I have been a Brigid devotee ever since I learned of this Celtic Goddess back when I was a young aspiring actress in New York City. Perhaps I was drawn to her initially because her image is often described much like my own: Tall, fair-skinned Goddess with long red hair. But my connection to Brigid feels like it officially started when I wrote my first Brigid Song in 2011. My connection deepens with her with every new Brigid/Imbolc song that comes through. I will be sharing some of my Brigid songs and lyrics from my “Bridget Songs With Karaoke Tracks” album with you here in hopes that they will also deepen your relationship with this “Go to” Celtic Goddess of fire, water, and healing. Several of these songs shave Karaoke tracks with them so you can learn the songs and sing them for your own Brigid/Imbolc/Healing Ceremonies. Feel free to use them. It is what they are for.
Note: You will see the name “Brigid” spelled in different ways in different songs. There are many different spellings to her name. Don’t let it confuse you. Same Goddess no matter how you spell it.
Here is a link to the full “Bridget Songs (with Karaoke Tracks) Album: https://celiafarran.com/album/3269949/brigid-songs-with-karoke-tracks
Here is a link to some of Celia’s Brigid Videos on You Tube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLICg0gaJmQI2DU5ECkys7YjlDnuI9UhF1&si=Tp3fb830HErgIYsW

“Brigid, Be Here With Us Now-Live Loop”
First let’s invite and invoke our Beautiful Goddess Brigid with this piece I created to call her in, called “Brigid, Be Here With Us Now”
Bride. Brigid. Brighid.
Goddess Brigid.
We are calling for you…..
To be here with us now.
We bless your faithfulness as we tend our flames.
We bless your beauty as we sing your holy name.
We bless the healing waters flowing thru your heart.
We bless your wisdom as we remember who we are.
Goddess Brigid.“Brigid, Be Here With Us Now-Live Loop”, by Celia Farran © 2017 Red Granite Goddess Publishing/ASCAP
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125910/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-01-brigid-be-here-with-us-now-live-loop. And here’s the YouTube video:
“Bridget’s Song”
“Bridget’s Song” was the first Brigid song I wrote. I debuted it at Pantheacon in San Jose, CA in 2012. It turned out to be a song of her attributes and continues to be one of my most popular Brigid songs on You Tube.
This song became very popular on You Tube and sprouted a lively discussion in the chat from different perspectives. You see, there are some folks who insist that Brigid is a Saint. And others who insist she is a Goddess. Here is my response to the various opinions that were flooding the chat: “Brigid is Goddess AND Saint. She was a Goddess First. I use the word “Saint” AND “Goddess” in this song. She is Both. She is Both so much so that “People of all paths will gather round to sing her name.”
My prayer is that we may embrace this and come together rather than use our beliefs to create fear and separation. This is not a Pagan song. This is not a Christian song. It is a Brigid Song. And what she represents is a healing I pray we may all be open to be blessed by.
Verse 1: Goddess Bridget Peace Weaver, Healer, Poet, Queen.
Melt the snow and bring the spring.
Verse 2: Saint Bridget Gold Bender, Keeper of the Flame.
Blessed Imbolc. We Sing Your Name.
Chorus: We Sing Your Name. We Sing Your Name.
We Sing Your Name. We Sing Your Name.
We Sing Your Name. We Sing Your Name.
Goddess Bridget. Keeper of the Flame.
Bridge: Bridget so beautiful Bridget so powerful
People of all paths will gather round to sing your name.
Bridget so beautiful Bridget so powerful
People of all paths will gather round to sing your name.“Bridget’s Song” Words and Music by Celia Farran © 2012 Red Granite Goddess Publishing/ASCAP
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125911/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-02-bridget-s-song
Link to Recording of Karaoke Track: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125928/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-11-bridget-s-song-background-vocals
“Bridget’s Well”
The next Brigid Song I wrote is called “Bridget’s Well”. I remember writing it while on a walk in Prescott, Arizona, the town I wrote and recorded “Bridget’s Well” in. I like this song because of the lyrics dance of fire and water.
Verse One:
Make your way to the Sacred Well.
Where Bridget & her Sisters dwell.
Bring your worries & your concerns
To the Healing waters & the fire that burns
Let it all go. Let it all go.
Surrender your heart for the Goddess to unfold.
Let it all go. Release you woes….
To the flame that burns & the water that flows.
Make your way to the Sacred Flame.
Where Saint & Goddess Share the name
Of Bridget blessing our sons & daughters
By the Fire that burns and the Healing Waters
Let it all go. Let it all go.
Surrender your heart for the Goddess to unfold.
Let it all go. Release you woes…….
To the flame that burns & the water that flows.“Bridget’s Well” Words and Music by Celia Farran © 2013 Red Granite Goddess Music
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125924/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-07-bridget-s-well. And here it is on YouTube:
“Bridgid of the Sacred Waters”
The next Brigid song I want to feature is a co-write between myself and Selena Fox called “Bridgid of the Sacred Waters”. You see, it was around Imbolc time and I saw a post from Selena with the words of a Brigid Chant. Immediately a melody came in and I wrote the music and arranged and recorded the song. I then shared it with Selena and when I was visiting my mother in Wisconsin. I also visited Selena at her home in Barneveld and recorded her voice on the track as well. It remains one of my most beloved and magical collaborations.
Here are the words to the chant that inspired a beautiful co-write.
Bridgid of the Sacred Waters
Cleanse us. Bless us. Heal us. Renew us. Guide us. Inspire us.
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125925/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-08-bridgid-of-the-sacred-waters
Link to Recording of Karaoke Track: https://celiafarran.com/track/4126167/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-15-bridgid-of-the-sacred-waters-background-vocals
Brigid Home Blessing
I love songs of blessings so when I found a Brigid Home Blessing on the wall of a Brigid’s Well in Drum Ireland I was immediately inspired to create a melody and sing it right at the well. Here is the video of this moment.
Link to a capella Recording in Drum Ireland: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125912/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-03-brigid-home-blessing-song-live-drum-ireland
The song marinated for a time and then became a much more developed piece as a live loop.
Link to Live Loop version: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125913/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-04-brigid-home-blessing-live-loop
Here are the words that I found on the plaque on the wall at the mouth of the well.

