A Ritual offering from Roki, the Kreaurabbit
Another season changes, and my Crow friends are all a-flurry with fall rituals and activities. As usual, they make me giggle (i.e. twitch my nose happily) at their human naiveté. Yes, you should celebrate with a fall ritual, but all this singing and making muffins and dolls and tying feathers on twigs is way too complicated.
Let try a bunny-style ritual for fall.
Items you will need for the Rabbit Fall Ritual
- Apple (Honeycrisp preferred, you can keep those tart Smiths, Granny)
- A fur coat (your own—DO NOT steal someone else’s)
- Plenty of room to hop around

Circling for your Fall Ritual
First, hop joyfully out of your cage and relish the cool fall weather.
Wait, you don’t have a cage? What stops you from chewing on the carpet when no one’s looking?
Never mind. Pretend you have a cage and you’ve been lying down in it, stretched as long as you can get to get the maximum air circulating on your flesh to combat the summer heat. It’s the hottest summer in years, and you have a fur coat you can’t take off. Now the window opens and a cool breeze wafts in.

Fall’s here!!!
Whatever joyful hopping that would inspire in you, do it now.
Next, run a victory lap as fast as you possibly can, drawing a circle on the ground with your feet. When you get back to where you started, shake your head and flap your ears while you kick your feet in the air and turn 90 degrees to the side. You might want to practice this move beforehand and make sure the furniture is out of the way.
Give the floor a nice thump for good measure.
The Crow Women like to talk about harvesting in the fall. Reaping what you’ve sown and all that business. So, after you’ve made your circle, take some time to revisit the projects of the summer.
There’s that cardboard box you shredded in the office. (Mom took it away weeks ago, but you can still find the little scraps she missed tucked up beside the legs of the computer desk.)
Oh, then there’s the pile of hay in the corner of the cage that you packed down just right to make it comfy to sit in while you eat.
Don’t forget to go and check out the patch of carpet you chewed bare next to the pile of home remodeling materials in the front room. Mom still hasn’t found that yet. She’s going to be so proud of your remodeling efforts, too!
Take a minute to be proud of all you’ve accomplished over the past few months. If you’re like me, you’ve been such a good rabbit. At least, that’s what everyone tells you.
Enjoying the bounty of fall
It’s probably time to give yourself a bath now. After all, it must have been a good ten minutes since the last time you cleaned. Make sure you get behind your ears and between your back toes. Your tongue does a good job of getting into the nooks and crannies, but your back feet can be helpful with some of the hard to reach spots.

Once you are good and purified, eat some apple.
No, the apple doesn’t Rep Resent anything. Don’t resent the apple, just eat it! Because it’s fall and there’s lots of apples and they taste good. You really don’t understand this ritual business, do you?

That was a fabulous blog!! I loved it. Bunny power!