The Wheel turns to the beginning point of Autumn. The astrology for Mabon heralds an interesting season ahead, dear pagan folk. This year, the fall equinox is on September 22, 2021; at 1:21:56 PM MDT. The fruitfulness of Summer is waning. Many crops have been harvested. Some remain to be harvested soon. The garden is beginning to look a bit threadbare. The Shabby Chic of late Summer comes. Not quite turning leaves for the most part yet. But it’s coming.
The day has the Sun closing in on conjuncting Mars not long after a full moon in late Virgo. Energy is full, and Mars helps it wax more so, coming to fruition with a New Moon on October 6th. The Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury close by in an impressive Stellium! Thus, the beginning of the season addresses us with a challenge.
While some things are winding down, the energy builds up! Not a grand, cosmic sort of thing but, still, a time to get things done.
We’ve just discovered Songs for the Wheel of the Year, a lovely 2020 comeback album by Flora Ware. Like the Crow Women’s album Seasons, it takes the listener on a journey through the 8 pagan Sabbats. Flora’s song Mabon Queen is good reminder to focus on gratitude during this season of harvest, as well as the importance of preserving the bounty for the leaner season to come. Why not let this play while you read the horoscope I’ve prepared for you?
So much beauty and bounty in our lives
from Mabon Queen, by Flora Ware, from the album Songs for the Wheel of the Year
When the Mabon Queen arrives
We give thanks to her harvest song
Preserving abundance all year long

As usual, these readings apply from now through to just before Samhain.
Astrology for Mabon, 2021: readings
A lot of passing energy happening from your 1st house to your 7th. I and Thou stuff. Ya? Working out details of a relationship, dealing with some sort of healing needed so you can move on? Saturn and Jupiter are helping from the 11th house of friends. This will all play itself out soon. Healing happens.
Your lovely Venus is showing herself off in your house of relationships! Opposite Uranus so there very possibly is a taste of unusual, something different about this right now. Could be fun, perhaps just a tad weird. Hey! Weird can be fun. Right person, right time, right place.
This looks like it could be a very wonderful, creative time for you! Lots of great energy in your place of creative juices. Sun, with Mars; a lot of energy there! Mercury later in the sign; lots of communication. Also, Mercury is in a trine with Pluto and a gate to the depths is opened now. This could be intense!
This time of year can be trying. The Full Moon we just had could have emphasized that for you, squaring your basic energy, making things restless. With the Sun, Mars, Mercury squaring you and the Moon moving out of the square, it should feel a little better. Now it’s coming to terms with the aftermath.

I am sensing something around family with you. Siblings, kids, parents. But I think it’s a matter of what future will open up here. You are a nexus for many threads to come together, your family weave as it were. I am sure you will do a fantastic job, in your typical, Leoine way! Be proud of how you are!
I have been reading lately about evolutionary astrology. Fascinating stuff! Right now, your deep past is in your house of “home” Very appropriate! Interesting that the South Node is in Sagittarius right now. So, not very like you. But then you usually do surprise me with your hidden talents! But I get it. You trickster!
Happy Birthday, Libra! The season of change; Sunrises getting later, Sunsets getting earlier until they equal out, then keep going! You have a powerful position now as the gateway to Winter. With Mars and Mercury joining with the Sun to welcome in the season, we cannot help but notice.
Scorpio has the rap of being mysterious because it is so much into the Autumn and coming Winter and THOSE are a bit scary to a lot of people. Big changes and things that go bump in the night. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Scorpio who isn’t a bit deep, but not scary. Lots of layers. Lots!

The South Node of the Moon is slowly moving towards the beginning of your sign. Suggests this is a time of looking back to where you have been. Memories can be sweet or sad, some of each. But what is the lesson in them? Did you try hard enough to reach a mountain top? There is always the future to try again!
Good ol’ Goat! Tries so hard; works at it. You still have Pluto in your sign to push you hard, at least subconsciously, to get to the heart of the matter. He’s driving you crazy with the staring at you from the corner of the darkened room, not really talking but sending messages to you psychically.
The big guys of the Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn, are both still in Aquarius. Not really connecting (Saturn’s at the beginning, Jupiter is at the end), but they still have a lot of sway in how you deal with things. They are about truth and justice, right up your alley. You set the tone for the times.
Keep on plugging away, Pisces. I know you like the turn of the seasons. Cooler weather, days getting shorter, nights longer. Harvesting is a (secret?) passion for you. It seems that your inner world is having a little break, at least for this season. The coming Wintertime will be different. Now, enjoy the Zen of Fall.

photos by Jon Deer