Welcome to Litha! Summer officially arrives on June 20, 2024, 2:50:58 PM MDT here where I live, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s just 2 months after the grand Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April which will reverberate for quite a while. The chart is focused on the Western side suggesting the energy is more “other” directed and also “outer” directed; emphasis on the Northern side.

This could read as “We will be dealing with other people more than our inner and more private stuff.“ There was a trine that just happened on June 1; Jupiter and Pluto trine in air signs which will help in consciously generating our own magick regarding self-mastery. Work on this for this season, if not the rest of the year.
Pluto will slip back into Capricorn slightly in September for a last hurrah till November, then slides back into Aquarius for 20 years. All in all, a period of transition; new beginnings have been started. As we move forward, we learn as we go.
An interesting bit: In June the Moon, Mercury and Venus all go “out of bounds” around the Solstice. This indicates that matters regarding the above influences will be exaggerated. So, such as, oh, I don’t know, musicians(?) will feel a big urge to create fascinating music, with emotional depth, deep communication and beauty.
Something to keep in mind with the season, these words from Lisa Thiel:
“I am the fire that burns within your soul
from “Litha” by Lisa Thiel, from the album “Circle of the Seasons”
I am the Holy light that fills and makes you whole
I am the Flame within, that never dies
I am the sun that will ever arise”
As usual, entertainment purposes ONLY. Have fun, be aware of your life and your footsteps. As Buddhists might say: “If you seek to know where you are coming from, look at your circumstances. If you seek to know where you are going, look to your thoughts.”
Astrology for Summer, 2024: readings
There looks to be a lot of focus on you right now. You are probably feeling that Neptune energy hanging close to you. It is right at the very end of Pisces so starting to influence you. That’s cool! You do have a lot of creativity in you to begin with; this is just adding to it. Do whatever it is you do to show it. Music, writing, singing, whatever you have. (As if anyone has to tell an Aries to get moving!)
Mars has only recently moved into Taurus and Uranus is still with you as well. That’s a lot of energy in one place! In July they will meet up. Watch out about doing crazy things such as sports with death options. I mean, really! Be careful, especially then. It could be a thrill but you might want to walk away from it afterward. On the other hand, it could make for one hell of a story afterward.
Uranus is very close by your sign and Jupiter is still new in Gemini. That’s a lot of excitement! Big Ideas and novel approaches go well in Gemini. All very mental stuff. Your planet, Mercury, is now in Cancer and is digging into the “feels” and putting into words things that can be hard to explain. But then, that sounds like a job for Uranus and Jupiter together. Hmmmm, seems to fit well for the time.
Happy Birthday, Cancer! Summer is your time to shine. In a way it seems odd. The beginning of the hottest time of year (Northern Hemisphere) begins with a water sign that may be more comfortable hiding away. Actually, I have a sister who is a Cancer. Not what I would call a shy flower, really. Had a boss once who is Cancer; again, a bit of a man of action. So, enough of that!

I want to say that it looks like your energy may be a bit subdued just now. Certainly things going on but there is that Pluto in your opposite sign, saying “I dare you.” Of course, you could dare. That’s what you do, after all. There is enough fire energy going on to help you in creating. It just needs to be brought on board. After the Moon moves on. It is out of bounds now so more emotional juice for you.
Steady as you go for now, Virgo. By August, Mercury and Venus will join in your sign. That will pick up the energy a good bit. In early August the Moon will be conjuncting both. May feel like a party! Lots of creativity happens then. You will also be picking up energy from other planets around the chart. The oppositions from Saturn and Neptune in Pisces may feel like a wall and an encouragement.
What is your form of art? I mean, Libra is all about living as an art form, at least a movie art form. Anyway, at Litha, Venus is high in the sky, conjunct Sun and Mercury. There is a square from Neptune, telling you to be aware and careful how you put your image forth and be aware of what you expect of others. Be aware of self-deception. Try not to let yourself get hurt and be careful not to hurt others.
Your two rulers, Mars and Pluto, are in a square now. It’s pulling away but still it has been a time of tense feelings and the possibility of violence. Tread carefully. It looks like this could be something in the home, a challenge in the home environment. This could relate to a parent and/or childhood trauma. Your need to assert yourself is vital. This could become a source of wisdom for you. Tread wisely.

Jupiter slipped away from Uranus merely 2 months ago. Their conjunction was a pretty big happening in the sky. It is now marching on and we must continue to watch for the waves of that to become apparent. Jupiter has now gone on into Gemini, your opposite sign. There will be an easy transition. Jupiter likes to communicate so this is a natural. Uranus would be a great instigator for that.
Your Saturn is about halfway through Pisces now; a sign it likes but can feel a bit odd with. Not to dislike it but it’s just so darn touchy feely! Not so much your style but yet it’s healing for you. Feelings are good to be in touch with so you will have to dig in and let those feelings roll. You are in the process of learning about feeling your way through life right now. You will be OK. Be brave.
Pluto has slipped into your sign for a few months, then it will slip back out until November. This will be dramatic for you as far as digging into your psyche and starting to force buried stuff out. It could feel scary but in the long run it will get you to see all that stuff that you have hidden. Odd twists in the unconscious that may be “unacceptable.” Don’t let that worry you too much. Go with the flow.
Neptune is at the end of your sign. Kind of a farewell tour but it won’t truly be over until 2026. Interestingly Saturn is trailing behind, but they won’t meet up until they are both in Aries. Anyway, this can be a good melding of inspiration and focus. Don’t think of it as “mean old Saturn” holding you back. He really wants to help you put into form that wonderful energy you have in you. Whatever your muse is.

photos by Jon Deer
For more information about astrologer Jon Deer, including his bio and his collected articles here on Pagan Song, check out Jon’s page on Pagan Song.
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