Samhain, the day of the cross quarter between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, falls this year on November 6th, 10:58:50 p.m. MDT. That’s the astrological cross quarter, although of course secular Halloween is celebrated on October 31st, and most pagans celebrate Samhain that day as well. Read on for my astrology for the Samhain season this year.
As would be fitting, the Sun is “underground” in the 4th house of deepest connection to family and our roots at a perfect time to hold circle. Newly released energy is brewing with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto having gone direct in the last few weeks, leaving only Uranus and Neptune in retrograde.
I would think this represents the things we’ve been waiting to finish can now get a go ahead and finish, with the caveat that our dreams and uniqueness must still be cajoled to inspire us. But we must dig deep. Alane’s song, In Our Bones echoes and ties into this; “We are delving deep, deep, deep. Awakening a song from sleep.” This Samhain season, be sure to listen to the voices of the ancestors, which you carry within you.
In Our Bones
We are delving deep, deep, deep
music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2017
awakening a song from sleep (repeats)
We are singing a deep song
from ancestors of long ago
a song that keeps their magic strong
A song we carry in our bones
A song we carry in our bones
A song we carry in our bones
We are singing a deep song
of gods of wind and fire and stone
that’s been within us all along
A song we carry in our bones
A song we carry in our bones
A song we carry in our bones
Actually, the 4th would be a great time for ritual, on the New Moon. The Sun would be early, but the energy of the New Moon would be perfect for this time. And Sun and Moon would very close to exact opposition to Uranus to grab that energy to put into spell work. Just be sure you’re clear about what you’re asking for.

All readings are to be taken with a sense of humor and as suggestions for inner reflection. All are good for now through to Yule”ish.”
Astrology for Samhain, 2021: readings
It seems you have been going through grieving, mourning the loss of someone or something dear to you. That does not stop you from going on about your life otherwise but there is that which colors things. The wisdom of coming of coming to terms with life can be a slow process which takes the time it wants to take and no less. Welcome to the thinning of the veil.
I see that all the planets are above to horizon in your chart for Samhain. That suggests that you are being very “other directed” right now. Except for Uranus in your sign which is just making some highly creative, unexpected designs in your life right now. That’s the influence on you but it is also coming from you as well. Can be crazy making but can be fun! Go with the flow!
You are the mental sign of them all. You are coming into a period of increased mental speed and feeling the joy of that. Beware, though, all that input can burn you out. November can be tricky that way. It could feel like just too much! It’s ok to have a break. At the end of the month and well into December things will calm down and let you get back up to speed.
Your famous duty to service is highlighted now. It’s coming from an ancient need to give to and care for others. Chiron in your 10th house of life direction echoes this. The world certainly can use more of this energy and focus. You have an old hurt that you have learned from and now is the time to put that hard won wisdom to work. It’s holy work.

The Sun is in the middle of Scorpio now, squaring you, which could be uncomfortable but then it could be felt as challenging! That’s more your speed really. In fact, there is this impressive aspect in your chart, Sun opposite Uranus. It also included the Moon at the last New Moon a few days ago. You may still be reeling from that a bit. It eases off.
Siblings seem to be very much involved with what’s going on with you right now. Certainly, there is a lot of energy coming from them, or you are putting a lot of energy into them and their projects. The aspirations of what is going on is big and dramatic. I’m sure this will be quite something!
Interesting that your planet, Venus, the planet of love and how we do relate to others in the best sense, is at the very beginning of your 4th house and Pluto, the planet of “death” and great change is at the end of the 4th. The 4th house is about home and roots and nurturing, the place where we come from. To have those two there like that is a tale of transfiguration. Truly!
Happy birthday Scorpio! It’s your time to shine and scare us with your intensity and vision. Your “Spirit animals” are the scorpion and the eagle. Fascinating, that! You just had a New Moon with Uranus in opposition plus Mercury and Mars will conjunct in a few days from now in Scorpio. I would say that will be an interesting conversation! Full of power and passion.

The South Node of the Moon is still in your sign and the Moon has just crossed over that point. I think your conversations for a while will be about your past and what it means to you now from your current vantage point. With age can come maturity and I know you gather all the experience you can, highflyer that you are. You must have lively parties at home!
Is there a new love interest now? Well, at least a new appreciation of the finer things (and people) in life. That’s all well and good. You know the end result will be everything and everyone changing and growing and moving on. Such is the way of the world for such a world traveler as yourself. You enjoy that. The wisdom found in the quiet at the end with the one.
You are in an enviable position now. The wisdom of Saturn is with you plus the vision and excitement of Jupiter, all in Aquarius. That is lovely energy to have handy. Your goals are high as well. The Sun, Mars, Mercury all in your 10th. That’s a lot of juice placed well. Don’t tell the other signs but I think you have it going on! Be original and creative now!
I have noticed that Pisces can be highly creative and appear a bit…spacey at times.? But behind that is a clear mind that sees more than others at times. They can catch little things that go unseen; perhaps because of that very ability of seeing what “isn’t there.” I have seen that in action, and it is pretty impressive! I applaud you, Pisces! Beautifully sharp.

Photographs and art work in this post by Jon DeerCrow.
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