Frequently, musicians are confronted with the question, “What’s your process?” For a Pagan musician, that process is often tied to our spirituality. Instead of sitting down to write a song, and then work out the melody and chording, Spirit taps us on the shoulder and starts whisper-singing a new piece in our ear!
It had been a quiet afternoon. Autumn had set in after a somewhat hectic summer festival schedule. Miles and miles had been added to my little vehicle – and every mile seemed to have shining memories attached!
I think I must have had a cup of tea or something, and I was probably playing a game or reading. All systems were normal – then, there was a moment. It felt like Time had stepped outside itself. The Muse was here!
I knew immediately this was NOT the presence I was familiar with. No. This was far more substantial than before – almost corporeal – and I can still “see” Her in my mind today!
That afternoon, She came as the Child Goddess, about 3½ feet tall, with long dark hair and emerald green eyes that held laughter so deep, it dispelled any fear or shock! Her short dress was a light blue-green and I noted her footwear, too. She appeared to be wearing a kind of combat boot, and the tips looked metallic!
Her voice was music itself and She told me she wanted new, good music for her Pagan Children. The young ones needed the stories and teachings to be sung with joy – the joy that will allow the message to remain in their hearts.
Oh! but She was quite specific about there being no age limit to being a Pagan Child! There are Children of All Ages, she said. (I often express this as K.O.A.A. – Kids of All Ages!)
I danced with this magnificent Child Goddess for two years! She whispered and sang so many songs for me to catch – I was in constant delight! Granted, some arrived in the middle of the night and required a holy sacrifice of sleeping hours but I never turned down a chance to travel down paths of beauty with Her!
With her guidance, I was able to produce an album of songs for our Pagan kids, plus a storybook AND a fairy persona. She wove so many experiences together, returning forgotten melodies from the past and joining them with new ideas. As I look back, I notice a special set of “bookends” – the beginning and the farewell that She gave me.
Deities At Play
It started with something that merited the title “Child Divine.” Its lyrics come from the viewpoint of a child witnessing a ritual, where the adults are seriously into raising the power and working their magic. The child voices questions:
I can hear the Big Folks calling on the Goddess and the God
from “Child Divine” by Ginger Ackley, available here on Bandcamp (with full lyrics)
But as I sit here thinking, well it seems a little odd!
And I wonder, yes I wonder, if the deities we laud
Were ever little children: the Goddess and the God!
It felt like an important insight, to consider the messages we are sharing with our children as we go about our ritual ways! Beyond our words, what are we teaching them with our actions – and our interactions? I was reminded, as well, that true Magick speaks to the Child that lives in our hearts and nourishes our spirits! I was gifted a lovely and rather comical vision:
Isis and Astarte making mud pies.
Hekate’s hiding from Diana.
Demeter’s finger painting, and Kali’s
Playing peekabo with Inanna!
Then came a flood of songs for our Pagan Kids! Some were new words to borrowed tunes that most kids are singing by their second year. “Frere Jacque” and “The Farmer In The Dell” were given a new Pagan life with lyrics that share encounters with magickal creatures and introduce some basic ideas of spirituality. “Hocus Pocus” evolved out of instigating a Kids’ Parade at festivals where we challenged vendors, patrons – and the Very Serious Workshop attendees to “Give us the name of a Magickal Tool!” At this point, we would chant the Hocus Pocus (coopting the melody to the Hokey Pokey!), and much laughter was enjoyed by all! The kids would also learn about the tools we grownups use in our ritual practice.
She Knows What She Wants
The Child Goddess gave me songs for old fables and resurrected lullabies that echoed words I sang to my own babies. I noted all of them and worked day and night to record this amazing project. I thought I was done but She had one more idea. As I looked back over all the tracks, I heard her voice and I felt the metal tips on her boots as they connected with my shins!
“I want a Ritual!” She said. “My Children need a Ritual.”
So… I “listened.”
That is how “Silly Magic” came to be. It is a ritual for Kids (of All Ages) for the times when it seems easier to be sad. It teaches the rudiments of sacred space and tools. It offers a pattern for raising and then releasing energy, for grounding and respecting the elements of power. Most importantly, though, it gives younglings a way to step into their own power and actually DO something when they are less than happy.
I’ve got a little secret and I’ll tell you what it is
I know a special ritual and at it, I’m a whiz
It makes me feel so happy, even when I’m blue
Making Silly Magic is the bestest thing to do!It’s Silly Magic! My Silly Magic!
“Silly Magic” by Ginger Ackley available here on Bandcamp, with full lyrics
A happy, slappy ritual for me!
Oh yes, it’s Magic! My Silly Magic!
And when it’s done I’ve had some fun
And I’m happy as can be!

And The Dance Continues
There was another aspect to this wonderful Dance. The Child Goddess has a purpose that extends far beyond me! With the catchy little earworms, like wigging bait on a hook, She wants to attract other Pagan musicians to reach out to our younglings. She is encouraging all of us to write songs for our youth that they will grow up singing. Those songs will be shared with THEIR children and will form part of the introduction to what living a Pagan life is all about.
This beautiful aspect of the Feminine Divine stepped back after a couple of years when the album was done and the storybook written. She always returns when it is time to put on my pixie tutu, animating Posie the Flower Pixie! Although other aspects of the Muses have taken a more forward position, She remains, dancing at the edge of my spirit. She lets me know that, even in my Crone years, the Maiden is still alive and well – and making Silly Magic!
So, my Musical Friends, now that you know the Child Goddess is there, call out to Her. Start writing. Start playing. Start making up stories – She will come!

For more information about Ginger Ackley, including her collected articles here on Pagan Song, her bio, and links to Ginger’s sites on the web, check out Ginger’s page on Pagan Song.
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What a wonderful article! Ginger is just a great human being. One of the kindest people I have ever met in our community.