Greetings to Spring! After the wild ride many have had in the last few weeks, a new beginning would be welcome! Of course, the year is always a continuous loop, one season feeding into the next, the ups and downs of the planets are often on a different track from the solar. Let me tell you. On March 7, Saturn went into Pisces until 2025. That’s a significant move, in that the planet of form and rules will be in dreamy, inspiring Pisces. Could be an odd fit unless it’s handled carefully.
There is a New Moon on March 21, at 0 degrees Aries. How’s that for a start to the season? Kick start the energy and propel us all into what is coming next.
Pluto begins to go into Aquarius on March 23, right after the Equinox. It will slide back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius until November, 2024 when it will stay until 2044! This will be huge in terms of the structure of society and what we consider “real” and accepted. This will shake things up.
new buds on my tree
As a special musical treat, please enjoy Joys of Springtime by T Thorn Coyle and Pagan Song blogger Sharon Knight. About this song, Sharon says; “Joys of Springtime was written in homage to the wonderful lift in spirit we feel after a long winter. We have longed to feel the sun on our faces again, and at last we do.” -Sharon Knight
“Awake, awake! From the frosty spell of winter Awake, awake! For the bloom is on the rose The hag has shed her winter cloak Her brittle hair has turned to gold The maiden’s kiss is sweet as wine Huzzah for the joys of springtime!”
“Joys of Springtime” by Sharon Knight and T Thorn Coyle, from the album “Songs for the Strengthening Sun”
This festival begins March 20, 3:24:25 PM, Mountain daylight savings time. The Sun is up in the 9th house of far journeys and higher learning. Accompanied by 4 other planets in Aries, this looks like a flashy beginning to the season. Great promise, lots of communication, healing, growth, feminine power recognized and on the rise. Quite a start to Spring!
Of course, the usual disclaimers. Good through mid-spring unless noted otherwise. Have fun. It’s Spring! Sing and dance!
Astrology for Ostara, 2023: readings
Happy Birthday, Aries! You made it to be at the beginning of the “Age of Aquarius.” Kind of. With Pluto just now starting to go into that sign, things will not be the same from now on. Now, you do tend to be a front runner. Think about how to change the world in the most “positive, affirming, completely down to the roots” sort of way. Change our perceptions of how life could be. That’s the ticket!
Your ruler, Venus, is new in Taurus now, connected with the North Node of the Moon which says something about finding or “being” love. Puts a beautiful aura around you. Lovely energy. By the end of March, Venus will conjunct Uranus and a flash of originality and brilliance will hit right in your 1st, showing everyone how you can be. Oh, I’ve known some very original Taurus types. Fun, sexy, charming.
Mars has been roaring through our first house since last August! I’m sure everyone who knows you has noticed the energy you are putting out. Well, that’s ending soon. As Mars slips into Cancer, and you may appear to cool down. Your sense of boundaries will change, and that energy will go into defining yourself. In any event, you will be surrounded by an amazing bunch of friends. Looks like a party!
A couple of big things here. Mars will (you may be feeling it already) slide into Cancer on March 25th. The energy will be very welcome. Judging by the Mass of planets in your house of career and what you show the world, it’s not a moment too soon either! Oh, and by the way, you are experiencing a new moon right now, right on your mid heaven! I would say that is pretty cool! Great start to the season.
spring storm on the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico
It must feel good to have so much positive energy in such great alignment to your own right now. It’s interesting that the North Node is moving closer towards your midheaven point. Kind of a signal that your life direction is in synch with everything else. Gosh! Just like astrology might have something to it! I love it when a plan comes together!
Your 8th house is very full right now. And the 7th and 9th houses are very populated as well. It very well could be a fair number of “riches” are there for your taking. Could be money. Could be goodwill and positive feedback from your being so active in feeding others with your own value and energy. I see healing there as well, your own and others you heal.
OK, the sign of partnership has its hands full about now. Could it be that there is someone very special getting close to you? A lot of attendant good energy, very intense communication (the ultimate intimacy) tons of positive reinforcement from others close to you. And let’s not forget that “subtle as a sledgehammer” feminine force there, to keep things right.
The North Node is sliding towards the beginning of your house of relationships. And Venus and Uranus will be connecting soon in the same place. Could be a very strong heart connection with a good touch of “Wow!” in there. Perhaps someone(s) who really trips your switches in a most unusual way. Could happen. Could be a lot of fun! Could be weird. Go for it.
Joaquin Mesa, New Mexico
You have an anchor at home that hopefully is more about a safe harbor than a “ball ‘n chain.” Looks to me like you have a LOT of creative energy happening now as well. Or kids. Same thing. Looks fun and fulfilling. Perhaps that anchor is needed to give you a better base to live from. “Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.” ― Gustave Flaubert
An intriguing situation for you. Your “ruler” Saturn, ol’ Mr. Rule and Regulation has slipped into Pisces, house of mystery and creativity. Also, Neptune is still the “ruler” of Pisces and no slouch at inspiration and fuzzy thinking. This will prove to be a boon in your creative expression over the next 3 years or so. Form and function. Focus down and write!
Pluto is about to start going into Aquarius. A slow process, taking this year and well into next. But the effects will be profound. This month the change begins, and you will probably feel the ground rumble under your feet. That and Saturn just now leaving your sign. That’s a lot of “shaking it up.” This will change you profoundly. Your core will go through life, death, rebirth. Hang on. It will be quite a ride!
Now that Saturn has slipped into Pisces and Neptune is still in Pisces, this creates an interesting situation for you. Hopefully, the “rule-maker” will not put a damper on your creativity. If anything, it could be a gentle yet strong hand to hold you steady and help give your vision some concrete anchor to hold onto. Those two planets seem the opposite of each other. They can work together. Work at that.
photos by Jon Deer
can you spot the bird looking for nesting material?
For more information about astrologer Jon Deer, including his bio and his collected articles here on Pagan Song, check out Jon’s page on Pagan Song.
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