May Brigid Bless the House Wherein you Dwell.
Bless Every Fireside. Every Wall and Floor.
Bless Every Heart That Beats Beneath Its Roof.
And Every Tongue & Mind Forevermore
Bless Every Hand that Toils to Bring Joy.
And Every Foot that Walks Its Portal Thru.
This is my wish today, my constant prayer;
May Brigid Bless the House that Shelters You.

“Eternal Flame”
As I started doing online Brigid/Imbolc concerts during the shut downs I created a section where we lit the flame of Kildare. I had gathered the flame of Brigid from Kildare in 2015 and I would light the communal candle from this flame. It begged a chant. And so “Eternal Flame” was written. It is a live loop. So, the parts interweave.
The Eternal Flame. 8Xs
In Brigid’s Name. We Light the Flame 4 Xs
Goddess Brigid, Our hearts are open.
Our Minds are Free. Our Hands Devoted.
We gather round. To weave a spell.
We bring our prayers to your sacred well.“Eternal Flame” Words and Music by Celia Farran © 2020 Red Granite Goddess Music
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125923/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-06-eternal-flame-live-loop
“Ancestor Goddess Brighid”
On a more personal note, I wrote “Ancestor Goddess Bridgid” in one of my darker nights of the soul. I remember writing this and singing it as I walked The Trail of Tears in Missouri in 2018. This one feels a lot more personal than the others. Perhaps also because I feel a bit “kin” to Brigid due to my own Celtic Ancestry (and of course the way I look–as mentioned earlier).
Oh Brighid Enter me. For I need you inside. I got lost along my way. Oh Brighid, How I need you to guide me. Oh Brighid Come to me. For I need your wisdom inside me. I got lost in my own heart. Oh Brighid How I need you now. This is my invitation. This is my invocation. Oh Ancestor Goddess Brighid. This is my invitation. This is my invocation. You are my Ancestor Goddess Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Oh Brighid Enter me. For I need you inside. I got lost along my way. Oh Brighid, How I need you to guide me. Oh Brighid Come to me. For I need your wisdom inside me. I got lost in my own heart. Oh Brighid How I need you (here) now. This is my invitation. This is my invocation. Oh Ancestor Goddess Brighid. This is my invitation. This is my invocation. You are my Ancestor Goddess Brighid. And I feel you. How I feel you. How I feel you. In my veins. And I hear hear you. Oh How I hear you. Oh How I hear you. I’m listening…….. Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Brighid. Oh Brighid Come to me for I need you inside me. I got lost on my way. How I need you to guide me. Oh Brighid enter me for I need you inside me. I got lost in my heart. I need you hear now. You are my inspiration. You are my meditation. You are my Ancestor Goddess Brighid. You are my inspiration. You are my meditation. You are my Ancestor Goddess Brighid. You are my Ancestor Goddess Brighid.
“Ancestor Goddess Brighid” By Celia Farran © 2018 Red Granite Goddess / ASCAP
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125927/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-10-ancestor-goddess-brighid-rough
Sharing Brigid Songs
These are some of the Brigid Songs I have birthed in the last decade or so. Watch for more in the future. I tend to bring one thru at least once a year as I get ready for my Brigid/Imbolc Healing Concert which has only ever been available as an online event.
At the time of this writing I will be offering this event live and in person for the first time (in Albuquerque, NM) since its creation. It will be wonderful to share with others in person in the healing blessings of Brigid.
“Brigid Blessing: May you Shine”
And I will leave you with a Brigid Blessings and let the song lyrics speak for themselves. Thank you for taking this Brigid/Imbolc musical journey with me. May you Shine.
When the clouds are rumbling and tears start to fall
And you fear that love is gone.
Take a moment. Call her name.
Brigid Will guide you home.
May you shine shine shine.
With the power of St. Brigid
May you Shine shine shine
With the Goddess in your heart.
May you know your name.
As she gently walks beside you.
May you shine shine shine with your radiant light.
When the waves are crashing relentlessly
and you’re paralyzed with fear.
Let them take you over
carry you to sea
you’ll find Bridget there
Give her your hands.
Give her your heart.
Give her your worries and your cares.
Give her your hopes.
Give her your dreams.
Call her name and Brigid will be there.“Brigid Blessing: May you Shine” By Celia Farran © 2013 Red Granite Goddess / ASCAP
Link to Recording: https://celiafarran.com/track/4125926/celia-farran-brigid-songs-with-karaoke-tracks-09-bridgid-blessing-guit-vcl-rough-sketch

For more information about Celia, including her collected articles here on Pagan Song, her bio, and links to Celia’s sites on the web, check out Celia’s page on Pagan Song.
For many more blog posts about the Sabbat of Imbolc, please check out Pagan Song’s Candlemas/Imbolc page, where we collect all the posts about Imbolc songs, ritual and recipes that have been published since this blog began in 2019.
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I’ll definitely be revisiting this post for future reference.