Blessings to all and may all have a blessed Samhain. This most auspicious of Cross Quarter Days falls this year in at a most auspicious time, to put it mildly. In the United States we are having an election, as I am sure you know. From our viewpoint before the election, things are looking dicey. No doubt the Fates are watching closely. With all the posturing happening in Washington, D.C. and the pandemic continuing to kill, the election may be up for grabs and that would be scary. This is not “business as usual” at all!
In the sky we are getting the mirror of what is below. November 6, 4:13:55 pm, Mountain time, the Sun is at the cross-quarter point of 15 degrees Scorpio. The Sun is halfway from the beginning of Autumn to the beginning of Winter. Although many Wiccans celebrate Samhain on October 31st (Halloween), astronomical Samhain is November 6, and my calculations take that perspective.

Also at this very time, the Moon is forming the 4th leg of a Grand Square, the other points being Mercury in the 6th house, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in a stellium in the 10th house, and last but certainly not least is Eris in the 12th. In this setup we can see the plague we continue to suffer through physically, the madness in the attempted Fascist takeover of our democratically governed Republic, and the need to keep communicating, using our minds and hearts to form the outcome we want. The Moon can be the catalyst, moving through the sky to form that important 4th leg to work as the “push in the right direction.”
There are multiple squares happening and they are receiving that extra trigger from the Moon, RIGHT AT THE TIME OF SAMHAIN! This is magical timing! The energy cannot be stronger and more pointed.

I suggest that we as witches, Druids, shamans, healers, light workers, however you see yourself, we work energy towards this situation. This point in time feels crucial for us, our land, our planet. The promise of something better is out there but this is a bridge we must cross to get there. The more of us working together will create the future we need and want.
The Crow Women sing a song about the Three Goddesses of Destiny. In Norse mythology, they are the Norn of the past (Urd), the Norn of the present (Verdandi) and the Norn of the future (Skuld). They work with the threads of our fate or “wyrd.” They live in a hall at the “Well of Fate” beneath Yggdrasil, the World Tree. The corresponding fates of Greek mythology are the three Moirai: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Clotho spins the thread of a person’s life with her spindle, Lachesis measures it with her measuring rod, and Atropos cuts it at the time of death with her shears.
“Three from the hall beneath the tree
Is, Was and Shall Be by Beverly Frederick (c) 1996, from her album Through the Darkness
Is, was and shall be
Come Wyrd Sisters, swoop to the ground
Loosen the web that binds us down
Join with the hands of the weavers three
Is, was and shall be”
Fate is an interaction between that which is predetermined and the fate we create through our actions, and the Fates are always judging this. The evolution of our unfolding lives is nudged by them and our birth and death are overseen by them.
Now is an exceptionally good time to consider fate; the fate we each have in our lives, our families, the fate of our country. Our actions and very thoughts focus us in a certain direction. Let us each try to be conscious of that direction. We could invite the Fates to direct us to see justice prevail.
You were going to have ritual around a fire anyway, right? Let us call upon the Norns, honor our dead ancestors, and drum up some energy for world evolution!

These readings are good from now until December.
Astrology for Samhain, 2020: readings
Right now, you may be THE center of surge of energy that is needed now. The weight is elsewhere but you have the energy to focus it; a great lens for focusing the energy we all need to get behind. Not that you must do it all yourself, of course. We are all there to be a part of the great work.
Taurus still has that amazing Uranian energy blazing from inside; the ability to see into, create a future that others may not be able to. Use that power wisely. In some ways it may not be a ”natural” fit for Taurus but you have been living with it for a few years now. It fits better now than it did.
The North Node is traversing Gemini and it is aspecting the Grand Square though not actually a part of it. All this energy going on can be channeled in a positive way through you. The direction of the future moves over your doorstep. You have important work for you here. Use your ample intellect and create.
That very trigger for this Grand Square is YOUR light! The Moon slides towards the end of Cancer but for most of November 6 it is yours to hold. The Chalice, as it were, is in your hands. It is full of the stuff of life. It is your offering to Divinity and the elements to be a part of this ritual. You have such strong hands!

The energy seems tough right now at the start. The Sun is in odd angles to Mars and Saturn and it may be a matter of things just going a different direction than where you want to go. It is OK; chill a bit, regroup our thoughts. The Moon soon moves into Leo and you will have all that lovely soul energy to draw from.
Your guy Mercury has just recently gone direct so it’s looking to gain background it just went over. It will seem you have to rethink the past few weeks; iron out the weak points. On top of that, Mercury is squaring Saturn and the Moon! Really putting the pressure on to get it right. It’s a bit tough but you can do it.
Your Venus is coming up to oppose Mars in a short while. This is about balance in yourself, in relationships, close emotional things around you. It is really a common pattern to go through. But it feels like this is an opening gambit to all sorts of adjustments you will have to deal with over the next bit of time.
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! This is your time to shine. I would think you have noticed the climate all around is a bit tough. These are big times to live through. You, however, do have a certain inner strength which is needed for dealing with this season. Step up! Stir the cauldron, cast the spell!

The soul of this time is passing through you, your sign, your architype. What we are seeing is a ghost of Sagittarius that needs to move on from always searching for greatness to communicating and sharing our truth. That puts you in the special place of letting your wisdom guide the future.
The cauldron is quite full of you still. In fact, between now and the Solstice the heart of the main action is still happening in Capricorn. Things are coming to a head and for now your duty is to hold strong, believe in your soul purpose and know that things are as they are supposed to be. You are strong.
You may be feeling like you are waiting in the wings. A lot is brewing, and the pot feels like it’s going to explode and part of you wants to just get on with it! All will come but for now your job is holding that space, keeping your unique take on things clear. You are a leader too and need to take charge here.
In some ways this may feel like a creative time for you. A lot of energy is directed towards your own sense of wellbeing pushing you to take up your artists’ brush, your notebook, whatever it is, and let that spirit pour out. We can use your brilliance now! Show us the future we need!
cover photo of moon by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash
Thank you for this! Much needed affirmation if our spiritual power to influence healing. 💕
Thank you and you’re welcome! We do have to remember of our own power to heal. Blessed Be!