As the season changes from winter to spring, the energies of the earth start to rise with new life. Ostara, the Spring Equinox, is the perfect time to embrace this energy and renew our own spirits. For pagans and Wiccans, it’s a time of balance where light and darkness are equal. And what better way to celebrate than with some spring equinox music?
What is Ostara?
Ostara is a pagan festival that marks the changing of seasons from winter to spring. Eostre, also known as Ostara or Eastre, is a significant figure in Germanic mythology, closely linked with the arrival of spring and the dawn. This goddess holds particular prominence within Anglo-Saxon and Old High German traditions and is thought to be the namesake for the Christian festival of Easter. The intertwining of pagan and Christian traditions surrounding Eostre makes her a fascinating and enigmatic figure in the cultural tapestry of the holiday. Ostara (the Spring Equinox) is a time of growth and renewal, symbolized by the blooming flowers, baby animals, and lengthening days. It’s an opportunity to embrace new beginnings and celebrate the balance of light and dark. During this time, we reflect on our personal growth while looking for new opportunities “to plant” within our lives.

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Shelve your inhibitions and dance wildly upon the face of the reborn Earth
Whether you’re breaking into the seed catalogs or taking off for spring break, the lure of the vernal equinox is impossible to ignore. Called Ostara or Eostre in nature spiritualities, it is one of the most primitive and “earthy” of the solar festivals.
Many of the symbols and customs surrounding the Christian celebration of Easter come directly from Euro-Pagan practices. Why is the humble egg such a potent trademark of spring? And what about that Easter bunny? This book discusses such universal symbols that have survived intact for thousands of years.
From coloring eggs with natural plant dyes, to spring cleaning rituals, to spells for love and lust, this book will help you connect with the spirit of the festival and incorporate its rituals and customs, both ancient and new, into your own Ostara celebrations.
* Full of rituals, spells, recipes, crafts, and customs to celebrate spring
Spring Equinox Music
Music is a powerful tool that can uplift, transform, and transform your daily routine by helping you create the mood you need to make space for celebration and reflection. Spring equinox music should create an atmosphere of peace, balance, growth, renewal, and rebirth. There are many different types of spring equinox music to choose from, including drumming circles, chanting, and nature sounds.
Take Your Ostara Playlist on a Nature Walk
Take a walk outside and connect with nature. Bring your music along! Notice the patterns of spring growth, take some deep breaths, and feel the energy of the earth around you. You might find that you have more clarity and can appreciate the fresh weightlessness of the new energy during this time.
Dye Eggs While Listening to Music
Dying eggs is a fun and colorful tradition associated with the Ostara festival. Why Bunnies & Eggs!? Both Rabbits & Eggs symbolize fertility and new beginnings and are commonly used as symbols in springtime celebrations. Get creative with your dying by incorporating various colors and patterns, all the while playing enchanting spring equinox music to fill your spirit with holiday joy.
Listen to Music While Planting a Garden
What better way to embrace the season of growth than to plant a garden? Get your hands dirty in the dirt, connecting with the earth while opening up your spirit to new growth and renewal. You can further complement the experience by playing beautiful spring equinox music, as you plant flowers that will bloom with different colors.
As spring blooms into life, we take a moment to reflect on change and growth. Celebrating Ostara with spring equinox music can provide an experience rich in cultures. All these traditions and rituals are inspired by the energy of the Earth, so they help us connect with the world around us in a special way. Use these suggestions to create your own unique celebration, and remember to embrace the spirit of growth and renewal in whatever way you can. Remember to “Bloom where YOU are planted”, and celebrate life in all its creative beauty. Blessed Be!
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