Yule this year commences on December 21 at 2:48:12 PM, Mountain time. As you can see in the chart below, everything except the South Node is within an opposition and everything except Mars and the South Node is in the Top half of the chart, indicating that the energy of the season and the year to come is much more “in your face.” Not so much the hidden agenda as being more obvious. The aspects are dramatic and mostly squares, trines, sextiles. So, an active chart. Lots of give and take. Mostly challenging (squares and oppositions) which produces the action.
Those with Taurus North node around 10 degrees will be in for a bumpy, exciting ride, I would guess. Expect the unexpected.
For most, this is a “wake up” chart. There is much to accomplish this coming year. This chart shows that the energies are with you if you can harness and direct them. I go deeper for each sign but it’s all relevant to all of us.
However, remember that this is Yule, the longest night of the year. Traditionally a time of meditation, chanting, being with friends and coven mates. A sacred time to honor and share. Remember the wonderful song by the Crow Women: A Long, Long Night. Beautiful, haunting, focusing.
It’s a long, long night
music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2017
It’s a long, long night
We journey through the darkness,
it brings us insight in the long, long night.
As usual, readings good through Eostara. Your milage may vary. Have fun.

Astrology for Yule, 2022: readings
Starting with a bang! Jupiter is just now new in your sign. Mr. Big is here to bring expansion to Aries. Your plans are probably to expand and grow. Certainly, the energy is all over that action! Aries “R” us! That’s cool; just remember that the best road trip involves bringing others along with you. Not only would it be boring without company, but it would also be fantastic karma to share the fun.
You have some very interesting times coming. They may have just come. Uranus conjunct the North Node would have thrown some unexpected fortune your way this past year. However, the aspect is still there, even if they are essentially retreating from each other. Keep those feelers out and sensitized. Could still be some excitement brewing there. It all involves your future.
Being an Air sign, Mars loves being here. It’s been here since last summer (a long transit already!) and will slide out and into Cancer right around Eostara. It’s in retrograde now, just making sure that the fire is well lit under you. Mars will go direct in mid-January. Then, it’s gang busters and in high gear. February 21 or so, Mars will trine your ruler, Mercury, now in Aquarius. That should be interesting for the conversation.
The Sun is now in opposition to Cancer. Kind of a spotlight on you from your opposite number. This is an important time for Cancer every year. With Jupiter now at 0 degrees Aries there is an intense “T-square” with your sign. All very close and “in your face,” if a tad mysterious sounding. It’s really a challenge to grow and be more of yourself. You can do this. The timing is right.

There’s an interesting angle between you Sun and Jupiter just now. They are square each other from your 6th house to your 9th house. In English, that’s a healthy itch between what you give in service to the world and the potential for explosive growth with spiritual attainment. Possibly a bit of a conflict between what you must do and what you aspire to do? There is a positive outcome here. You can find it!
Your planet Mercury really wants to create now! Wedged between Venus and Pluto in your 5th house, I would say that energy can spill out as beautiful yet dark truths. This setup will develop over the next 3 months into a more solid version. The dark part will go on, full of dark and rich truths. And, as Venus goes on into your 8th house, that will bring a similar beauty and truth.
There is a lot of energy in your home sector now. Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto all in Capricorn and that’s a bunch of stuff to work with at home. Pluto is pretty much the one that will put you through your paces though. Has been a few years now anyway. Starting in April, that will begin to change when Pluto moves on (a bit at least) into Aquarius. Something to look forward to on a few levels.
Mr/s. Dark, Pluto will be leaving your 3rd house in April, at least for a good hunk of 2023. Prepare yourself for a shift at home. You were built for intensity, and this is yet another phase of the drama. Pluto will be squaring the beginning of Scorpio from now through 2023 so the vibe will be in your face with situations and thoughts about the basics of life and how to deal with them.

Jupiter is starting out the season with its entry into Aries. Another fire sign and trine to you. That’s pretty positive and Jupiter is in your 5th house to boot! This will be a time of exuberance and your creativity rushing forth in whatever you choose to undertake. By March, though, Jupiter will meet up with Chiron, the minor planet relating to healing and health. Might be a minor crisis but you will sail through!
Happy Birthday, Mr. and Ms. Goat! Yule starts off with a lot of action in your sign. Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto all lined up. By the end of this period, all but Pluto will all be off into Aquarius, joining your guy Saturn. Then finally Saturn moves on in March. Into Pisces. Pluto lingers a while at the end. You have become old friends with the Dark One. Many lessons. Time to move on.
This winter starts off feeling like something is going to happen. Indeed, it does, but not till next month. Then it’s “gangbusters!” Saturn in your sign is joined by Sun, Mercury, Venus. By the end of March Pluto joins the party right about when Saturn moves on into Pisces. As usual, the planets shuffle along, forward, backward, move on. You’re pretty cool with all that. If you can see the future coming.
You keep swimming along with Neptune, for a while longer. Venus comes along, joining Neptune for some lovely dreams and inspiration. Then the Sun in February, then Mercury, then Saturn. All these lovely things to join you. You are in a time of year when it’s important to rest and dream. Dream deeper dreams. This is the universe speaking you alone.

photos by Rob Green