Welcome to Autumn! It is September 22 at the time of the Sun hitting Libra. There is the feeling of needing to make amends, smooth over rough places in relationships. There appear to be issues there with hard feelings and it’s important to take care of the ones you love. The astrology for Mabon clearly shows that home is a huge priority now, for there is much energy there that needs to be handled carefully. That is the primary energy that we have all been dealing with for so long now; the power to make something great or else destroy it all. Let’s work at going with the first and not the second. We are still harvesting, and more than just food for the body.
As the days and evenings start to cool off and the season changes it’s the time to reflect on where we really want to go now, in our lives, in our country, in our heads and hearts. Be gentle with ourselves, but be resolved to grow.

If you’re looking for ideas for celebrating the Mabon Sabbat, you can find good ideas in this Mabon ritual post. And here’s a lovely song for the Fall Equinox season by that talented pagan songstress, Jenna Greene. Have a listen while you read my suggestions for your sign.
The Sun King embraces the Mother in her fullness
The fruits of labor she now bears
Dance in celebration for the harvest time is here
Feast and mirth are ours to shareNow is the time to bring magic to fruition
Now is the time of thanks and gratitude
We turn the seasons wheel and the darkness closes in
Listen as the Crone whispers to you…She sings of the seeds worked upon the field
She sings of the harvest that it gives
She sings of the crops that have fallen to the ground
And the seeds of life yet to liveAnd she says,
Harvest by Jenna Green, on her album Crossroads
Rest in my darkness. Turn your spirit inward.
Dwell upon the seed and your own spark of life.
Think of all you’ve conquered. Think of all you’ve done.
Transform within the magic of the darkening time.”
These readings apply to the period from a few weeks before Mabon through until a few weeks before Samhain. Here’s hoping this pagan astology for Mabon helps guide you through the height of the harvest Sabbats.

Astrology for Mabon, 2020: readings
It looks like a pretty “Aries” kind of moment. There is a ton of energy coming up in you, and in that which you are putting out into the world. You may have been a bit slowed down before now but your spirit is starting to skyrocket again, and the ideas are tumbling out of you fast and furious.
Your eccentricity is shining through and has been reinforced by a fair amount of good luck and the Gods smiling on you. That is changing and it may now be more up to you to make that wonderful genius show. Yes, you can do it; yes, you have it in you. But now it is going to be under your own steam. Sail on!
Your ruler is being highly creative, the thoughts flowing. A spur to that creativity has been your inner turmoil around values and the world. The current playing out of the world’s weirdness seems to be an echo of all that. In other words, you are pretty tuned in to what is going on with you. Stay on top of that.
Relationships are still going through the intensity of struggling for power and finding the balance of working out fairness and justice. Indeed, by Yule, things will change dramatically! For now, and for the next few months, that struggle will be your highest priority. It looks huge and scary. It will resolve. Have faith in yourself.

OK, Sunshine! Your words and your work and your vision for your future are right out there and people (as usual) are looking to you for leadership. Well, nothing new there, right? This time, though, there is a lot more at stake than just ego. You have something to offer just when it really needs to be there. Go for it!
There are some cool aspects I see in your chart. The force of life is driving your values now. Home is the seat of a ton of “mother” stuff, and the past is being healed by that. The house of creativity is jammed with energy to create some very outstanding “children.” Boundless love protects your relationships. You are blessed.
Happy birthday, beautiful Libra! You are looking sunny and bright! I get the feeling there is something going on that you don’t really want anyone to know about, at least not yet. Hmm, I wonder if that has anything to do with your home base being a busy place now. Cooking up some revolution, eh? Mum’s the word.
Your words are dynamite, ready to change everything around you right now. This season will not be so peaceful for you, I suspect. Not that it can’t be, but I just see you saying things that will spark others and, well, there you go. Relationships are a bit erratic now. I think you may like that for a change up.

Values are always important to you as it is and now that is true even more. What you find true and right is important and especially now with the world being what it is. The things to remember now is what your ideals demand of you. Is it just? Is it helpful? Does it heal the world you want to live in?
I think this time of year has always felt special to you. It feels momentous now. The energy of the times is like you are wearing the demands of the world for all to see like a suit of armor. Such a heavy weight to carry. But you are used to that. Right now, it just seems like it’s so much. You are strong, though.
There is a lot of energy rolling around inside you now. It will all come out at the end of the year, the Solstice to be exact. Until then you will be dealing with and coming to terms with all this stuff. Add to that home feels a little crazy and exciting now. Fun, no? Keep your cool, remember to be kind in your words.
Your ruler Neptune is right there in your first house and you probably feel like you are swimming in deep water more than usual. That’s how people see you. Our current dilemma is giving you the feeling of being far too closed in. That is understandable. But you have the talent for swimming away and freeing yourself.

Wondering what to do with all the produce? Check out this recipe.