Welcome to Summer! Though it does mark the beginning of the shortening of days, Summer is still a glorious time. Warm, sweet evenings, hot days, festivals, and good times. The sky shows us some possibilities and a sober reminder of our times.

The pattern is called a bowl; all points are within half the sky. (The nodes are not considered in this.) Start with the Sun and moving clockwise. The Sun is at the beginning of Cancer, the traditional beginning of Summer. He is in the 2nd house, suggesting that values are uppermost this season. Whatever it is we value individually. Seems obvious.
Next is Mercury, by itself in Gemini, followed by Venus and Uranus, both in Taurus in a wide conjunction. Both square Saturn, indicating difficulties in expressing themselves, needing more clarification with feelings and self-expression. However, Uranus is closely conjunct the Ascendant, the beginning of the chart. There is certainly a willingness in self-expression, the more individualistic the better! Indeed, Uranus is also conjunct the North Node, suggesting that that self-expression is more than just ego but expressing a karmic need to be oneself. All these placements are in the 1st house, the place of expression of ego, of showing what we are here to do.
Next, we see the next four all in Aries, yet all in the 12th house, rather hidden but will demonstrate themselves, if a bit under cover. Mars conjunct Chiron, showing difficulty in demonstrating its energy, whether through being held back or forcing the expression of self through less acceptable means.

Also, Mars is square Pluto, showing a need to control emotions or else attract violence. Coming from a hidden place like the 12th, (hidden enemies) to the 9th (ideals, religion) that can be scary as in blind revolution and killing for Christ. This will only develop more through the summer to and through July.
Next is Jupiter conjunct the Moon. Lovely together but still in the 12th, suggesting again a difficulty to show the love and feelings there. Neptune in Pisces is alone the 11th, sextile Venus so a hint of expressing its good feelings and spirituality. Next is Saturn in Aquarius in the 10th. A proper place for Saturn, being the taskmaster, squaring Venus, putting clamps on that love expression. Last is Pluto, in late Capricorn in the 9th. Venus is trine here, making for a more intense connection, hopefully not a fanatic connection.
The world is in a tough state in too many places. Wars, Fires, Mad Men shooting children. Insanity.
Let us make peace where we can, make love where we dare, bring hope and a smile where it may be possible. Be the peaceful warrior.
On that note, remember the season. Let this song inspire and lead us.
“Before the dawn on the longest day
We stand upon the hill and wait
We bid farewell to the shortest night
And drum and sing in the growing light
Sunrise, sun arise…The grey horizon slowly blooms
With rose and gold ‘til the sun’s disc shows
Amaterasu, Inti, Ra, Wala
We greet you on your day of power
Sunrise, sun arise…Gather together to celebrate summer
music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2019
Connect to the source of the most ancient ways
of ancestor dancers and chanters and drummers
within us, beside us on this longest day”
You can read Alane’s post about this song here.
As usual, this is for reflection and discussion. For “entertainment purposes” only. Good through the summer.
Your milage may vary. Any questions, inquire within.

Astrology for Summer Solstice, 2022: readings
As the leader of the Zodiac, you have a lot of juice with you now. Not just your “guy” Mars, but Jupiter, the Moon and Chiron as well. Bravery, foresight, depth of feeling and healing. Use that juice well!
Your earthy energy is welcome now. Venus is right there, connected to the North Node of the Moon, along with Uranus. Be creative in love and sharing. It is not just fun; it is what’s needed now by us all.
Communication is key now, as usual. Make it about growth and feelings. That might be the best way to wade through this river. When we lose sight of those things, we lose the point of life.
Happy Birthday, Cancer! Even though Your expression of self and your emotions may be conflicting right now, that will pass quickly enough. There is enough common sense and wisdom to guide you. Let it.

This is the time before your time. You may feel a bit hidden, but you know this passes. Your joyful soul is usually happy anyway. You are the Sun, after all! Lead us on. The dawn comes.
You may find yourself in some sort of leadership position right now. You do have the brains for this. You know that. You might have to work on the confidence though that comes with experience.
You have some pretty intense aspects now, especially regarding relationships! That, coupled with trouble with navigating interpersonal drama. You may want to just dream away now.
Your rulers are at loggerheads now and will be well into July. This may show outwardly in relationships, work, or play. This may show as an inner fight you have with yourself. Do not tear yourself up badly or anyone else.

You may be having the best time of anyone now. You often do, you know, being all “Ms. Positive and Light.” Now in Aries and loving the energy there, ready to fly, in touch with feelings. Sweet.
Your Saturn has just pulled out of a square to the Nodes (and to Venus) which tells me there was a karmic debt there that will now move on, to be worked on more another time.
Uranus will be meeting up with the North Node in late July. You may be feeling it already. A voice of destiny. A karmic connection with what and who you encounter, especially then. A vey new beginning, I would say!
Your soft and sympathetic nature is showing a lot now. That’s a good thing. The world could use some more Pisces. Such gentle, sensitive, lovely creatures. Still connecting with so much in the sky. Quietly.

photos by Jon Deer