
pagan musician Wendy Rule with incense

The Sacred Sabbats of Samhain and Beltaine

As the Wheel of the Year turns away from the planetary balance of light and dark at the recent Equinox in September, and toward the upcoming seasonal extremes of the December Solstice (Midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere and Midwinter in the Northern), we find ourselves approaching a deeply magical point in the year. Traditionally celebrated …

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Lugh Celtic God of Nobility

Honoring Lugh

Lughnassadh (Lammas) is, among other things, a celebration of the Celtic god Lugh (also Lleu or Lugus), the god of nobility. Lugh was both a warrior and a craftsman (ah, the heart of a warrior, soul of an artist), and is well known for his many, many talents.  He is often called Lugh “of the …

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Imbolc altar

Imbolc menu and memories

The days are getting longer. Depending on where you live, the first little green shoots might be poking up. It’s time to celebrate Imbolc! I’m musing about the many Imbolcs our coven has celebrated, in many different conditions. They are priestessed by the out-going Maiden, Mother, and Crone priestesses. (I wrote about the Crows’ priestess …

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