Album release

painting by Maxfield Parrish of woman on swing

“There Beneath the Stars” – Album Release!

The beginning of June is so very beautiful. The greening is almost complete, most gardens are planted and if you are far enough south, maybe even a few things have been harvested. Being in Northeast Ohio….my gardens have been, for the most part, planted…. Also…I have just finished my 12th solo album There Beneath the …

“There Beneath the Stars” – Album Release! Read More »

Seasons: A Pagan Journey Around the Wheel

Happy Beltane! Today we release our third album! You can purchase it from us right here on this website! Here’s what band members have to say on this exciting day. Why now? Why release an album in 2019? Crow Women began as a women’s Goddess Spirituality circle in 1992. Many of our members love to …

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