I believe many of us are Daughters, yes, and Sons of Lilith. She is the Dark Mother in my pantheon. She is the archetype and personification of everything I believe… She is fierce, brutal, and brutally honest. She has neither the time nor the patience for lies or deception. She is passionate and erotic beyond imagining. Lilith represents everything the patriarchy hates and fears, as the tired, old, white men hide behind their dusty book.
Lilith represents the promise of independence and power for women.
My song Daughter of Lilith
In this song I am trying to capture the essence, the power, and the sensuality of one of her accepting daughters.
She’s got shadows in Her heart
She’s got the Moon in Her eyes
And She looks at me like a Demon looks at the flames…
I remember the night
Seems like a lifetime ago.
She whispered to me, “Darkness is my name.”Chorus:
She’s a Daughter of Lilith
She holds me in Her hand
She is the Darkness, so hard to understand
Goddess of Resistance
Independence and erotic love
She is everything Dark Magic is made of…Her fingertips are magic
Sometimes I swear they glow.
There’s thunder in the night air, where it comes from I don’t know…
I know She is a Goddess
Walking through my Night
She’s got the Moon in her eyes, I never tell her No…
ChorusHer smile’s filled with Dark magic,
Of Roots and herbs and leaves,
She can touch a heart and make a soul believe
In the Dark She holds me tightly
But in the daylight She must go.
In my Heart and Soul, She never leaves…
Daughter of Lilith by Louis Garou
Lilith, and her children represent revolution from organized religion and it’s entanglement with goverment. In Rise up, Lilith I wrote about Her refusal to Adam’s, and therefore also his creator’s control…. “You refused his subjugation, for that sin You were surely damned. The truth is You were never wrong, and we all understand.” By “we” I am referring to her spiritual decendents who see the truth behind the lies still propping up the crumbling patriarchy. You can read more about my song Rise Up, Lilith in my previous post here on Pagan Song.
The Daughter of Lilith in my song is a Witch, a free and powerful being, walking through the world. Dealing with the shadows because she accepts and uses her Darkness, Her Mystery, even Her lust to seize and enjoy Her life.

My inspiration for writing Daughter of Lilith
In a vision/dream, Darkness spoke to Wolf. She said, “I am a Daughter of Lilith. We all are her children.” That line stuck with me… I have chanted it and appreciated the Power and Simplicity of Her words. I wrote it down in my book and the rest of the words came rushing out of my cluttered mind faster than I could write.
The song is also about how Darkness is a close friend of mine, Her use of written and spoken word and Dark Magic much greater than mine. Most would call Her imaginary, but She is absolutely real. This song combines the character of Darkness and much of what She represents to me… She and Wolf are real. They whisper to me in the Darkness.

The song’s purpose
My hope is, in this dark time of the year, it causes some of my Witchy sisters and brothers to look toward their dark sides, their shadow selves, and see it is not something to avoid and banish, but it is a natural part of themselves to welcome and embrace…
We are Her children. Look in your mirror, Child. Welcome Her… Let Her help you to find that part of you that you locked away and forgot about long ago. She will empower you. She will help you remember. She will make you whole if you allow it. She has the key… She is the key.

Darkness in my magic and music
I’ve been asked, “Why all the darkness? Why do you always write about dark subjects?”
Webster defines darkness as, “a state in which little or no light can be seen.” I believe Darkness is a place, or a state of being, or even a being filled with Mysteries, questions, and power. Darkness enhances our senses, makes us use them all… and our imagination. Darkness can create a state of fear, or wonder, or eroticism, or whatever can be felt or imagined, because it’s very existence creates a shroud of mystery over the mundane, everyday of the world.
I will always choose darkness.

all photos in this post are by Jr Korpa on Unsplash
For more information about Louis, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Louis’ sites on the web, check out Louis’s author page here on Pagan Song.
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I have always been intrigued by Lilith, and how her story is told as well as feeling her as a representation of night and the moon.thank you for sharing the story of your haunting song, and of the Wolf and Darkness. I agree we need to “Free Lilith” from the confines of the patriarchal story.