Poly and Pagan: When Worlds Dovetail
I’ve always gotten along best with the “honestly promiscuous.” If I belong to a “tribe,” we’re all easy, and happy about it.
I’ve always gotten along best with the “honestly promiscuous.” If I belong to a “tribe,” we’re all easy, and happy about it.
Frequently, musicians are confronted with the question, “What’s your process?” For a Pagan musician, that process is often tied to our spirituality. Instead of sitting down to write a song, and then work out the melody and chording, Spirit taps us on the shoulder and starts whisper-singing a new piece in our ear! It had …
I wrote Autumn’s Twilight originally on October 29, 1995. It was published on KIVA’s album Out of the Corner of the Eye in 2006. The inspiration for the song was a beautiful maple tree in my back yard when I lived in Kensington, Maryland in the 1990s. I used to sit under the maple tree …
Welcome to Mabon! Also known as Second Harvest, this time is grounded in the Fall Equinox occurring now. This is the time of the harvest; grains and fruits–so much from the Earth–and we give thanks! This is the time of Libra, of balance and seeking “relation” with our relations. Mabon begins as the Sun goes …
“The Mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine” – Sextus Empiricus, 3rd Century AD Seasons move in a constant wheel of life. Birth of new energy, growth, production, harvest, decay, regeneration. All that happens creates all that will happen in an ongoing circle of magic. As Pagans, we get to enjoy …
My high priestess has a saying, “If you can’t laugh in Circle you are doing it wrong.” Don’t get her wrong, there is reason for solemnity in most rituals and celebrations, but you must learn to laugh at yourself. I am going to help you see some of the humor in Pagan song and how …
The heart of spellwork is creating a clear intention. Out of the muddle of our contradictory desires, we pluck this dream, clothe it in specifics, and set it on the altar. Magic has power because it requires a clear choice. “I want love, now” or “I want freedom, now”. I don’t cast spells very often–my …
By Kira Lang of Spiral Rhythm Our three tracks on The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights (redalbum.org) are very different but with the same goal. Bringing awareness to reproductive rights, raising funds to benefit those in need, and using our voices in protest of injustice. They are the chant Mother Of by Kiki …
As we sit at the table of our first bountiful harvest of the year, what do you see laid before you? This is a question I have asked myself too many times to count over the last week. The same answer rang back in my face over and over, “keep going, you’re almost there”. I …
Hello Everyone. Looking back over the songs I write and have written, I have noticed that I do write a lot about time, love and the space between. I do believe that time is an illusion, a way for us to navigate and better learn about love. The space between us is also an illusion. …