Greetings to all this merry Yule! So good to have you with us. This looks like a fascinating season for astrology this winter! Let’s dive in.
The Sun slips into Capricorn December 21, 8:27:20 PM, MST this year. All the planets are within ½ the circle! Mostly bunched up in Capricorn (3) and Taurus (3). Interesting to note that as the Sun goes into Capricorn, Pluto is still hanging out at the very end of Cap. The two meet briefly on January 20 at 29*59’ Capricorn, the Sun surging ahead very soon after into Aquarius. The next day Pluto goes into Aquarius, then retrogrades at about 2 on Beltane, back to Capricorn.

By then, all the planets and Sun and Moon are within 120 degrees (1/3 of the circle of the sky), the sun being in the middle. All but the Moon. That speaks to a concentration of energy focused on the closing of the old year, the opening of the new. Sun is close to Neptune, crossing from Pisces to Aries, a pulling away yet still connected to the dreams of Pisces. There is certainly a lot of energy each side of the Sun with eternity and the future on each side. Pluto begins its entrance into Aquarius this year. This will be big and dramatic.
Speaking of dramatic, here’s a song by Alexander James Adams. He’s one of our bloggers and his post on his Yule songs is coming up next week.
Of long cold days now we need not fear,
from “Spirit of the Time” by Alexander James Adams, from the album “WinterTide”
The Solstice is the shortest in the year
Release your troubles, extend your hand,
Let peace and friendship ring through this land
All readings are read as if each sign is at the beginning, the Ascendant. As usual, for entertainment porpoises only. Not to be taken seriously unless you know. And you know.
Astrology for Yule, 2023: readings
I see something interesting happening in your chart. For Aries, about February 13th, could fit a bit before or after too, The Moon, Chiron, the North Node all conjunct at 16* Aries, the Moon being a trigger for some sort of wound or, hopefully, some sort of healing for you. This is just the transits; I do not know where in anyone’s chart it would be, or other factors. But this could be a sensitive time for you. Anyone with connection to that place in Aries. Be Well.
You have so much energy building up! Yule starts with the Moon right between Jupiter and Uranus, all in your 1st house. You know, Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct on April 20th. Anyone with a connection to 21 degrees Taurus, be aware of the coming tsunami. Could be big! A lot (Jupiter) of unexpected (Uranus). Hopefully, we all win the lottery!
Your Planet Mercury is closely conjunct the Sun at 0* Capricorn in the 8th house. Retrograde, it begins forward motion on January 2, then catches up again with the Sun on Feb. 27th. Doing this fascinating dance back and forth for most of the winter. As if it wants to convey a message but keeps having to rethink. At the end Saturn’s structure will help as the three join on the 27th.
At Yule, the Moon starts right between Jupiter and Uranus. She keeps up her dance,
as she always does, and again, on April 10, she is there again. Only Jupiter and Uranus are less
than 2* apart! The Moon can be a strong trigger for that other potent energy to get kicked off
On about April 20. This could be big fireworks!

The sun is always at the beginning of each season. So, you begin the parade. There is a lovely, almost exact trine to the Moon which is at Midheaven. From service to leadership. Close to that trine is Jupiter and Mercury. There will be effective communication and growth here this season. This may just be your year! At least your season.
Virgo is rising in the east on this chart. Your planet, Mercury, is leading the Sun but is also retrograding, going direct again on January 2. Having to go back into Sagittarius, I would think there is something to take care of from the last few weeks. No matter, Mercury does that more than any other planet. Not lagging, just being thorough.
Ah, lovely, handsome Libra. Your planet, Venus, in the house of values. Appropriate. I am thinking you are considering what is of value to you; not just money (crass, tsk tsk) but friendships, work, lovers. Values in general. I am sure there are specific questions on your mind. Weigh your options carefully, Libra. I am sure you will be gracious and kind.
Dark child of Mars and Pluto and they meet up at 0 degrees Aquarius on February 13th, just before Valentine’s Day. Seems ironic. Venus is coming on strong, conjuncting the pair a couple of days later. That looks like a very intense connection! It is in Aquarius, the sign of open minded connections. Sounds right. Will be fascinating, I am sure.

Jupiter and the Moon conjunct in Taurus in your house of service. Jupiter, as you know, is the planet of growth and big Life. Also, in the 6th house and in Taurus is Uranus, planet of unexpected changes. April will see these two meet up and the world may shake a bit. For now, you probably are starting to feel the earth rumbling a bit.
Happy Birthday, dear Capricorn! Saturn is still in the beginning of Pisces and will progress up to 12* Pisces by Beltane. In the 3rd house, communication is very high on the list of things to do. With Neptune also in Pisces still, this could be a spiritual connection. Neptune is at the end of Pisces. They will not meet up here. But the water runs deep between them.
Greetings, Aquarius! I see Pluto will slip into Aquarius on January 21 for a fleeting time, then back to Capricorn around Beltane. He is not done in Capricorn but wants to get a taste of revolution this year. You will be the birthplace of overturning whatever is worn out and wasteful in social interactions this year. Other things as well, I am sure. It will be dramatic!
Saturn is at 2 degrees Pisces, Neptune at 24* Pisces. You have been having a go of it (and will for a good while longer) with Mr. Serious Focus and Ms. Dreamy Vision splitting you up like this. Unless you are learning the lessons of each, putting into words the visions you see. By making the ethereal world real in some way, you can better express what is in your heart.

photos by Rob Green
For more information about astrologer Jon Deer, including his bio and his collected articles here on Pagan Song, check out Jon’s page on Pagan Song.
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