Horse energy appeals to nearly everyone on some level, and working with the Horse Goddess can help you tap into these facets of your life. For millennia the horse has been an important symbol and spirit animal for pagans all over the globe. Horse Goddesses abound: Epona, Rhiannon, Macha, Aine; horses appear in cave paintings, myths, and legends all over the world.

Working with Horse Energy
When most people think of horse energy they picture a wild horse running free, wind blowing through its mane, galloping wildly. Horse energy abounds with strength, stamina, freedom, and independence; yet they have a tremendous capacity for cooperation whether it is within their herd or with their human handler. Working with horse energy can help you find balance between exercising your personal power and independence, and working cooperatively with others. Horses know their place within the herd, yet maintain their individual freedom, strength, and power. They are very intuitive creatures, and the Horse Goddess can help you develop your own intuition skills.

Horses in my life
I was the quintessential horse-crazy little girl, turned into the horse-crazy adult, so it was natural that in my pagan spiritual path I was drawn to horse deities. To me the horse represents strength, freedom, and independence, along with the softer qualities of family, loyalty, and friendship. They can be independent and seemingly stubborn at times; however, they can also very giving and selfless toward others.
Grace, a horse I was fortunate enough to have in my life for almost twenty years, was my constant and consistent companion, carrying me over Kentucky fields, Rocky Mountain trails, and many a fence in competition. I trusted her completely as she did I.
If you are fortunate enough to have a real horse in your life, you probably know the quiet joy of just spending time in their presence; grooming, talking, just quietly being with them as they eat or doze. Something of their tremendous power and self assurance soaks into you.

The Horse as Goddess
This is the constancy and companionship the Horse Goddess offers. She demands little, only seeking your trust and attention; as Rhiannon says when you need her, “you only have to ask.”
The Crow Women song Epona (written by Carole), expresses this in the lyrics.
I ride a white horse and she carries me far,
music & lyrics © Carole Louise McWilliams, 2010
Across the wide ocean up to the night sky.
She runs on the clouds and she circles the stars,
Then brings me back home by the light of the moon.
Epona run carry me silver hooves flash,
No bridle or saddle, no feel of the lash.
Epona run fly with me, willingly, laughingly,
Showing me how to be magic and free.
I ride a white horse and she carries me fast,
We out-run the future and repair the past.
We toss sacred oats out that glitter like stars,
To heal Mother Earth to help Her to last.
I ride a white horse and she carries me long,
No sign of weariness or wish to be done.
She carries me endlessly, tirelessly, magickally;
I give her my thanks and I sing this her song.

Ritual for connecting to Horse Goddess
If you don’t have access to a horse and you are nevertheless drawn to Horse Goddess energy, you can perform a ritual to her to tap into this source.
As this is a ritual for connecting to the Horse Goddess and Horse energy, you should plan to include symbolism and visualization. For example, you could include figures of horses, pictures, or even horseshoes. Put equine attracting treats on your altar such as carrots. If you do have a real horse, have it present for the ritual. You may want to sing the Crow song Epona to call in the Goddess to your sacred space. (You can listen to it on its song page here.)
When calling the quarters, think of qualities of horse energy that connect to the elements; for example, freedom and independence for air, power and spiritedness for fire, intuition and sensitivity for water, and connectedness and endurance for earth.
Include a visualization of yourself as a horse, either in your mind’s eye or with actual movement. Walk, trot, gallop and cavort; feel the wind in your mane and hear your hooves drumming the ground. You may also want to include costuming to completely immerse yourself in the experience.
If you are working specifically with Rhiannon, try carrying a burden (or another person!) on your back.

Journey with the Horse Goddess
Horses also represent the idea of journeying or traveling. This could mean actual physical transport or spiritual journeying. For many people, horses conjure up images of fantastical experiences, of sharing thoughts and feelings as you ride along on a journey together. Indeed, working with horse energy is ideal for meditating and journeying within yourself. The Horse Goddess has much to teach us about balance, power, community, imagination, perseverance, independence, and finding our own wisdom.
Invite the Horse Goddess in
Approach the Horse Goddess as you would a real horse, with respect, but also with confidence. Call to her and let her come to you. Welcome her as a friend and companion. As you build a trusting relationship she will be there for you, sharing all her horse-like qualities, protecting you as a mother and helping you as a friend.

As a woman dedicated to Horse Goddess, I have collected my share of resources for working with her. This beautiful statue of Rhiannon, as well as this scholarly and insightful book, are available on Amazon. Click here for more information or to purchase the statue or the book.

If you are interested in learning more about equine archetypes, there is a lovely book and oracle card set called Way of the Horse by Linda Kohanov. It includes essays about the many aspects of Horse Energy and how to work with them in your life.
Please feel free to leave comments below and let us know how Horse Energy works in your life.
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