Numbers Equal Strength.
This quarter’s blog has turned out very different than I intended.
This part of the winter holiday season calls for Gratitude for what we each have in our lives, wherever, however, and whatever the conditions are that we are living.
I don’t know how many of you, dear readers, are feeling betrayed and denied of blessings by our current electoral outcome, but from the razor-thin count of “No” versus “Yes”, I’d guess a good many.
As an openly transgendered male performing in public facilities nationwide, I have always found courage in the knowledge that, for the most part, the average person, by themselves, engages cautiously with everything around them unless they are in a group. One-to-one, I tend to have no fear of danger to myself. When I can find a way to connect in a common place of co-existence with another human being, danger does not easily manifest.
Numbers Equal Strength.
Right now, I am grateful for the number of fans, friends, and followers who support my music and my authentic empowerment. For me, there is powerful magic gained from the unleashing of my true soul to be seen in the outside world. Your support serves as a type of armor for me. For every one person I meet who would recoil from my very existence, there are many more of you who stand beside me in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
This transparency of the soul is allowed for almost all living things on this planet except humans. We stubbornly insist on teaching prejudice and fear of “otherness” to ourselves and each other, creating the need for secrecy and misrepresentation.
I hold Gratitude for you, my readers. I believe that you have the bravery and capacity to refuse and discard those teachings. I have seen it in the conversations I have with you online and in your media posts.
There is so much out there in the public media info sources that is not so much designed with honest transparency, as with the desire for manipulation. Both sides and in the middle.
As an entertainer, I am grateful that I can watch the “news” and see the exact form of presentation and understand what they are doing and why. These sources take the Truths of Things and omit, feature, and bend individual parts of the whole to control specific focus and resonance with their audience.
As a performer, I do the same. It is not, in and of itself, a bad thing.
What I watch for is the resulting intent of the manipulations. Are they promoting progressive advancement for all as civil humans? Are they unifying people in peace or aggression?
Numbers Equal Strength.
There is nothing more draining than conducting yourself in a positive, constructive manner only to find that gaslighting and misrepresentation have won out, and now there is a danger to life’s transparency of the human soul.
We are not Helpless against this.
We can keep our eyes clear of the deceptions presented to us. We can stay united in our Truths. We can mass together online or in person at events and celebrate these Truths.
This is our Magic.
Yes, it makes us targets, but acknowledging this allows us to gear up in ways that can protect our communities. With our numbers, we can hold those protections together to shelter any one of us. We can share our knowledge, talents, and abilities to construct mass movements to defend, resist, defy, and if necessary, evade and escape any manipulative actions that threaten our basic rights of transparent existence.
This is our Magic.
Numbers Equal Strength.
Empowerment during dangerous times starts with a deep, steady breath. Then another. A full minute of deep breathing will reset the mind, body, and soul into clarity and grounding. The more often you deep-breathe throughout the day, the more balanced you stay in times of danger.
When you sing, you control that breath. You manipulate it. That controlled breath creates a focus in your mind of intention. What you choose to sing will become Intention. Intention, fueled with continuous deep breaths, becomes easy to manifest into action.
This is our Magic.
Choose your Intention.
Find the Music that will empower that Intention.
Sing that Music often in Number to increase your Strength.
Reach out and find friends and allies to sing the same song.
You are not alone here. If you are reading this, there are others reading this as well. Find them. Connect with them. Make new alliances. Keep them active and connected to the daily reality of your personal world. Listen to and support their realities. Connect, Compare, and Combine as many common energies as you can to become Legion.
This is our Magic. Numbers Equal Strength.
We can be grateful:
We have our Breath
We have our Voices
We have our Numbers
We have our Strength
We have Our Hope. We have Our Hands.
This is our Magic.
Stay safe, Stay Smart, Stay Empowered. Help Others to Be So.
For more information about Alexander James Adams, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Alec’s sites on the web, check out Alexander James Adams’ page on Pagan Song.
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