants but will have to deal with. These are events which are turning into something bigger than most would expect.
Let’s take a moment to grieve the death of George Floyd. Black Lives Matter. The loss of this life, of far too many precious lives, stirs us with outrage and sorrow. We humbly offer our song Web of Wonder–one of the first songs composed by the Crow Women when we began writing pagan music–to honor George Floyd. He is a part of the intertwined web of wonder that contains us all–the living and the dead. His passing has sent tremors throughout the web, and has shifted the pattern of its fabric in our times. If his spirit is willing, may he be among our Mighty Dead that inspire us to bring about the change we wish to see in the world.
Web of wonder, web of wonder
Web of Wonder, music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2005, recorded by the Crow Women on Crow Goddess
I’m a thread and you’re a thread
Web of wonder, web of wonder
Weave the web, weave the web
All’s connected in the web
All the living, all the dead
Through its fabric we are met
Intertwining, sorrow mend
On a “lighter note,” Saturn has progressed into Aquarius for a short stay before it backs up back to Capricorn until the end of the year and meets up with Jupiter for their once every 20 years call to revolution (this now is “just” another alarm that it is coming; Pluto and Jupiter are spoiling for change; ya think?)
History may repeat itself, at least history rhymes! I’m feeling the energy of the 60’s returning. No, not silly bellbottoms and slick pop music (though some great music came out of that time), something harder edged. The 1968 Democratic Convention riots, The Black Panthers being destroyed, the Bombing of the 16th St. Baptist Church in Birmingham and murder of 4 black children, Freedom riders and murder of a President, his brother, a great peace leader, murder of so damn many other people that outraged a country, things really changed. It is coming again, children. It’s coming.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy
And on that note, our readings from now through the middle of August!
Astrology for Litha 2020: readings
Let us begin Summer with a BANG!! The eclipse is at the very beginning of your 4th house, making sure the neighbors wake up! All that energy in your house of career has also been shaken into a heartfelt expression. Like living in the streets.
You may be the scribe of the times to come. The push to express the energy and put it into a form that fires the hearts and minds of those around you is inspiring indeed! You are showing more of that maverick spirit that is passing through you. Go for it!
You are being stirred like never before! You are being pushed to believe in something that just may feel so much larger than “just” yourself. You have felt inspired lately which is tied to your deepest values. That will continue. You may be amazed with what happens.
You are at the crux of a problem. The energy facing you is what is facing us all but somehow it seems up to you to guide us through. Take a good deep breath, center down, call upon your guides, listen to that still small voice, make a right decision.

Your relationships are feeling especially important, not so much who you relate with and how well things go outside of yourself, but how you relate to yourself and all the parts of yourself. Your inner voice is getting louder and more insistent that you speak our truth.
Your support system is key now. A new birth is happening there, and it is exciting! Your voice is more important than ever. Use it! The power of your creativity will move many now and in the future. There is power in your word and song and deed.
The power of “Being Here Now” is being in touch with the energies flowing through you and recognizing them as your birthright to use as best you can for when you have them. You are having a “Calling” moment. This is sacred time in that the world needs you.
You have such a natural connection to that which is deepest in all of us. Your thoughts are full and can be nourishing now. I see a great deal inspiration coming for you. Your rulers are working together now for positive change.

Jupiter will stay conjunct Pluto for a good while. That is amazing energy to have at your call. Great growth through digging deep within yourself. Be in touch with your inner warrior. I think an adventure awaits you now. Just reach out!
That South Node is still at the beginning of your sign. Before it slides away, meditate on your roots growing out from justice. Reach down for that nourishment deep in the earth. Pull it up and be thankful. Then on with your quest!
The energy buzzing around your sign is Saturn come for a quick visit before it nudges back into Capricorn until the end of the year. Then Jupiter will join in for an amazing burst of sparks. Your job now is to prepare internally for that time. It is coming soon!
Your ruler Neptune is still being energized with Mars being so close. Makes you want to sing! But also, that Mars is squaring the Nodes so there is more to it than just making music. Write an anthem for the coming times! Be stirring, be inspiring! Your old ruler Jupiter and Pluto are there to help as well.
Happy summer solstice! This special holiday for me. Since ancient times, the sun has occupied an important place both in religions of different nations, and in astrology.According to astrology, the mighty Sun helps us open ourselves and encourages us to strive for independence. Each Zodiac sign changes completely during the entry of the sun. Be like the sun – shine!