Well, what do you know, the Pagan Song blog is now 5 years old! Pagan Song: Music for your Magic started out as a band site for the Crow Women. We began publishing in February of 2019. At the end of the first year, I wrote a post reviewing what we had done in our launch year, which you can read here. I did the same after year two in this post. We had a lively blog going, with articles by ten of the members of Crow Women pagan choir, all writing about the magic of pagan music; our own and that of other pagan musicians.
Then, things really changed. My review of year three details these developments. We started inviting other pagan bands to write for the Pagan Song blog. We added eight bands that year. We began to pivot from a fan site for the Crowz to being a blog about the pagan music scene, written by musicians active in the pagan music scene.
Now, another two years have gone by and the Pagan Song blog has become quite the meeting place for pagan musicians and people who love pagan music. That’s really something worth celebrating!

The Pagan Song chorus of voices
Here’s a little rundown of who our authors are and when they joined us. You can click on a name to go to their author page here on Pagan Song, where you can read their bio, find links to their online platforms, and see all their articles gathered conveniently together at the bottom of their author page.
- Year 1 (Feb 2019 – Feb 2020): Just the Crow Women
- Year 2 (Feb 2020 – Feb 2021): We added our resident astrologer Jon DeerCrow
- Year 3 (Feb 2021 – Feb 2022): We were joined by guest bloggers Rick Hamouris, Jenna Greene, Louis Garou, Kellianna, Mama Gina, Sharon Knight, Wendy Rule, Ariana Lightningstorm and Celia Farran
- Year 4 (Feb 2022 – Feb 2023): We added the bloggers Alexander James Adams, Spiral Rhythm, Adrienne Piggot, Phil Kessler, George Nicholas, Krista Chapman Green, Arthur Hinds, Christopher Bingham, Alexian and Brian Henke
- Year 5 (Feb 2023 – Feb 2024): A few more writers joined the project: Ginger Ackley, Lone Wolf, and Lynda Millard
The members of Crow Women still offer a post from time to time, but our diverse and talented tribe of pagan musicians create most of our articles now. A writer can publish up to four posts a year. Some authors step away for a time, due to life stuff or because they’re busy getting a new album together, then resurface when they have news to share with you, our readers. It ebbs and flows. We hope you enjoy opening our weekly blog post and seeing whose turn it is to share some pagan music with you.

Popular Posts
Our website has had over 135,000 views. We grow more popular each year. Here are the ten most viewed posts. They’re all excellent, check them out:
- Chants for Winter Solstice rituals
- Honoring the Horned God
- Ritual to Celebrate the Crone: Ending Menopause
- Sacred Dance in Pagan Practice
- A Ritual for Blessing Magical Tools
- Handparting: A Pagan Separation Ritual
- Songs to Brighid for Imbolc
- We Are a Circle
- Moon Goddess Magic: A Singing Ritual
- Ancient Goddesses, Grandmothers and Crones
It’s clear that the posts that continue to get a lot of hits as the years go by are the ones that have been featured on other websites, on Facebook feeds, on Reddit, and so on. If you like a post, please make a point of sharing it! We’ve published 294 posts as of today, and they all remain accessible on the website for as long as this website shall live.

Crow Women news
The Pagan Song blog started as a fan website for Crow Women and continues to be the little corner of the interwebs where you can find news about the band. Here’s what we’ve been up to since my last report two years ago.
Best Pagan Band of 2023
The Crow Women were voted the “Best Pagan Band of 2023” in the International Pagan Music Association awards. Alane traveled to the Starwood festival to accept the award. You can see the wonderful crystal trophy in the photo at the top of this section. (Deb is kissing it.) Not only was it pretty exciting to win, we also got invited to do several interviews. It was a lovely opportunity to share the story of our beloved band. We’ve been together for 30 years, have released three albums, and have offered this website to the world. It felt good to be recognized by our peers and fans.
New Music Coming to You Soon
We’ve continued to work steadily on our upcoming 4th album. The working title is Pantheon. We have 22 tracks, all in various stages in the pipeline, from a few songs we’re getting ready to record over the next few months, to a bunch that are recorded and being mixed, to a few that are totally complete. The album should be out late in 2024 or sometime in 2025. It’s about the many faces of the divine: goddesses, gods, sacred beings, as well as the sacred within ourselves.
The Red Album
The Crow Women were honored to be part of the pro-choice project The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. Our song is called How Dare You! Usually, our songs are written by one woman in the band, but this time we collaborated. It was interesting to mesh the ideas of 6 women into one piece of music. But, we are all passionate about abortion rights, and all really wanted to be part of our contribution to The Red Album. You can read all about our process in this blog post. Of the 19 bands that have a song on The Red Album, 11 write for the Pagan Song blog. You can find out more about the project and find links to articles about it published here on Pagan Song, on The Red Album page that we host on this website.

Looking Ahead
It’s our intention to keep bringing you an article about pagan music each week. We’ve been here 5 years, why not go for more? It’s been a real pleasure to interact with all of our authors. Their styles vary, but all share a concern for the sacred earth, for social justice, and for incorporating the magic of the Old Ways into their music and their lives. We have room for just a few more writers who are popular musicians in the pagan music scene, or are one of the founders who got pagan music rolling in decades past. If there’s someone you’d love to hear from on Pagan Song, send us a message with your suggestion.
I (Alane) do all of the administration of this website. I’d like to share the glory (and work). I’m looking for some team members to help out. If you’re interested, get in touch through the Contact page.
Running this site doesn’t make money. We pay our authors for their posts, and of course it costs moola to pay the hosting expenses and so on. Our main source of income is our Patreon club. It’s been open for almost a year. If you enjoy this blog, the best way to support it is to become a patron. That would be very much appreciated! We’re at https://www.patreon.com/pagansong
I’ll be back in a few years with another recap. We are so very glad to have you as a reader of this blog. Stay tuned for many more articles about music for your magic.
Happy 5th birthday to the Pagan Song blog!

For more information about the Crow Women pagan choir, and access to all the blog posts by Alane and the other 9 crowsingers who have written for Pagan Song, you can visit the Crow Women author page here on Pagan Song.
cover photo of 5 “Happy” candles by Annie Spratt
Please subscribe to the Pagan Song blog, to receive our blog post each week. Don’t miss any of the musical magic!
Visit our homepage to see the full list of the musicians who write for the Pagan Song blog.
Pagan Song has a fan club on Patreon. Join for as little as $3 a month for exclusive features! Click for info.
It’s been a pleasure, a magical experence, a stretch of all our abilities and talents. Great job, Alane, for the inception, nurturing and maintaining of this website. Your vision has added a welcome contribution to the Pagan community!