Black rabbit rubs his chin on a radio

Two Rabbits Walk into a Rehearsal…

Long-time readers of this blog likely recall a previous blogger Roki the rabbit. Roki supported the recording of Seasons, the Crow Women’s third album, because like most bands, we gravitated toward holding band practice at the drummer’s house. Sadly, Roki crossed the rainbow bridge in September 2020, leaving a huge bunny-filled hole in her household …

Two Rabbits Walk into a Rehearsal… Read More »

Lugh Celtic God of Nobility

Honoring Lugh

Lughnassadh (Lammas) is, among other things, a celebration of the Celtic god Lugh (also Lleu or Lugus), the god of nobility. Lugh was both a warrior and a craftsman (ah, the heart of a warrior, soul of an artist), and is well known for his many, many talents.  He is often called Lugh “of the …

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