The sky turns, and the time has come to celebrate the summer cross-quarter Sabbat that some call Lughnassadh (spelled various ways) and other pagans call Lammas. You can find its description and all our articles about it on our Lammas page: recipes, rituals, playlists and more. This is the time when the Grain King/Corn King is sacrificed at harvestide. Let’s look at the astrology for this season, as it applies to us pagans.
Lunasa (the modern Gaelic spelling) this year falls on August 7, 0:53:58 AM, MDT. This year, the Sun is nestled into the house of homes, the 4th. One day before a New Moon so there seems to be preparation for something to begin. How fitting. It is harvest time!
With all the symbolism of the harvest comes a little sobering. The Sun has just finished an opposition to Saturn, grounding it with a dose of reality. What is coming up is an opposition to Jupiter this season; to show some reward but, again, with a little need for staying grounded. Enjoy your celebrations but try not to drink too much. There is still harvest to bring in. It’s a time of bounty, but as Damh the Bard says in our featured song, the grain must be cut, crushed, baked and eaten for life to continue around the wheel of the year. What sacrifices must you make? What sacrifices are made for you? Do you appreciate them?
There may be love in the air and adventure afoot yet! The harvest season is lusty in its own bounteous way.
Is the life and the death of the Corn King,
Life and rebirth of the Corn King!I turn my gold face to the Sun
from Lughnasadh, by Damh the Bard, from the album Herne’s Apprentice
As the year is waning,
The time has come now for my life to end
As metal rubs on stone
She comes towards me across the fields
Chariot’s wheels a-blazing
Her hair on fire
Cut me, crush me, bake me
Eat me, I am yours.

As usual, these readings apply from now through to just before Mabon.
Astrology for Lammas, 2021: readings
Mars, your ruler, is rather slowly trudging through Virgo right now, being, by sign, inconjunct to your sign. That is saying that adjustments will need to be made. Then in the middle of September, it slides into Libra. That’s your opposite sign and emphasizes relationships. So then that looks like adjustments again! Could be this period is about sitting down and talking.
Venus, your ruler, is in Virgo, making the trine by sign to you now, then goes into Libra in the middle of August. Little seems to really slow you down; placid and down to earth, steady on sort. Uranus still in your sign continues to liven things up. Throwing some interesting monkey wrenches into the works? Livening things up a bit? Keep on enjoying!
Your ruler Mercury is staying close to the Sun in your solar 3rd house. Wonderfully comfortable for you, I would think. Jupiter is closing in on entering Pisces and your 10th house. That forbodes growth and some upward mobility! Or even a long ocean voyage (as the old books would say). Movement in one way or another for sure! Be sure to learn as you go.
Your Moon is in for a ride this season! First, opposition to Saturn -kind of a downer- then a New Moon with the Sun -New beginnings- Conjunct Mercury – let’s talk about our feelings a LOT- and that’s just the first few days of Lunasa! A busy time for you, no doubt. Of course, things will calm down a bit, even look up.

Happy Birthday, dear Leo! What a lovely way to start your Solar year! A New Moon right dead center of your sign, all those oppositions to Saturn and Jupiter (Pluto just a short time ago) and a square to Uranus right about now. We know you love drama but isn’t this going OTT a bit? Never mind that. This all puts you in the spotlight, which we all know you love! Do your best!
Your ruler, Mercury, is staying well ahead of the Sun this year, which does not happen often. I wonder if that means your thoughts are running fast and furious? Might be a problem with the coming opposition to Jupiter but just slow down a bit. You are good at going slow when you need to. One of your built-in tricks you do. Not a bad thing. Venus loves you too!
In a couple of weeks your ruler, Venus, will slide into Libra! That is always lovely, to have the Lady of Love and good feelings back home. So, the season may very well end up being about love and romance! Woo Hoo! Or at least some sort of boost to your pocketbook. In fact, Venus does make a nice trine to Pluto on the way to you. Could be that lottery ticket you buy!
Your Pluto gets a couple of genuinely nice aspects to it this season. First, Venus does a trine the middle of August, then Mars trines it in early September! Could be love, could be money, could be the energy to do even more towards your own needs! Of course, they will be sliding through Virgo so it will be a slower, careful, quiet kind of energy, but it is energy! Use it!

Your ruler, Jupiter is retrograding for almost this whole period! Not until well into October does it go direct again. That tells me there are things that need to be rethought and re- worked in your plans. It’s not all that unusual really, all planets retrograde now and then. It is a part of “how things work.” 2 steps forward, etc., etc. You will still be your cheerful self!
Good ol’ “slow and steady” has been plodding along in Aquarius (Saturn is the traditional ruler here.) Went retro just after Beltane and will stay that way almost until Samhain! It really likes it in Aquarius! But I think it’s more a matter of slowly gearing up to do a roar through the sign! All that wonderful Capricorn focus with the Aquarian foresight! Wow! Keep writing!
Remember back at the Solstice when Jupiter and Saturn met up in early Aquarius? That was a pretty big moment! Well, the moment continues. Saturn will stay pretty much at the beginning; Jupiter got into Pisces a bit, then backed up and will stay here until the New Year! That seems like a big retro phase! Jupiter has gifts for you! Lovely, expansive gifts!
The parade continues on! Jupiter will keep teasing with al most going into Pisces until the new year. Saturn does not come close. Nothing else comes through except the Moon….and Neptune! I think that sounds rather lovely, Pisces. I think this may be a serious dream time for you. Of course, you do the daily stuff, but such a grand dream to comfort you, Inspire you too!

photos by Jon Deer