Greetings from Summer! Midsummer this year is on June 20, at 9:32 p.m. (Mountain Time). Summer solstice is a time for pagans to gather and celebrate the gifts of Sol during the Sabbat of Litha. Our featured song for summer this year on Pagan Song is the lovely Anthem to the Sun. “We sing an anthem to the sun as you reach your peak of power!” Here’s my take on the astrology for this season of our Earth Spirituality year.
After the insanity of the past year, isn’t it lovely to look forward to some relative peace and ease! Other than an intense feeling of needing to make things normal as much as we can and an unease regarding our recent past coming back to haunt us, things look rather good. Jupiter is new to Pisces though it will back out by the end of July, only to return at the end of the year. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and feels at home there so we should be sensing that in our lives.
Neptune continues its slow course through Pisces (its home), Saturn is now well into Aquarius (a 2nd home for it!) Pluto is still making some things uneasy, with its opposition to Venus (crazy drama in love?). This will work itself out soon enough this summer and other things will appear. So it goes. But overall, a good summer to look forward to. Enjoy!
This season we are featuring a seminal work from 1986, “Anthem to the Sun” written by Rick Hamouris, from the album, Welcome to Annwfn by Deborah and Rick Hamouris and friends. If you missed my fellow Pagan Song blogger Rick’s post earlier this year, be sure to check it out for more about this classic pagan recording.
Have a listen to the track. As you read your “scope”, I hope you’ll enjoy the words of this lovely song.
We sing an anthem to the sun
Anthem to the Sun, by Rick Hamouris, from the album Welcome to Annwfyn
As you reach your peak of power
Ever shorter days become
For, like the tide, your light
Must flow and ebb
Until the cycle’s done
We’re drawn inside your warm embrace
And drink the love you give so freely
Winter’s gone without a trace
We offer songs of joy
And ask for strength
To heal the human race
On all the treasures that abound
All the fruits of gentle summer
Your shining fingers can be found
Soft caresses keep
The grasses green
That spread along the ground
You weave your pattern in the sky
And leave a lesson in your passing
For each new life a thing must die
See how all the while
The Wheel still turns
From darkness into light
As usual, these readings apply from now through to just before Lunasa. A reminder–my solstice and equinox posts will continue to be available to all here on Pagan Song. My cross-quarter astrology posts for Lunasa, Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane are a benefit available to our Patreon supporters. I hope you’ll consider becoming part of the core of our Pagan Song family by subscribing to us on Patreon.

Astrology for Summer Solstice, 2021: readings
Mars is charging right along. Direct until the next Winter Solstice in fact! That’s pretty sweet for you, I would think. It will flow through an opposition to Saturn soon which will be a bit of a slowdown. More like making you be sure of crossing your t’s and dotting those i’s. By July romance looks very promising and will take a big upswing!
Your ruler Venus has a couple of aspects pertinent now; Trine Neptune and Opposite Pluto. One could make things very dreamy now, bringing in inspiration and love; the other is about a degree of strife and struggle. Direct those energies into creative outlets and something interesting can develop!
Mercury will move out of being retrograde in a few days. Expect things to pick up after that! In fact, I see a couple of aspects coming that will only increase your natural mental acumen. By July you will be buzzing with thoughts and people around you will be hanging on your every word! Keep it up!
Happy Birthday, Cancer! On the 24th you will have a lovely full Moon to boost your mood! Add in that Jupiter will trine the Sun (and sextile your Moon) and the level goes up further. Quite a few aspects are hitting the Sun and Moon then. Expect this time to be action packed with people coming and going!

Jupiter is trining your Sun, which is a lovely, positive aspect to start the period with. It’s also just into your 8th house so Money and Love seem to figure here. At least a time of letting go of barriers opening the heart Chakra, letting people in, and sharing love and true feelings. Sounds like a wonderful season!
I do honestly believe that Virgos are among the most sensitive creatures in the Zodiac. I also think they can hide that sensitivity behind a mighty wall that is hard to get past. Self-protection seems so important. There are quite a few aspects now that want you to open and trust, at least a bit. A lot of love is out there.
By the middle of July, I see some intense love coming at you! Venus, Mars, the Moon are moving into a triple conjunction that will be exact on July 12 and the sparks will be exciting! Too bad it is during the day and you can’t see it on this side of the Earth. BUT that doesn’t matter. It’s there and it’s yours!
Your new ruler Pluto is staying hidden for now, in Capricorn. He is slowly moving into a square to you and that can make things a bit……tough. Or, it could make it far more interesting that you might suspect. Depending on how you are wired for defying powers that be, this could be exciting or frightening.

The Sun will be in a nice Trine with your Jupiter and that’s going to feel great! Right after the Solstice will be wonderful. Towards the end of July, Venus and then Mars will oppose Jupiter, which may feel like almost a tryst turning into a lover’s quarrel. But this is a passing thing. Don’t sweat it.
Your opposite number, Cancer, begins this season as always. So, Capricorn is a bit subdued astrologically. Not that that is usually the case. Pluto is still slowly plowing through your sign, creating a pretty big wave in its wake. It’s just a long slow swell that comes from a deep place. Your story is not over yet.
Saturn, your “other ruler” went into Aquarius right about the last Solstice, so this energy is not new right now, just new in that there is that “feel at home” feeling. You do well with Saturn; balances the crazy streak you have from your other ruler, Uranus. Two sides of the same coin. They square each other right now. Work on that balance.
You might be feeling incredibly positive and upbeat now. Jupiter is new in Pisces. That’s a lot of good energy for you! With Neptune also in Pisces there could be a real feel of inspiration for you. You do know that Neptune is your “new” ruler and Jupiter is your “traditional” ruler. You do not often get them together.

photos by Jon Deer
Thanks for another intriguing astology post. Anthem to the sun has always been one of my favorite Litha songs, too!
Actually, the song was written by me 😉
Oops! Okay, I’m going in and fixing that in this post. I took the info from the album cover. I read the info there to mean she wrote it, but it must have been indicating that she sang it. And a lovely voice she has, too!
Is there a synergistic effect of both Jupiter and Saturn being in Pisces that’s different from either of them being in Pisces by itself? In other words, are the effects additive, or do they interact with each other?
Well, yes, there is a synergistic effect with both being in PIsces (or any sign) at the same time. Jupiter and Saturn meet up semi frequently as it is, about every 20 years, this last time in Aquarius at the time of the Winter Solstice! A bit monumental? A tyrant wanna be put out of office, a revolution (and not the good kind) attempted and now hopefully being squashed. In the sign of humanity and the masses and, ideally, forward thinking. A true test.
I am curious why you ask about Jupiter and Saturn being in Pisces. I looked it up and ran an analysis for that happening from the year 1600 to 2100. Has happened only 5 times, the last being February, 1820. So surely not in your (or anyone else we might know personally) chart. And that last time lasted 4 days. Jupiter came into Pisces and 4 days later Saturn left it. So not much time to interact and no conjunction! Interesting note: the Missouri Compromise was fashioned and made law in 1820, being attempt to deal with slavery. Since we are STILL dealing the the after math of slavery I can not say it was successful. We are a stubborn and worry some lot at time.
So, If Jupiter and Saturn has anything to do with that, it was to encourage a high ideal but be held back by another ideal that covered up a great evil and, in the end, was only the next step towards a bloody civil war.