Lughnassadh: A festival marking the beginning of harvest time. Usually observed on August 1st but the actual astrological timing of the Sun being at midpoint in Leo this year is August 6. Lughnassadh is a time of people gathering for games and feasting! Oh, yes, and harvesting!
This year shall be a bit different with our current climate of needing to be aware of the ongoing plague. No large summer festivals this year, small to tiny if that. And being careful and thoughtful of those around us who may be more vulnerable. The party will resume later.

At Lammas, what we’ve sown, now we harvest
from the song At Lammas, recorded by the Crow Women on the album Seasons, A Pagan Journey Around the Wheel
The sun is in the 7th house of relationships for Lunasa, pointing to how we relate to those around us, ourselves. How pointed can that be? Venus is in the 5th, conjunct the North Node; Love and affection is there but there must be some barrier as well. The collection of the heavies is hidden in the 12th, not out of sight but slightly subdued and widely in a difficult to the Sun and to Venus. There may be vaccines coming but not yet. Things will get better. Go slow. Keep studying the situation, be cautious, be thoughtful, be loving. This is not something to play with carelessly.

Readings are for now through Mabon or so.
A quick word about these readings (and all the readings as well). These are based on doing Sun sign astrology which needs to be looked at in a symbolic way. I manipulate the chart for each sign, let the houses talk to me as they will. Sometimes may seem odd yet I have seen such things be spooky right on. Thank you for reading! Comments and questions are always welcome.

Astrology for Lughnassadh, 2020: readings
This time of year, is usually creative for you. This year should be no (or little) exception. It all feels very in sync with your inner poet. The heavy stuff is happening in your house of career, at least what you what you seek to accomplish. Some big energy there, for sure! May seem to move slowly, but it is moving. Keep your motivation up.
As has been happening for you since about 2017, life continues to be a roller coaster! Perhaps it’s evened out a bit or at least you have gotten used to odd things popping up at you. The realm of possibility and dreams is also still very much an active place as well. This is where we work on seeing those dreams and think about making them real. You are in a great place!
Communication is particularly important right now. Yes, I know you are a Gemini and when do you NOT communicate? Right now, is especially hot looking right now. Writing? Singing? Whatever, I see this coming from what is happening in your innermost private thoughts. You have a lot going on there and it needs to be expressed! I know you will make it beautiful.
Relationships being crazy now? Intensity seems to be easing off, at least for now. After Samhain things will dramatically change again. Dramatically! In the meantime, look to Mars. It continues to stay in your career house for a good while longer. I see busyness regarding with where you are going, and that is affecting your relationship issues as well.

Happy Birthday Leo! Innovation continues to be your by word as far as where you want to go. You like being first and this is a wonderful way to do it. The intensity of how you get the work done is still there too. There is so much cooking under the surface with you right now the sparks are pretty amazing to see. Still taking your own unique path.
Virgos can have a reputation of being quiet and very focused on their work. I am still seeing those very things in your creativity now. It is a pot that is cooking and cooking, an amazing brew is being worked on. It’s being pushed into existence by the power that is coming from Mars. Kind of a hard push but that is what is needed, isn’t it? You WILL give birth!
Venus is at the top of your chart right now; fresh in Cancer and fresh in your 10th house. A new story is about to be written about the lovely vision you see and seek to share. The fires deep in your home are still raging and that too is part of the vision. And, to top things off, there is a fair amount going on in your relationships. Love and healing and romance go hand in hand.
Would it be amiss to say that your life is a bit in turmoil about now? Your rulers, Mars and Pluto are squaring right now, and you might feel caught in the middle of left and right. Now this is not all bad, just forcing you to look at some things you might not want to see. But it is about tying together that growing voice deep inside with your need to express it in the world.

I have always had a romantic vision of you as the trusty knight, charging off to right a wrong. Now that is very much what I see. You are in the process of gearing up to fight a fight. It is not about physical fighting but more in the sense of your values needing to be honored. You also have lots of creative juice to throw into the fray. Oh, this is going to be good!
The fire inside is showing increasingly now. It has been going for a while now and will soon burn full flame. This is the battle you have waited on for a long time. Do not fear. Your allies are here. The inspiration of Neptune to guide your words, the fire of Mars to warm your hearth and the uniqueness of Uranus to help your creativity shine.
Your subconscious has been a terribly busy place. Dreams of revolution and trouble. How does your home reflect this? In a sense they are the same thing; our base is what is hidden and what is most apparent if the people we let in see it. How does your partner see you? You have looked up to them for so much. know they see you for the wonderful soul you are.
Your element of water is nourishing right now. In fact, there is a lot of soft nourishing energy happening around you. At this time of Lammas, the Moon crosses over Neptune in Pisces and the energy is precious and psychic. With all the craziness in the world being such distraction this quiet spot can be a balm and an inspiration, not just for you but also those around you.
header photo of person and stars by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash